Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1097 Dumbledore's Three Questions

Ripples of magic spread out, causing the chandelier that illuminated the narrow corridor at the entrance of the old house to creak and flicker.

Harry blinked hard, but before he could adjust to the darkness in Sirius's old house, a figure rushed towards him and grabbed his neck tightly.

"Oh, you're here Harry, how are you? We all heard about it. Did they do anything to you? The Ministry of Magic was really outrageous this time. It was totally illegal. They didn't produce any evidence. Words are not enough!"

As Harry listened to Hermione's somewhat messy words, a warm current dispelled the coldness that came from knowing that he was framed by the Minister of Magic himself.

"Oh, let him go, you're strangling her, Hermione."

Ron also walked out of the crowd. Harry looked at him and found that although Ron was still calm, his face was pale.

There were not just two people in the corridor. Except for Mr. Weasley and his two eldest sons, the entire Weasley family was here.

Everyone looked at him with worried eyes, especially Ginny, whose eyes could be described as heartbreaking.

"You all here?"

Amosta asked with some surprise, he was looking at the Weasley children.

"Oh, after you left last night, Arthur and I discussed it. Since the summer vacation is just a few days away and the exams are over, we brought them all here. Sirius also hopes that this place will be more lively--"

Mrs. Weasley said, and when Hermione let go of Harry, she quickly rushed over and gave Harry a hug.
"We were having breakfast when Arthur suddenly brought a message saying that the Minister of Magic announced that he had sent Aurors to arrest you. This is too outrageous of the Ministry. This kind of ridiculous thing has never happened before!"

Mrs. Weasley held Harry's face in her hands, her eyes full of pity.

"I bet you're terrified, aren't you?"


Harry finally got a chance to speak. He smiled at everyone.

"It's actually okay--"

But no one believed Harry's explanation. The authority of the Ministry of Magic was deeply rooted in people's hearts. How could an underage wizard not feel afraid when he was being chased by Aurors?

In particular, Harry has not completely escaped the storm, and he will face trial in more than 20 days.

"Why are you barefoot, Harry?"

Ginny noticed that Harry was barefoot and had nothing on, so she pointed that out.

"The Aurors arrived so suddenly—"

Being stared at by a group of people, Harry moved his toes awkwardly.

"I haven't had time yet. Oh, Sirius and the others will bring my luggage over shortly."

"But standing on the ground barefoot is not the right thing—"

Mrs. Weasley patted Harry on the head.
"I bet you didn't have time to eat breakfast. I'll go get you something to eat, dear. Your room with Ron is on the third floor. You can go to bed and wait for the luggage to come -"

Then, Mrs. Weasley looked at the smiling Amos Tower.

"Dumbledore is waiting for you in the kitchen, Amosta. Oh, I must say, I have never seen him so angry—"

"Thank you, Molly—"

Amosta nodded.

"I'll go see him right away."

With that, he left Harry's side and headed towards the kitchen at the end of the corridor leading to the basement.

The Weasleys hurriedly stepped aside to make way for him.

Fred quietly nudged George in the ribs with his elbow and signaled with his eyes that his brother should look at Professor Braine.

"Do I need you to remind me--"

George whispered, watching Professor Brain's back in awe as he disappeared into the basement.

"You guys accompany Harry upstairs!"

Mrs. Weasley glared at the twins.

"Don't say anything to scare him!"

"Oh, that's totally prejudice, Mom!" Fred grinned.

"We're just going to beat him up because he and Viktor tricked us in yesterday's game!"

Mrs. Weasley rolled her eyes at Fred, then followed him down the corridor into the basement.

"Come on, Harry, I'll show you to our rooms."

Ron said.

Harry had been to Sirius's house once before, and Sirius had taken him on a tour at that time, so there was nothing new about it.

A group of people rushed up to the third floor. On the way, Hermione introduced to Harry where they all lived.
"Ginny and I live on the second floor, Amelia also lives on this floor, Ron and your room is on the third floor, Fred and George and Mrs. Weasley live on the fourth floor.

There are two bedrooms on the fourth floor, which belong to Remus and Professor Blaine. Sirius lives on the fifth floor. But he is the only one on the fifth floor, and Sirius feels a bit bored, so he wants to move downstairs."

"Professor Blaine will be here during the summer vacation too?" Harry was surprised.

"Oh, Sirius said that Professor Brain used to live in that room and no one dared to touch it. It has always been his room."

Ron said to Harry as he pushed open the door.

The bedroom for two people that Sirius arranged was not small, but after two beds were placed there and six people rushed in, it seemed a bit crowded.

Hermione and Ginny took off their slippers and jumped directly onto the bed assigned to Harry, while Fred and George rudely occupied Ron's bed.

Ron was quick to grab an old single sofa in the room.

Several people stared at the barefoot Harry.

"What do you want to know?"

Harry rolled his eyes and could only stand barefoot.

"Don't play dumb, Harry!"

Ron's voice was tense.

"You know what we're going to ask!"

"Professor Braine fought with the Aurors, didn't he?"

Hermione's voice tightened.

"What's with the blood on his hands?"

"Who did he kill?"

George asked excitedly.

"The Auror's name is Dawlish."

Harry gave up struggling and leaned against the door and spoke slowly, but when he finished speaking, the whole room fell silent.

Everyone stared at Harry in shock. Hermione covered her mouth with a look of disbelief.

"Oh, he didn't kill anyone--"

Harry quickly explained,

“This is the situation”

"Molly said she's never seen you so angry—"

Amosta opened the door and saw Dumbledore, who was sitting at the head of the long table in his traveling cloak, and slowly sat down.

Light purple eyes reflected an expressionless face. In the airless basement kitchen, Dumbledore's silver beard swayed slightly, and his weather-beaten face was shaking. Amosita asked calmly,

"Is it directed at Fudge, or at me?"

Mrs. Weasley was not wrong.

Although Dumbledore had no expression, Amosita could indeed feel the raging anger in Dumbledore's heart. However, his strong self-control and cultivation allowed Dumbledore to suppress this anger.

It seems that the development of things has exceeded Dumbledore's expectations.

Dumbledore did not speak. He just stared at Amosita. The sharp eyes behind the half-moon frame made Amosita squint slightly.

Mrs. Weasley walked in. She had been planning to talk to the two of them, but when she saw the two men confronting each other at the head of the table, her face turned pale.

Mrs. Weasley whispered and walked quickly past Amosta, going to the rough stone counter to prepare breakfast for Harry again.

The clinking of pots and pans began, but she did not give up observing. Every time she turned aside to get some kitchen utensils, Mrs. Weasley would always quickly glance at the long table, her eyes full of deep worry.

There was a slight ripple in Dumbledore's heavy breath, and Amosita moved his fingers to block the spread of the sound.

"Is that dead Muggle real, Amosta?"

Dumbledore's vision remained sharp, but his usually gentle voice sounded a little hoarse.


Amosta nodded, speaking briefly.

Dumbledore, who was waiting for the answer to this question, looked as if he had not slept for several nights in a row, and his expression showed vicissitudes and fatigue.

Dumbledore opened his lips to ask a second question, but then closed them again, his eyes flickering.

However, Dumbledore, who had experienced many hardships in his life, quickly regained his composure. His breathing became a little disordered.
"Is it Cornelius or Harry?"

Amosta pursed his lips and answered directly without beating around the bush.

"Cornelly Fudge."

The old hands hidden under the cloak suddenly clenched and then unclenched, and were taken out from under the cloak, with their fingers intertwined and placed on the table.

The hesitation in Dumbledore's eyes turned into complexity.
"Did you witness it? Or did you learn about it afterwards, Amosta?" (End of this chapter)

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