Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1107 For what?

"This is none of your business, Snotlout!"

Sirius stared coldly at Severus' face and said indifferently.

"Oh, I just thought you'd be ashamed of this, Blake—"

Severus ignored the helpless expressions of some people in the kitchen and showed false sympathy.
"After spending thirteen years in Azkaban, the first thing you did when you got out was to lose your ancestral house. I think the ancestors of the Black family must be proud of you, right?"

Sirius, furious, stood up with a bang.

"Want a fight, Snotlout? I'm happy to oblige!"

"Does it have to be this way?"

Remus shook his head and smiled weakly. As the moon grew brighter these days, he fell into an uncontrollable weakness again.


The tit-for-tat atmosphere between Sirius and Severus as soon as they met made Amelia nervous, and she cried out in a low voice.

Sirius pursed his lips, looked away from Snape's sarcastic face, and sat down without saying a word.


Mrs. Weasley wiped her hands nervously on her apron.

"I suppose you haven't had dinner yet?"

The dining table was full of people, some of whom were his former students, such as Bill and Tonks. In view of this, Severus did not make any further verbal attacks.

Looking around, he found a seat between Mr. Weasley and Tonks.

"Dumbledore said he wasn't coming."

Snape's first words after he sat down surprised everyone.

"What trouble is holding Albus back?"

Lupin showed some surprise.

"I suggest you ask our charming headmaster yourself about this."

Severus silently took the plate from Mrs. Weasley, nodded to her with an almost imperceptible arc, and then answered Remus' question in a sarcastic way.

"He's always elusive."

The news soured the mood at the table a little.

Dumbledore is the backbone of the Order of the Phoenix, and people always feel a little uneasy without him present.

"Where do you think Professor Dumbledore will go?"

In Fred and George's room, Hermione looked at Harry meaningfully.

"Needless to say, he must have gone to look for clues."

Ron joined the conversation,
"He must be trying to figure out what the Ministry is up to."

A feeling of both touched and guilty emerged from Harry's heart.

In recent years, he has had less communication with the Hogwarts headmaster, but Dumbledore has not reduced his concern for him and is still working hard to help him with his problems.


Ginny suddenly covered her ears and whispered,
"They're starting to talk about you, Harry."

Harry quickly shook off his sentimental thoughts and listened attentively.

"—can you find out anything from the Ministry, Arthur, about Harry?"

The person who asked this question was Harry's godfather.

"You work for the Ministry, too, Sirius—"

Mr. Weasley said glumly,
"There should be some talk. It's widely believed that Harry murdered the Muggles as a joke, but no one really had the guts to ask the Minister about it.

Dirk in the Goblin Office claims to have some inside information, but you know he's a big exaggerator, so I'd say he's just bragging."

"Oh, I saw through their tricks!"

Ephias Dogi coughed and said,

"The Minister of Magic must have pinned the blame on that poor child for someone else's misdeeds!"

A buzz of discussion ensued, and Sirius raised his voice, his voice revealing annoyance.
"This is indeed the most likely possibility, but the key point is that if Fudge wants to successfully frame Harry, he must establish a connection between the murder case and Harry. In the past year, Harry has been staying in Hogwarts. The only time he was in London was with me and Remus. He was in our sight the whole time!"

"What do Dumbledore and Amosta have in mind?"

Bill asked.

"Albus wrote to me saying that Amosta will solve Harry's problems."

Remus was worried.
"I think Amosta hasn't shown up these days because he's investigating this matter."

"I don't think so--" said Mr. Weasley heavily.
"He was seen in Paris. I don't think we have to go to Paris to find out the clues."

"Dawlish must know the inside story."

Sirius' narrowed eyes flashed with anger.

“Perhaps, we can take some straightforward measures”

"The Dementors must be very welcoming to have you home, Black."

Severus said with a sneer, causing Sirius to turn pale again.

“I think we should be mentally prepared!”

Alastor shouted.

"Whether Fudge has considered the serious consequences of doing this or not, since he has done it, there are only two consequences: either Potter is finished, or he is finished.

We need a security plan to ensure Potter's safe arrival at the Ministry of Magic that day... and safe exit!"

"Oh, look at what you said, Alastor."

Mungdons, huddled in the corner, looked uneasy.

"It's as if the Order of the Phoenix is ​​planning to start a war with the Ministry of Magic in one step."

To be honest, this is quite disturbing.

The Ministry of Magic is the legitimate government organization of the British wizarding world. Many wizards have done things against it in private, but resisting the Ministry of Magic openly made even Sirius frown when he thought about it.

There was a crisp sound from the wooden door on the stairs, and Alastor's magic eye immediately swept over.

"Oh, the key person is here."

Moody laughed hoarsely.

"Sorry, guys, I've been away for a while--"

Amosta appeared in front of everyone, looking around, and greeted everyone with a smile. But his eyes finally fixed on the cupboard.

Not all members of the Order of the Phoenix had ever dealt with Amosita, and some of them were seeing this newly promoted legendary wizard for the first time. They all stood up and bowed to salute, and Amosita nodded frequently and responded with a graceful smile.

“Did I miss something important?”

Amosta sat down in the seat that Sirius had squeezed out for him, thanked Mrs. Weasley for the plate, cleared his throat, and asked with a smile.

"Severus hasn't started his report yet, Amosta--"

Remus smiled and said,
"But there is one thing that is urgent. I think it would be great if you could help me make an idea before the formal meeting begins."

"What is it, Remus?"

Amosta asked with interest as he cut his sausage.

"The Warrior of Beauxbatons"

Remus chose his words carefully.

"She submitted her resume to the workshop. Well, I had a chat with her according to the rules."

Remus hesitated.

Amosta's eyebrows twitched slightly, he had almost forgotten about it.

Fleur had indeed 'consulted' him before, if she wanted to stay in the UK, would it be better to work in the Ministry of Magic or study at the Machine Workshop for more development potential.

But Amosta knew that Furong asked this for ulterior motives.

"Ah, that girl. Before the Triwizard Tournament, there was an issue of the Daily Prophet that said she was part Veela—"

Tonks raised her head, tossed her seaweed-colored wavy hair, and looked at Remus 'happily'.
"I bet she's got you all crazy, hasn't she, Remus?"


Remus's pale face showed embarrassment.
"Your joke is very funny, Tonks, but... well, Miss Delacour is an excellent young wizard. She fully meets the requirements of our workshop for outstanding young talents. I originally planned to hire her because of her talents."

Remus said sincerely, he looked at Amosta,
"Miss Delacour was very frank when she communicated with me. She said bluntly that she came to the UK to work. This made me not know what to do, so I told her that I needed to think about it--"

"for what?"

In the room on the fourth floor, Harry asked dizzily,

"Did I not hear clearly?"

"To clear your name, Mr. Potter!"

Hermione rolled her eyes and snapped angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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