Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1045 Simple Competition Rules

Except for students participating in physical education classes, no one can truly feel the horror of fighting against classmates.

At one point during their gym training, they began working together as a team to fight against Professor Blaine.

That was in Professor Brian's spiritual world. Because the body would not really die or bleed, Professor Brian would never "pity" them.

Every student in this class has experienced being killed by Professor Brian's spell of 'one-hit kill'.

Over time, this gradually developed a ruthless style among the young wizards.

In the later encirclement and counter-encirclement training, they were ruthless to each other.

If Professor Brain asked them to conduct encirclement and counter-encirclement tests within the Forbidden Forest, Hermione was almost certain that there would be casualties in the competition!
There is also another point worth mentioning, that is, when conducting anti-encirclement and suppression training in Professor Brian's spiritual world, there seemed to be only one or two successful breakthroughs, and both occurred when the hunting party itself had trouble.

"You see, Hermione -"

Harry kept rubbing his fingers and said nervously,
"Should we wear two more competition uniforms so that we can provide ourselves with more protection?"

Harry, who had experienced terror and despair in the second game, was deeply impressed by the game uniforms that Professor Blaine had brought.

"This kind of competition uniform only has a one-time counteracting effect on special magic, Harry. In most cases, the protection it can provide is no better than your Shield Charm."

' said Hermione, and from the frown on her face Harry knew she was already thinking about how to break out of a siege if they were to practice it in the woods.

"Can the summoning spell be used?"

Ron, looking pale, suddenly said,

"If we had a broomstick, our chances would be much better, wouldn't they?"

Harry's eyes suddenly lit up, this was indeed a very good idea, if he could take his Firebolt into the Forbidden Forest, no one would be able to catch him!
"Hermione, is this possible?"

Harry asked urgently.

Ron's suggestion did make Hermione feel excited, but then she pursed her lips.
"I don't think it's likely, Harry."

Hermione thought.

"If that's the case, we can even put your invisibility cloak into the bag and use the summoning spell to get the bag into the Forbidden Forest. With the invisibility cloak, we will definitely win. But Professor Brain knows you have these, Harry, he can't let such a big omission."

The three of them seized the opportunity to discuss intensely, while Sirius, Remus, Mr. Weasley and others just smiled at the three young wizards who were having the pre-match meeting, keeping quiet and not disturbing them.

Five minutes before half past eight, Ludo Bagman from the Ministry of Magic appeared in the entrance hall, and upon seeing him, the four deans who were at the faculty table hurried over.

There was a whisper, and Professor McGonagall walked towards the Gryffindor table, while Professor Sprout walked towards the Hufflepuff table.

"Ms. Granger, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley,"

Professor McGonagall seemed to be trying hard to suppress her excitement, because for her, the most joyful thing was to see the little wizards of Gryffindor fight bravely and stand out in the arena. In the third game, with Neville, the appearance rate of little wizards of Gryffindor was the highest.

"Hurry up and go to the stadium. Amosta will tell you the specific content of the event a quarter of an hour before the game!"

Harry, Ron and Hermione got up from their stools, and after hurriedly saying goodbye to Sirius and the others, they rushed to the entrance hall like Cedric, Neville and Luna at the Hufflepuff table.

"and many more!"

But halfway through, Hermione suddenly stopped Harry and Ron.

"Bring some food, this fight might last all day!"

The three people came to their senses and rushed back to the dining table.

"Sorry, Colin, I have to take this!"

Harry pushed past Colin and his brother Dennis and snatched a wad of bread from them.

Ron also snatched the sausages and potato pies from the first-year wizards.

"Put it here!"

Without a school bag, Hermione could only roughly cut off a large piece of the tablecloth with the Cutting Charm, and then used a Transfiguration Charm that was very appreciated by McGonagall to turn the tablecloth into a backpack with straps. Their actions also inspired Cedric and the others who knew what they were facing, and they did the same as Hermione and the others.

Ludo did not interfere with the actions of the two groups of warriors, but just watched their absurd behavior with a smile.

"How about it, are you confident?"

After the six people came closer, Ludo looked at them and said with a smile, but no one responded to his question.

The four deans and other faculty members began to prevent the young wizards in the auditorium from forming a team and going to the stadium to watch the game, while the six participants followed Ludo to the Forbidden Forest and the border of the venue.

The magnificent viewing platform is a long arc facing the forbidden forest.

Harry saw that most of the guests who had been invited to watch the game were sitting behind the podium, and on the podium were Professors Braine and Dumbledore, as well as Madame Maxime of Beauxbatons and the new headmaster of Durmstrang, an old man who looked very decisive.

"For reasons we all know, there have been some minor changes to the refereeing staff."

Ludo's passionate voice reminded Harry of when he was commentating on Quidditch matches.

"--Vep Dregrn, like Amosta, is the vice president of the International Confederation of Wizards. He is also the new headmaster of Durmstrang. He replaced poor Karkaroff as the referee, and Amelia replaced old Barty. Alas, who would have thought that being a referee in this Triwizard Tournament would be more dangerous than being a warrior."

Ludo made a witty remark, but no one laughed.

They followed Ludo up the steel ladder on the side and onto the podium. When they came on stage, several headmasters and high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Magic who were happily discussing something stopped talking. Fleur, Viktor and their teammates who were standing at the side of the stage also came over immediately.

"I brought them here, Amosta--"

Ludo said happily,

"Now, you can announce the rules of the game."

Ludo's words immediately made the twelve little wizards who were looking at each other straighten their minds and look at the face with the smile that was as refreshing as spring breeze.

"Ah, thank you, Ludo. Then, everyone, please come closer."

Amosta waved to the twelve children, while Dumbledore and Ms. Bones beside him stepped back to make room for the warriors and their teammates.

"The rules are as follows—"

Amosta pointed to the four stone doors behind the steel columns supporting the four huge screens.

"After I announce the start of the competition, each warrior will lead his team through a door, and this door will teleport you to different areas of the Forbidden Forest."

A little boy who was about the same height and thin as Victor brought with him immediately shivered nervously and raised his hand.
"But I heard there are many ferocious beasts in that forest, Professor Blaine—"

"Please do not worry--"

Amosta smiled and said,
"I have communicated with the centaurs living in the Forbidden Forest, and some truly dangerous magical creatures have been expelled. During the competition, they will also patrol the periphery to ensure that particularly dangerous creatures do not break into the stadium. As for the rest, you can handle them."

So at least they don't have to fight the centaurs.
A thought flashed through Harry's mind, and suddenly he saw Professor Brain waved his wand, and four palm-sized objects suddenly appeared in the air and fell into the hands of Hermione, Cedric, Fleur and Viktor respectively.

Harry immediately looked at Hermione's open palm and found that it was a stone tablet about half an inch thick, with the Hogwarts emblem engraved on both sides. Cedric's thing was exactly the same as Hermione's, while Fleur and Viktor's tablets were engraved with the emblems of their respective schools.

"The rules of the game are relatively simple—"

Looking at the confused little wizards, Amosta smiled and said,

"Each team has one of these badges. They are indestructible, and the condition for winning is to get as many badges as possible. Do you understand?"

Harry nodded, but then shook his head. He looked at Hermione and found that there was also confusion in Hermione's eyes.

Then, Professor Brain waved his wand again, and four more objects fell out of the air -

They were about the size of parchment, square, and made of the same material as the blackboards used by professors in class. The color was also black, and the board was divided into small squares by crisscrossing transparent green lines.
"This is a map. After you enter the Forbidden Forest, it will display your real-time location every half an hour, but it will only last for half a minute before disappearing."

(End of this chapter)

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