Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1034 Position

The words of Rufus Scrimgeour, the official head of Auror Command, caused the Auror Office to fall into silence.

Fudge, including Sirius and Kingsley, all looked at Scrimgeour in amazement, with disbelief in their eyes.

Except for Dalishi, everyone present had a certain political sense.

Scrimgeour's fair words might not be a big problem under normal circumstances, but in this tit-for-tat situation, he stood up and said such words, the meaning of which is definitely not simple!
After Scrimgeour spoke, Sirius felt the pressure on him lift. He exchanged a look with Kingsley without saying a word, and the two of them held their breath in tacit understanding.


However, Dawlish, who firmly stood on the same side as the Minister of Magic, could not bear this kind of torture. He looked at Fudge who was silent and asked tentatively,
"Would you like to seriously consider whether it is appropriate to gather people to capture Amosta Blaine now?"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone in the office who was not on the same page as the Minister of Magic almost laughed out loud, and even Fudge himself immediately turned his murderous gaze from Scrimgeour to Derek.

Fudge's sinister voice was enough to give people nightmares.
"Dawlish, are you going to betray me too?"


Dawlish said blankly and confusedly,

"Oh, of course not. I. Uh, but, the reason for arresting Brian."

In fact, Dawlish had no intention of backstabbing the Minister of Magic, but leading his men to arrest Amos Towers Blaine by force did make him feel very stressed, so he asked this question.

"No one is going to betray you, Cornelius."

At this moment, a sudden commotion outside the door attracted everyone's attention.

Ms. Bones suddenly came out from behind the oak door with a serious look.
"They disagree with you because they can't find any law to support your order."

Ms. Bones came up to Foley and looked at him intently.
"The Minister of Magic has great power, Cornelius, but that doesn't mean you have the right to do whatever you want and arrest a resident who has made outstanding contributions to the British wizarding world and has not violated any laws!"

Sirius and Kingsley looked at the solemn Ms. Bones with respect, and Scrimgeour nodded slightly to her.

Because they didn't dare to say to Fudge's face that many of his current actions were misbehaving.

Fudge couldn't help but squint his eyes slightly at the powerful momentum coming towards him, but then he lowered his voice and gritted his teeth.

"That's easy for you to say, Amelia. You're not the one in this position, and you're not the one that Brian scolded. You don't understand at all."


Ms. Bones sighed and interrupted Fudge.
"We have discussed our different philosophies many times, and now that we are talking about your arrest of Amosta, I must remind you--"

Mrs. Bones stared at Fudge sharply.

"First of all, let's not talk about whether such behavior is legal. The third Triwizard Tournament is about to be held. The eyes of the whole of Europe are focused here. The previous chaos has made us the laughing stock of the European magic world. Do you plan to have such an accident again?"

Fudge was speechless, horrified.

What he was worried about was not that without Blaine, the third match of the Triwizard Tournament would not be held, but——
Fudge looked around, his eyes passing over the faces of Bones, Sirius, Kingsley and even Scrimgeour. Except for Dawlish, all the people in the Auror's office stood against him.

Does that mean he was sidelined?
Fudge's face turned pale and he twisted his back nervously, which was covered in cold sweat.

"--In view of the current tense atmosphere between the ministry and Amosta, I think it is necessary to have a frank dialogue."

Mrs Bones said,

"If you're willing, Connelly, I can negotiate with Amosta to hold an internal negotiation meeting after the third Triwizard Tournament."

Sirius's mouth twisted, his eyes looking quite disapproving.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Mrs. Bones's move was futile, because the conflicts and gaps between Hogwarts and the Minister of Magic were already unbridgeable.

Unless one party completely gives up and leaves.

"Then let's do it."

To the surprise of several other people in the office, Fudge actually agreed.

He looked coldly at Mrs. Bones, who was sincere, and said, "After the Triwizard Tournament, I will talk to Brian. Come on, Dawlish, come with me."

After saying this, Fudge strode out of the Auror office, leading the still confused Dawlish.

There was a commotion among the people outside who were unable to evacuate in time, but the solemn atmosphere in the office did not relax even though the minister retreated.

"Is Fudge really still willing to negotiate with Amosta?"

Sirius said in surprise, but just as he said this, Kingsley, who was standing beside him, touched his arm secretly.

Sirius immediately understood and glanced at Scrimgeour warily, then kept silent.

"This is a delaying tactic,"

Scrimgeour pretended not to notice Kingsley's little move and Sirius's distrustful look, and turned to look at Mrs. Bones, who was brows lowered and silent, and said in a calm tone,
"You probably know, ma'am, that the Minister is unlikely to give in to Blaine and Dumbledore. He agreed to your proposal only because he wanted to buy time."

"Delaying for time?"

Sirius frowned and blurted out,

"for what?"

"To find a suitable reason to put Amosta in Azkaban."

Kingsley said, looking at Scrimgeour with confusion and surprise.

Scrimgeour had always been on the side of the Minister of Magic, but his two speeches today clearly showed that his position seemed to have changed.
Since Dawlish's "Jane in the Emperor's Heart", Scrimgeour has been on the bench for a long time.
What prompted him to decide to part ways with the Minister of Magic and move closer to Mrs. Bones.

If even Kingsley can see through it, there is no reason why Mrs. Bones, who has better political wisdom, cannot see through it.

She hid her surprise very well, her mind racing, and smiled at Scrimgeour, who still had his usual cold expression.
"What do you think the Minister took Dawlish with him to do, Rufus?"

This was a test, and Kingsley, who was watching silently, immediately realized this. Mrs. Bones was testing whether Scrimgeour was willing to change his mind.

Under Mrs. Bones' gentle gaze, Scrimgeour's eyebrows and heart jumped, and he fell into a brief silence, but soon, a sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.
"Needless to say, ma'am? The Minister must have taken Dawlish to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries to discuss countermeasures with Madam Umbridge."

"I thought so—"

Mrs. Bones smiled pleasantly.
"So, could you do me a favor, Rufus?"

After a moment of hesitation, Scrimgeour nodded.

"How can I help you, ma'am?"

"I think it would be necessary for Amosta to know what happened in this office this morning. Would you mind writing to tell him the details?"

Even Sirius, who was not very good at guessing, could see the purpose of Mrs. Bones's action. He looked at Scrimgeour with curiosity and nervousness.

However, this time, Scrimgeour did not keep everyone waiting too long.

"Of course no problem, ma'am."

Rufus Scrimgeour said calmly.

So, just two hours later, Amosta, who was in Hogwarts, had received a letter from Scrimgeour.

There was another letter that arrived at the same time, and it was from Sirius.

Comparing the two letters, Amosta easily understood what had happened. At the same time, he guessed why Amelia asked Scrimgeour to write this letter.

Looking at the azure blue sky, Amosta revealed an unfathomable smile.

Fudge and Umbridge probably decided to have it all out after the Triwizard Tournament.

What they will do is something that doesn't need to be considered. (End of this chapter)

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