Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1036 The True Meaning of Love

Chapter 1036 The True Meaning of Love

Hermione made her choice so that everyone in the classroom could hear it.

This was not a surprising answer, as all the students in Gryffindor's class knew that Harry, Ron and Hermione were best friends.

When they were in the lower grades, the three of them were inseparable. It was only after they entered the higher grades that they would occasionally not play together because their class schedules were not completely compatible.

However, even so, some people still sighed in disappointment, such as Neville and Ginny.
"Harry Potter and Ron Weasley--"

Amosta nodded to Hermione.

"It's confirmed, isn't it, Miss Granger?"

After receiving Hermione's affirmative reply, Amosta turned to look at Cedric.
"So, what's your choice, Mr. Diggory?"

Compared to Hermione who made a quick choice, Cedric seemed much more hesitant.

He looked at the Hufflepuff team below the classroom, his eyes wandering back and forth among those eager faces, unable to make up his mind.

Currently, the main team of Hufflepuff students participating in physical education classes are all from the younger grades than him. Although they are all familiar with each other, they have not reached the level where they can trust each other.

Of course, he could also choose his friends at school like Hermione did, not necessarily his classmates in physical education class.

However, the skills of his friends were not particularly high, and whether the success of their Iron Armor Spell could be achieved depended on luck.

The Triwizard Tournament is no joke, and bringing them onto the field would undoubtedly be irresponsible to them.

And his teammates in the physical education class
After hesitating for a while, Cedric finally set his sights on his girlfriend, Cho Zhang from Ravenclaw.

Just like Harry, Qiu Zhang seemed to have expected this, but when Cedric's eyes really fell on her, her breathing became uncontrollably disordered.

"Professor Blaine"

Cedric gritted his teeth.

"I want to talk to Qiu Zhang first, is that okay?"

"Of course not, Mr. Diggory."

Amosta raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

So, under the teasing gazes of many young wizards, Cedric pulled Qiu Zhang, whose cheeks were as red as a ripe apple, out of the crowd. The two of them ran to the back corner of the classroom, turned their backs to the classmates, and started biting each other's ears.


Looking at Qiu Zhang's eyes that were as lively as the silhouette of Qiu Shui, Cedric's heart was beating violently. He took Qiu Zhang's hand and asked in a low voice,
"If I want you to join me in the competition."

Qiu Zhangchunche's eyes were misty, she bit her delicate lips gently, almost melting in Cedric's loving eyes.

"Of course I do. Sede——"

Qiu Zhang's voice was as low as a mosquito. However, after she gave her reply, the light in Cedric's eyes suddenly tightened, which made Qiu Zhang's heart jump.
"What's wrong, Ced?"

As lovers who know and love each other, Qiu Zhang could not fail to see that Cedric was carrying a huge burden in his heart.


Cedric opened his mouth and stopped prophesying.

Qiu Zhang's eyes flickered a few times, and she immediately guessed what her boyfriend was thinking.
"You're worried about me, aren't you, Syd?"

Qiu Zhang showed a gentle smile,

"I was worried that I might be in danger during the game."

"I have no idea."

Cedric seemed to have caught a bad cold all of a sudden, his voice was muffled, he clenched Qiu Zhang's hand in his palm,

"I'm not sure. But you know, the first game was against a dragon, and something went wrong in the second game. Hermione, Harry and the others claimed to have encountered a mysterious man."

Speaking of this, Cedric shivered violently, and fear appeared on his handsome face.
"The headmaster of Durmstrang. And Mr. Barty Crouch. They all - the third game must be difficult, right? Otherwise, Professor Brain would not let us lead our teammates."

"As long as I can help you, I'll..."

"I know, of course I know—"

Cedric's worried expression made it seem as if Qiu Zhang was bound to encounter misfortune in the competition.
In fact, since the second game, Cedric was often awakened by the misfortune that almost happened when he went to sleep late at night.

If he had not been the first to rescue Qiu Zhang from the lake in the second game, Qiu Zhang might have been taken out of the school with Harry and the others. Although Professor Brain prepared competition uniforms for them, that could not avoid all risks, right? And now, in the third game, he was going to take the initiative to bring his beloved girl into danger again.

This was not what Cedric wanted, but the thought of him and Qiu Zhang fighting side by side on the field was very tempting.

Gazing at her boyfriend who was standing so close to her, with his eyes sometimes conflicted and sometimes free, Qiu Zhang suddenly had an epiphany.

Obviously her presence has become a serious burden to Cedric.
"You want to win, right, Syd?"

Qiu Zhang's charming eyes flashed with the gentleness and wisdom bestowed upon her by her unique oriental blood, and she asked gently.

"Victory, oh, of course!"

Cedric said without hesitation, but then he blinked in confusion.
"But so what, Qiu, all warriors dream of winning, right?"

Qiu smiled. She pulled her hand out of Cedric's palm and held Cedric's slightly cold hand instead.

"I already know how to make the choice, Sede."

"Who do you think that silly pretty boy will choose as his teammate?"

Hermione, who had returned to the Gryffindor team, glared at George in dissatisfaction.

"Cedric is also a champion of Hogwarts. You shouldn't say that about him."

"Ah, yes, noble lady warrior--"

George lazily said something to Hermione, then turned to look at Harry with great interest.

"Want to play again, Harry?"

"You guys are determined to win back the money that stupid toad from the Ministry of Magic lost to me when he was teased by Hermione and the others, right?"

Harry rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested this time."

Regardless of the twins' sarcasm towards him, Harry stared at the emotional couple in the corner. No matter what, he still felt a little lonely in his heart.

"Cedric looks a little surprised?"

Neville speculated with great interest.

"I guess Qiu Zhang suggested some outrageous teammates to him, and they discussed it."

Looking at Cedric and Qiu Zhang trotting towards him hand in hand, Amosta smiled gently again.

"Have you discussed this?"

Amosta asked, but in fact, he had already "heard" their choice. It was not eavesdropping, but all the movements in this classroom were difficult to hide from his ears and eyes.

Cedric swallowed his saliva and nodded with difficulty. Before he gave his answer, he glanced at Qiu Zhang, and he took a deep breath, reading encouragement from the eyes of the girl he loved deeply.

"It's chosen, Professor Blaine, yes."

Cedric turned his head and his eyes fell on the two teammates that Qiu Zhang had given him advice. As expected, one of the two people he locked his eyes on showed confusion and shock, while the other one did not respond to his gaze at all. She was looking up at the ceiling in a silly way, as if she was counting stars.
"Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood!"

There was silence for a moment, and the little wizards were all immersed in their inner surprise!

"Oh, are you kidding?"

Fred was the first to show an exaggerated expression of surprise.

"Where do you get such a good brain, Cedric!"

There was a sudden uproar in the classroom. Harry was patting the dazed Neville's arm. On the other side, Luna was surrounded by several Ravenclaw students to congratulate her.

"Cedric, Neville and Luna—"

Hermione pursed her lips and gave Qiu Zhang a respectful smile.
"There is no doubt that they will be the toughest opponents."

The noise was quickly reduced by a few coughs coming from the front.

Amosta said with a smile on his face and a brisk voice,
"Hermione Granger picked Harry Potter and Ron Weasley; Cedric Diggory picked Neville Lombard and Luna Lovegood. Great! I hope you can fully trust your teammates in the next games, as well."

Professor Brain's meaningful gaze stunned Hermione.
"Your opponents have been dealt with. Now, please ask the two warriors and the teammates you have chosen to leave the physical education classroom. In the following time, I will talk to the remaining students about the final exams."

(End of this chapter)

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