Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1108 Heavy calculations

Everyone at the table looked at Amosta with interest.

"I won't offer any advice, Remus—"

Amosta's performance disappointed everyone. He did not show any embarrassment or awkwardness, and still dealt with his dinner calmly.
"If you feel Miss Fleur Delacour meets the requirements, then you may recruit her into the workshop."


Remus nodded thoughtfully.
"I think I see what you mean, Amosta."


Sirius looked amused.
"You should make some progress in this area, Amosta."

Amosta remained unmoved.

"There's no need to imitate Dumbledore in everything."

But Severus's expressionless words made Amosta cough softly.

Cough cough--
Amosta raised his head and glanced at Severus, his meaning was clear:

You have no right to tell me anything about my personal emotional life.
Of course, Amosita couldn't really poke Severus' spine in front of so many people. Seeing that everyone had put down their forks, he shook out his wand and waved it violently, and the bone plates on the long table disappeared instantly.
"Let's have a meeting—"

There was a shrill scream, and in the room on the fourth floor, several people suddenly fell on the bed, covering their ears and howling.

"what happened!"

Ron hurriedly pulled out his earplugs and threw them on the ground, while Fred rolled over and crawled to turn on the light.

The sudden arrival of light caused several people to groan in pain again, and then, the earplugs that were smoking in their hands made everyone look sullen.

"Can't you just let us take advantage of the loophole?"

Ginny looked angry.

Harry was also furious. They were Voldemort's followers, so why did they have to be so vigilant against them?

Besides, shouldn't he be qualified to attend the meeting?

It was he who defeated Voldemort's forces last time, causing him to lie dormant for fourteen years.

It was he who stopped Voldemort from stealing the Philosopher's Stone, and it was he who witnessed Voldemort's resurrection. This time, he was also the target of the Ministry of Magic's conspiracy.

If the Order of the Phoenix and Professor Brainy can't crack Fudge's conspiracy, then he will be imprisoned unjustly like Sirius!

The more Harry thought about it, the angrier he became. He even had the urge to rush down to find Professor Brain and ask him whether he was taking his case seriously.

Professor Brian was about to go on trial, but instead of investigating the truth, he ran off to Paris. Did he feel that he was of no use anymore?


Harry was immersed in his inner rage when he suddenly heard Ginny's call.


Harry looked towards Ginny, and immediately a few horizontal lines appeared on his forehead.

Ginny looked at him with a mixture of shock and fear, as if she was frightened by something.

"Your eyes. Just now"

"What happened to your eyes?"

Harry asked impatiently.

Hermione, Ron, Fred and George all looked at the two men inquiringly.


Ginny pursed her lips and hesitated.

"Nothing. Maybe it's the light. I saw it wrong--"

"Oh, okay."

It was as if a basin of cold water was poured over his head, and Harry suddenly woke up. He couldn't believe what he had just been thinking about.

"Since there is no more drama"

The strange looks from the others made Harry feel suffocated. He hurriedly dodged their gazes and jumped off George's bed.
"I'm going back to my room. I'll continue reading those Muggle newspapers. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to find some clues."

After saying that, he quickly left the room.

By the time Harry rushed downstairs to his room, Hermione and Ron had caught up.

"Why did you get mad at Ginny just now?"

Ron asked, glaring at Harry a little angrily.


Harry, sitting on the edge of the bed, was hesitant to speak. He couldn't describe his thoughts to Ron and Hermione unless he wanted to receive contempt from his two best friends. "I'm sorry--"

Harry could only say dully.

Ron wanted to ask something, but Hermione gently pulled the corner of Ron's clothes, hiding the worry in her brown eyes.
"By the way, Harry, I remember you seemed to want to tell us something before going upstairs."

"So, those despicable guys finally decided to stay here and fight us?"

Alastor's words, with a slightly regretful tone, expressed the thoughts of many people.

"That's a good thing for us, Alastor—"

Remus said with a hint of blame in his tone.
"Albus and we have worked hard for so many years in the hope that the harm caused by Voldemort and the Death Eaters will not endanger more people."


Mr. Weasley said nothing, but Mrs. Weasley smiled weakly and said tremblingly,
"I really hope we aren't the ones who have to endure this."

"But, Molly—"

Remus heard the implication of Mrs. Weasley's words and said seriously

"If Voldemort's power expands abroad, we will be in big trouble. The Death Eaters can use all kinds of illegal means to disintegrate the Ministry of Magic of various countries. They have no scruples and do all kinds of evil, but we can't. This will only put us in a more passive situation."

"I know I was just thinking--"

Mrs. Weasley blew her nose sadly.
"Maybe not for Fabian and Gideon."

Mr. Weasley sighed heavily, then stood up and put his arm around his wife.

A heavy sadness hung over the basement kitchen.

In this entanglement that has lasted for nearly half a century, who among you does not have relatives who have been persecuted?
“Adam Vogel—”

Severus's indifference was out of tune with the surrounding environment. He calmly looked at Amosta, who was playing with his wand with a deep and unfathomable look in his eyes.
"This man has shown intelligence far beyond those of the crazy Death Eaters. Only you know him. You arrested him personally."

Amosta remained silent.

It wasn't because he was ashamed, but because he couldn't tell the people in front of him.

The reason why he did not kill Adam Vogel and Jasna Rosier directly when they were arrested, and even intervened personally and sent them to Azkaban instead of Exeter.

The intention was to hand them over to Voldemort.

Both of these people are crucial.

One that concerns whether the entire European wizarding community is willing to unite against a common enemy to deal with a greater wizarding crisis that may be caused by Voldemort.

The other person is related to whether the one in Nugamund is willing to wake up from the perdition.

"Never mind, Amosta--"

Sirius misunderstood Amosita's silence. He patted Amosita on the shoulder and said carelessly,
"You are not a prophet, so it is impossible for you to predict everything. So, the descendant of the former president of the International Confederation of Wizards is now entrusted by Voldemort to assassinate Amelia, right?"

Not only did Sirius not feel troubled, but his grey eyes were filled with excitement.
"I want to see what he's going to do!"

"Always be alert, Sirius!"

Alastor slammed the table hard, startling everyone.
"This Vogel seems to be more skilled in conspiracy than most Death Eaters!"

Severus glanced at Sirius sarcastically, but did not give him any instructions. He just continued to look at Amosita and said,
"I don't think Adam Vogel will do anything to Amelia before Mr. Potter is tried. The Dark Lord is also waiting to see what's going on.
Dumbledore believes that the Dark Lord doesn't care too much about who comes to power. He is more concerned about the prophecy ball in the Department of Mysteries, because the prophecy involves how he failed last time."

The prophecy ball that predicted the appearance of Harry Potter and could defeat the most evil wizard in history!
Everyone's breathing slowed and their faces were filled with awe.

"Did Voldemort say how he planned to obtain the prophecy?"

Remus asked cautiously.
"If he doesn't want to be exposed to Albus and Amosta for the time being."

Severus shook his head coldly.
"But the Dark Lord is determined to get that thing, so we can assume that he will use Potter. This is not difficult, right? After all, Mr. Potter is always easily impulsive."

Before Sirius could lose his temper, Amosta raised his hand to stop him.
"Does Headmaster Dumbledore have any other suggestions?"

"I told Dumbledore that the Dark Lord had changed a bit after his resurrection. He seemed to have gained control of some new power."

Severus said.

"New power!"

Tonks looked frightened, as if she was quite frightened, but when she found that no one else commented on this and just looked at Severus and Amosta solemnly, she quickly shut her mouth.

"Are you sure he's in control?"

Amosta narrowed his eyes, and a cold arc of light flashed in the gaps.

Hearing this, Severus looked hesitant.
"I'm not sure. But he does seem to be using magic he hasn't used before—"

Severus's every word was filled with uncertainty.
"Dumbledore asked me to ask you, what do you think about this, Amosta——" (End of this chapter)

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