Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1035: Something More Important Than Victory

Chapter 1035: Something More Important Than Victory
Amosta withdrew his gaze from the sapphire blue sky, walked to his desk, picked up a thick stack of parchment, and then walked out of his office.

One week before the Triwizard Tournament, on Friday morning, it was time to brief his students about the competition.

Ten minutes later, Amosta arrived at the physical education classroom, and the students were looking forward to seeing him as usual.

Amosta did not call to greet the students. His bright eyes swept across the faces of every little wizard, as if he was missing something.

His different attitude from usual immediately caught the attention of these perceptive students.

Looking at Professor Brains who had a sentimental look on his face, Harry opened his mouth and subconsciously looked at Hermione, but what he saw was a sad face.

His heart skipped a beat, and Harry immediately realized that his guess was correct. He also felt a sour sensation at the tip of his nose.

"Good morning, everyone—"

After all, these were the first batch of physical education students I taught, and now that I have to say goodbye to them, it is inevitable that I feel a little sad.

But Amosta quickly controlled his emotions and smiled gently at the students.

The voices greeting him from the bottom of the classroom were more orderly and louder than usual.


Amosta placed a pile of parchment on the desk and cleared his throat.
"We won't have class this period, let's talk about something else. First of all, Ms. Granger, Mr. Cedric, please step out."

Hermione was listening intently to what Professor Brain was about to say, but she didn't expect to be called suddenly. After a small exclamation, she hurriedly squeezed past Fred and George in front of her and came to the front of the crowd.

Cedric also left Qiu Zhang in a daze and stood in the front of the crowd.

"That's it—"

Amosta said to two slightly nervous students,
"You two have surely not forgotten that next Thursday will be the final game of the Triwizard Tournament?"

"Of course, Professor Brains!" Hermione's voice suddenly became sharp.

"Yes, Professor Blaine."

Cedric said in a tense voice as he followed Hermione.

The students who were immersed in sadness immediately became interested and looked at Professor Brian with burning eyes.

"That's good,"

Professor Brain smiled and nodded. He looked at Cedric, who was almost as tall as himself, and Hermione, whose figure was becoming more graceful and taller.

"Because I have other things to tell the rest of you, so to make a long story short - the challenge you will face in the third game is very daunting, and I'm afraid there is no hope of winning if you fight alone.

So, in the game mechanism I designed, each warrior can have two teammates. "

Like an unexpected explosion, the PE classroom was suddenly filled with noise and discussion.

The two warriors, Hermione and Cedric, looked at each other, not knowing whether to be surprised or horrified.

In the first two games, they faced vicious fire dragons and the terrifying environment under the Black Lake, both of which were huge tests for their magical attainments and courage.

The third game, the finale, was designed by Professor Brian, who is always full of ideas. I think the difficulty must be extremely exaggerated. This is what the four warriors expected.

But Professor Brian actually allowed them to look for teammates. Does this mean that the difficulty will be even greater than they expected?
"Professor Blaine—"

Hermione raised her hand nervously.

"What are the criteria for selecting teammates?"

The little wizards immediately pricked up their ears and looked eagerly at Professor Brian at the front of the classroom.

Ever since the school announced that it would hold the Triwizard Tournament at the beginning of this school year, there has not been a single young wizard who has not fantasized in his or her heart about becoming a warrior in the tournament, fighting hard on the field, and winning glory for the school.

However, the reality is 'cruel'.

Only three warriors will be selected. Of course, due to some accidents, four warriors appeared in the competition, but most people do not have Hermione's "luck" and cannot enjoy this surprise. They can only watch helplessly as a spectator in the audience.

And now, because of Professor Brian's wise decision, they may have the opportunity to play. Many young wizards, mainly those from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, inevitably fell into excitement.

"There are no standards, Miss Granger—"

Amosta smiled and said,
"As long as he is a little wizard from our school."

Harry's heart leaped into his throat after Professor Brain's words, and his green eyes were red with excitement.
This means that the age limit of the Triwizard Tournament is not an obstacle to becoming a warrior teammate. He may indeed become Hermione's teammate in the Tournament and face challenges with her? !

"Hey, Scarlet!"

Fred immediately turned around and glared at Harry with gritted teeth.

"We're willing to pay fifty Galleons for the chance to play. How about that? Deal?"


Harry grinned and gave an extremely firm answer.

"Sixty dollars at most. We promise not to default on your payment!"

George glared at Harry indignantly.

"I advise you not to be ungrateful, Scarboy!"

But Harry still gave a definite refusal.

What a joke! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Even if he was offered a carriage full of gold, Harry would not give it up.

"As long as the little wizards in our school are OK."

Hermione fell into a trance for a moment, but then she asked excitedly,
"Does this mean that the teammates we choose don't necessarily have to be classmates from physical education class, Professor Brian?"

"Oh, of course, Miss Granger—"

Amosta smiled happily,

"I've already said it, haven't I? We only need wizards from our school. If you like, you can find two first-year wizards and I won't object."

Professor Brain's answer just now made Harry's heart almost jump out of his chest with excitement, and this time his response to Hermione's question made Harry's brain beat even more.

He simply couldn't believe that such a good thing could happen!
"I think you two have figured it out,"

Looking at the two warriors whose breathing became rapid, Amosta said gently,

"Then please tell me the names of your respective teammates. Sorry, I don't have much time to think about it. You need to tell me the answer now."

The classroom, which had been bustling just now, returned to silence again. The little wizards below all fixed their eyes on Hermione and Cedric, eager to hear their answers.

Hermione turned her head and looked at the Gryffindor team
The Weasleys: Fred and George and Ginny;

Her roommates in the dorm: Parvati Patil;
Some of the heroic girls on the Gryffindor team: Angelina Johnson, Arya Spinnet, Katie Bell.

A few days ago, she and he defeated Neville Longbottom, that extremely hateful senior official of the Ministry of Magic.

These were her best friends in Gryffindor.

From the eager looks they cast at her, Hermione seemed to be able to hear their thoughts.

After watching the dangerous first two games, they were not scared, but expected to fight with her on the field. Of course, it is not ruled out that they all wanted to stand out, but this support still made Hermione very happy and moved.

But in the end, she could only find two teammates for herself and couldn't bring everyone on the court.

Hermione's eyes showed an apologetic look to each person she passed. Finally, her gaze fixed on Harry who was looking at her with a smile.

After giving Harry an unpleasant look, Hermione smiled warmly, then turned to look at Professor Braine who was waiting to hear the answer.

Winning or losing is not the most important thing. Being able to fight side by side with your best friends means more than winning the Three-Gun Championship.

"I've thought about it, Professor Braine--"

Hermione said with a slight tremor in her voice.

"Who is it, Miss Granger?"

Amosta smiled and asked knowingly.

"Harry Potter and Ron Weasley--"

Hermione took a deep breath and told everyone the choice she made without much thought.

(End of this chapter)

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