Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1046: Frustrated on the Journey

The condition for winning is to get more badges.
What you mean is, keep the badge in your hand safe, and then steal other people's badges?
Viktor, Fleur, Cedric and Hermione subconsciously clenched the badges in their hands.

The rules sound simple, but they are not that easy.

"It seems you all understand."

Professor Brian didn't seem to intend to give any more explanations. He glanced at the watch on his hand.
"There are still ten minutes left. You can discuss tactics briefly. When the time is up, Mr. Bagman will issue the order."

Harry raised his hands, hesitating.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that."

Before Harry could say anything, Amosta understood first.

"All the props you can use are your wands and the things you find in the Forbidden Forest. Other magical items are prohibited in this contest."

Hearing this, Harry's face suddenly drooped.

Now, people began to enter the stands, hundreds of students filed in, and the air was filled with excited voices and the sound of footsteps.

The sky was a clear blue, without a single cloud floating above their heads, which at least meant that the possibility of rain today was not very high.

Harry saw Sirius, Remus, the Weasleys, and Amelia, all walking up to the stage.

He thought Sirius would say hello to him, but in the end, Sirius was just communicating with Amelia eagerly and forgot to look at him.

Watching this scene, a subtle feeling emerged from Harry's heart.

After the students took their seats, some faculty members walked up to the podium - Professor Snape, Professor Victor, Madam Hooch and others, each holding a broomstick.

"We'll patrol the sky above the Forbidden Forest."

Madam Hooch said to all the contestants,

"If you can't hold on and decide to give up the game, then use your wands to shoot red sparks into the sky, and we will come to save you in time, understand?"

The participating young wizards all nodded, and Ron's calves went weak when he caught a glimpse of Madam Pomfrey and several therapists from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries standing next to several stretchers and sorting medicine boxes with a serious expression on their faces.

Judging from the rule that Professor Brian mentioned, fighting with other warrior groups is inevitable, so at least getting injured is inevitable.

Suddenly, a sharp and piercing sound suppressed the noise in the audience.

People immediately looked in the direction of the sound and discovered that the four large screens standing at the edge of the forbidden forest began to light up from darkness.

Black words appeared on the white screen:

Cedric Diggory: 41 points.

Fleur Delacour: 40 points.

Viktor Krum: 41 points.

Hermione Granger: 42 points.

These are the scores of the four warriors after the first round of games. Due to an accident in the second round, the results were invalidated, so the warriors' scores did not change.

The four players' scores are very close, which means who will win the final game depends on the result of this game.

Several surveillance cameras suddenly flew in from the border of the Forbidden Forest and hovered in mid-air, with the focus of the lenses aimed at the warriors and their teammates on the podium who were waiting for instructions.

The scores on the big screen disappeared, and each Warriors team occupied a big screen image.

The sudden cheers that erupted at the scene were earth-shaking. In the dark green woods, a large group of frightened birds flapped their wings and flew quickly along the treetops, heading deeper into the forbidden forest.

No one except Wikdom could remain completely calm when seeing their faces appear on the big screen.

Even Hermione, Cedric and Fleur, who had already experienced two competitions, could not do it.

Because during the first game, the big screen was set up outside the stadium, and they couldn't see it at all as they were playing against the fire dragon inside the stadium. And the second round of the game was held underwater, and the live broadcast couldn't see them at all. This was the first time since the championship that they realized that their every move was being watched by thousands of people.

"This is crazy. The whole European wizarding world is watching."

Ron said with a pale face, and within a second, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Be careful, Ron, we're being broadcast live!"

Hermione reminded quickly, but her face was still extremely pale.

"Now!" Ludo, who was off the bench, stood up excitedly. He pointed his wand at his throat and said "loud voice". Then, his voice, amplified by magic, echoed in the stands.
"Warriors, please take your positions!"

Amidst another round of earth-shaking cheers, the twelve little wizards walked down the stairs from the podium and hurriedly ran past a group of goblins who were maintaining the equipment. After hesitating for a while in front of the big screen, four warriors led the team to choose a stone door and quickly ran to the door to wait for the next instruction.

Hermione, Harry and Ron stood in front of the stone door on the far right. The doorway in front of them was not closed by anything and was empty. However, behind the doorway seemed to be a completely enclosed corridor without any lighting and was pitch black.

But when Harry stretched his head and looked through the doorpost at the back of the door, he saw a completely normal forest.

"Now, I ask all warriors to get ready"

Ludo Bagman's voice sounded again, and Harry quickly stopped his wandering thoughts. He took a deep breath and looked back at the competition stage.

At this distance, Sirius and the others' faces were almost invisible. Harry could only vaguely see that they were waving at him.

Ron was still muttering in a low voice with a pale face: Crazy, crazy
Hermione, who had experience in competitions, was trying to regulate her breathing. It was obvious that the finals made her nervous.

Harry turned his head to look at Neville, Luna and Cedric, and found that they were just standing there, not communicating at all.

It seems that everyone is the same
Harry felt better at this discovery, and he let out a long breath, and then -

A sharp, short voice rang in Harry's ears.

"The third game of the Triwizard Tournament begins. Warriors, please enter!"

Mr. Bagman's voice was still echoing in the air, and a loud collective cheer rustled the leaves in front of Harry—
"let's go!"

Hermione said in a voice much sharper than usual, and then stepped through the door.

Harry and Ron didn't have time to observe what was happening with the other groups of warriors, so they hurried to catch up.

The moment they stepped through the door, the deafening noise outside suddenly disappeared, and the only sound in the dark corridor was the clenched breathing of the three people.

This sudden change made Hermione freeze in place. She turned around quickly and could indeed see Harry and Ron behind her, but the door that had just brought them in had disappeared.

The three people are now in an absolutely dark space, as if it is the outer space of the universe, and there are abysses everywhere that are ready to devour anyone!
"What's going on?"

The three of them seemed to be the only things that glowed in the dark abyss, allowing them to see each other, but other than that, everything else was invisible.

"Where are we? Where has everyone gone?"

Ron asked stutteringly, fear causing the pupils of his eyes to shrink to the extreme.

"I don't know, Ron."

Hermione gasped.

The looming darkness around them made the three of them unconsciously lean against each other. They picked up their wands, emitting light, and held them in front of them, trying to see more clearly.

However, this was completely in vain, as their vision seemed to be blocked and they could not see anything.

"What should we do now? Is this a test, to find a way out?"

This kind of alternative fear is also a great test for Harry's nerves. It is as if he has been exiled from the world. Except for Hermione and Ron, the world has abandoned him!

"It seems so."

A huge feeling of helplessness filled Hermione's heart. This torture was different from facing a dragon or Voldemort. The fear was more pure, as if facing fear itself!

Hermione pointed her wand tremblingly at the ground, but still saw nothing. However, she touched it with her hand and found that the ground under her feet was smooth and solid.

Harry also carefully probed around with his toes and found that although the surroundings seemed to be a bottomless abyss, it was actually all normal ground.

This discovery made Hermione and the other two feel a little better.

"But we should go that way!"

Ron's voice, like a scream, echoed in the vast space.

Hermione pursed her lips and held her wand flat on her cane.
"Show me the way!"

The magic wand spun like a top and almost flew off.

In the eerie darkness, three pale faces looked at each other.

Despair is roaring.
(End of this chapter)

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