Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1098 Opinions

"What do you think, Headmaster Dumbledore?"

Amosta asked back with a smile on his face.

After this sentence, Dumbledore not only did not feel unhappy, but completely relaxed.

However, he didn't say anything, just stared at his hands in front of him, looking tired and very sad.

The silence between the two lasted for a long time, until Mrs. Weasley broke into Amosta's silent area.

"Oh, Amosta--"

Mrs. Weasley obviously noticed the subtle atmosphere between the two people. She looked a little nervous while holding the plate.

"I thought, since Harry didn't have breakfast, you..."

"Thank you very much, Molly—"

Amosta happily took the plate.
"I am indeed hungry."

Mrs. Weasley pursed her lips, forced a smile, and then left Amosta with breakfast for Harry.

But after taking a few steps, Mrs. Weasley turned around and stopped, looking at the two people at the dining table anxiously.

"I suppose you are not quarrelling?"

"Don't worry, Molly—"

Dumbledore finally put away the sadness on his face and said with a smile,
"Amosta and I were just discussing the current troubles Harry is facing."

Mrs. Weasley breathed a sigh of relief.
"That's good. You know, the situation is bad now. We can only rely on you."

With that, Mrs. Weasley left the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, Amosta—"

Mrs. Weasley's words seemed to have touched Dumbledore a little more, and his blue eyes sparkled.

"It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that in this long life, it's inevitable to make mistakes occasionally, but what's more important is to wake up."

Amosta was concentrating on splitting an omelette on the plate.
"So, you plan to generously give Fudge another chance to wake up, Headmaster Dumbledore?"

Dumbledore just sighed heavily and fell silent again.

"I'm not that generous, Headmaster Dumbledore."

After finishing the food on the plate, Amosta put down his fork, wiped the corners of his mouth carefully with a napkin, and then looked at Dumbledore calmly.

"This time, Fudge must step down and the Ministry of Magic must be integrated."

"I'm sure you can do it, Amosta--"

Dumbledore said,
"But have you ever considered that those supporters behind Fudge control every aspect of the British wizarding world? If they decide not to support Amelia, the lives of ordinary people will suffer a severe blow."

"Amelia herself also represents the interests of some ancient families."

Amosta held up a finger.

"Even if we don't touch Fudge, we still have a fundamental conflict of interest with most of the pure-blood families, because Voldemort, this cancer, must be eliminated, and these two-faced guys pay taxes to the Ministry of Magic while providing financial support for Voldemort's terrorist activities."

Amosta raised a second finger.

"I am also good at making an example of someone and killing a chicken to scare the monkey."

Amosta raised a third finger.

"What are your plans next, Amosta?"

Facing the lively young man across the table, Dumbledore felt for the first time that he was somewhat overwhelmed.

Not only in terms of wizard skills, he was no longer able to absolutely suppress Amosta, but also in the battle of wits, he felt that he was in a passive position.

"Everything will have to wait until the Harry incident is over and the Ministry of Magic reaches a consensus."

Amosta stood up.

"I always believe that the government of the wizarding world should step forward to eliminate evil forces. The Order of the Phoenix is ​​actually just a helpless move. So, is there anything else, Headmaster Dumbledore? I have to meet some old friends in the next few days."

"When I went to the ministry this morning and spoke to Connelly, he expressed that."

Dumbledore hesitated.

"Some kind of negotiation."

"I'm not interested in listening to his nonsense, Headmaster--"

Amosta said, then walked out of the basement kitchen without looking back.

The corridor on the first floor was full of people again. The members of the Order of the Phoenix who had just appeared at the Dursleys' house had returned.

When Amosta walked out of the wooden door, he saw a group of people standing in the middle of the corridor, muttering solemnly. When they saw Amosta coming out, they immediately stopped talking and looked at him nervously. "What's wrong?"

Amosta raised his brows slightly.


Remus considered it.
"Molly told us before she came upstairs that there seemed to be some dispute between you and Albus, and we were wondering..."

"I'm worried that if you and Albus plan to tear this old house down, we won't be able to stop them!"

Mad-Eye said bluntly in his hoarse voice,

"What's going on, Amosta, my intuition tells me that you know more about that Potter boy, right?"

Amosta smiled helplessly.

"Don't worry about anything, just wait and see how things develop."

"Even if you are not from the Order of the Phoenix, Amosta, you should at least tell us what your plan is. If you plan to blow up the Ministry of Magic, I will not support you!"

Mad-Eye said gruffly.

"My plan is simple, Alastor—"

Amosta smiled and said,
"Whenever evil forces appear in the wizarding world, the Ministry of Magic can take care of things instead of asking old guys to do the heavy lifting every time."

Before going out, Amosta had to change his clothes. He walked towards the stairs, while Sirius and others were still staring at him, as if they wanted to say something but stopped.

"Don't worry about Harry—"

After thinking about it, Amosta decided to give them a tip-off so that they wouldn't have trouble sleeping or eating these days.

"On the day of the trial, I will attend the hearing as Harry's witness."

After saying that, he walked upstairs and disappeared from the sight of the group.

When he stepped onto the third floor platform, Amosita paused slightly, glanced sideways at Harry and Ron's room, moved his lips, and walked towards the room.

"I plan to buy all the newspapers published in London in the past three months. If a murder really happened in the Muggle world, I think the newspapers would report it. Of course, this will cost a lot of money, but fortunately I just got a bonus!"

Hermione got off Harry's bed and looked at everyone with burning eyes.

"I need you to help me find clues. We can't just let the Ministry of Magic do whatever it wants. And, Harry, you can sue the Ministry of Magic because their arrest process is in violation of wizard law. They shouldn't be in..."

Boom, boom, boom——
A sudden knock on the door interrupted Hermione's speech.

"I guess it's probably mom who's here to collect the dishes."

Ron shrugged and looked at the greasy plate of food Harry was carrying.

"Oh, I just remembered, why didn't I see Kreacher, the elf that belonged to Sirius?"

Harry threw the last piece of small intestine into his mouth and walked towards the door.
"Isn't it its job to cook and clean?"

"You really think so, Harry?"

Hermione, who had just stood up for him, suddenly changed her expression from indignation to gloomy.

Harry shrank his neck, frightened by Hermione's 'scary' look and dared not move.

"Because there were too many workers in Remus' workshop, Kreacher was sent to cook for the workers along with the elves they recruited."

Ron chuckled and opened the door for Harry.

There was a commotion, and Fred and George tumbled down from Ron's bed. Ginny also let out a short kitten-like scream and jumped off Harry's bed.

A group of young wizards stood obediently like soldiers being reviewed, looking at Professor Brian who appeared at the door with awe.

"Oh, I just came to say a word--"

Looking at the group of little wizards who were as silent as a mouse, Amosita laughed out loud. He looked at Harry,

"Since the Ministry has issued a notice, you should stay at home during this period of time and don't go out, in case you are accused of other crimes."

Harry nodded several times.

"--Don't take any risky actions, thinking of proving Harry's innocence--"

Amosta looked at Hermione again.
"It's nice to read the newspaper in the house."


Hermione's cheeks suddenly turned red, and she nodded while holding her breath.

"There's nothing else to say. Please continue your discussion--"

Amosta smiled and closed the door with a click. (End of this chapter)

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