Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1111 The Decision Has Been Made

For a moment, Harry thought Sirius was joking to ease his nerves.

But look at the way Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are staring at them.

There is a sense of heartache amidst the anger, and hesitation amidst the disbelief. Even the actor with the most superb acting skills cannot perform such real emotions!

"This is a joke, right?"

Ron seemed to have his soul hollowed out by the nightmare-like reality. His expression and eyes were terribly empty.
"This must be an April Fools' joke."

As for Hermione, she covered her mouth, her thin body trembling slightly because of the dressing gown she was wearing. Hermione stared at Remus, the candlelight from the blazing candle flickering in the crystal tears trembling in her brown eyes.

Harry turned around and looked at his two friends beside him blankly.

As the hearing date approached, he had to admit that he was gradually losing his mind, to the point where terrible and despicable thoughts often popped up in his mind uncontrollably.

For example, why wasn't Hermione or Ron the one targeted by the Ministry of Magic?
One of them is a hot Triwizard Tournament warrior, and the other is a descendant of the ancient Weasley family.
But when his 'dream' really came true, he found that he was not happy at all.

Ron and Hermione were his best friends at Hogwarts. He hoped that his relationship with them would be like that with his father, mother, Sirius and Remus, and that they would still be best friends even after graduation.

But he definitely didn't want him, Ron and Hermione to become cellmates in Azkaban!

"Do you three have any clues?"

Just by looking at the expressions of Harry and the other two, Remus knew what was going on, but he still asked with a heavy face,

"Unless the Minister of Magic is crazy, I think he must have something important in his hands that can drag you three into it."

"If it's at Hogwarts, when you're taking part in some adventure."

Sirius, who was supposed to believe in him unconditionally, was also questioning him, which made Harry's heart fall into an ice cave. He wanted to defend himself, Hermione and Ron, but his voice seemed to be imprisoned by magic. His lips just moved but he couldn't say anything.

"we do not have!"

Hermione screamed, finally unable to stop sobbing.

"We didn't. I-we, broke the law. Killed people. No!"

"It's not murder, Hermione."

Remus seemed to have just remembered. He hurried back to the long table, picked up the three letters that Harry had ignored on the table, and after hastily unfolding them, he frowned and said,
"Hermione and Ron. The letter the Ministry sent you only mentioned that you were in violation of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy -"

Remus pressed their respective letters into Hermione and Ron's hands. When it was Harry's turn, he said solemnly,
"As for you, Harry. Yours still says 'under prosecution by the Wizengamot for Muggle murder.'"

Harry's face was muggle-like, and his joints were as slow as rust:

Dear Mr. Porter:
The Ministry of Magic now has detailed evidence linking you to a Muggle death in London.

As a result, formal proceedings will be initiated against you by the Ministry of Magic, and you have been expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please go to the Ministry of Magic for trial before 7:20 on July th, when all the wizards in the Wizengamot Tribunal will hear your defense.

I wish you good health.

Yours faithfully
Mafalda Hopkirk
It was as if the air around him was suddenly sucked out, and Harry, who was suffocating, felt dizzy.

Tonks supported Hermione who was about to faint.

"Think carefully, the three of you, is there anything you have missed? This is extremely crucial!"

Hermione's face was as pale as snow, and she kept shaking her head slightly.
"No. Oh, I don't know. I can't remember anything. Oh, I was fired. Woohoo."

Harry sincerely hoped that Hermione would be able to remember something; after all, she was the smartest of the three of them.

However, he couldn't blame Hermione for having a breakdown.

Before today, being expelled from Hogwarts was probably Hermione's biggest fear. But after today, I'm afraid she will also be thrown into Azkaban!

Sirius's grey eyes were burning with anger, and Harry could see that he was having a hard time holding back. He really wanted to hear what Sirius was saying, but his ears were now busy.

It was only at this moment that Harry came to his senses.

Many times, they watched Professor Dumbledore and Professor Braine chatting and laughing with some powerful figures in the Ministry of Magic up close.

They listened happily to Sirius, Remus, Mrs. Weasley and other adults scolding stupid Fudge, and would join in the scolding, but they completely ignored the fact that although those in power in the Ministry of Magic were stupid and ridiculous, they were not someone they could contend with!
"Hopkirk used to be the Office of the Prohibition of the Abuse of Magic." Everyone in the kitchen was in a panic, but Kingsley's voice remained steady.
"But just yesterday afternoon, he was transferred to the Senior Undersecretary's office by Umbridge. In addition, the Ministry sent a notification letter to Ron and Hermione."

Kingsley frowned and said to Harry,
"Maybe you guys are doing some mischievous things unintentionally?"

"Did you ever use Fred and George's stuff to play tricks on Muggles?"

asked Mr. Weasley, looking more serious than Harry had ever seen him.

"No, Dad."

Ron's expression was numb.

"I swear we didn't torture Muggles."

call out!
A silver phoenix suddenly appeared in the kitchen and stood in front of them.

Professor Dumbledore's Patronus!

Harry was shocked, and Ron's hollow eyes also showed some light. Hermione, who was covering her face with tears streaming down her face, also looked at the Phoenix as if begging.

Scanning the expressions of the three people, Dumbledore sighed inwardly.

"You still have no idea, right?"

The three shook their heads, and Sirius snorted angrily.

"What can we expect them to remember at this time? Moreover, Fudge is clearly framing us!"

"I we——"

Hermione stared tearfully into the Phoenix's blue eyes.
"We are expelled are we, Professor Dumbledore?"

"Not yet, Miss Granger—"

Dumbledore said calmly,

"Although Cornelius hopes to have more say in Hogwarts affairs, unfortunately, for now, it is still the right of the Hogwarts headmaster to expel students unless he can really prove that you are guilty--"


Mrs. Weasley finished speaking in front of Harry for the first time tonight, her eyes also sparkling with tears, and she said in an almost pleading tone,
"Help them. You can convince the minister to withdraw the lawsuit. He can't be involved. They are just three children--"

The phoenix blinked, and Harry believed he saw a flash of fire in Dumbledore's blue eyes as well.

Bang, bang, bang—
Phoenix opened his mouth to say something, but at this moment, there was a pecking sound outside the door.

Sirius disappeared from their sight for twenty seconds, and when he reappeared, he was holding a letter in his hand.

"Amosta has received the message, and the owl has brought his reply--"

Sirius waved the letter in front of everyone and then opened it, and the others quickly leaned forward to look.

"Send Ron and Hermione to stand trial as requested by the Ministry. Don't worry about the rest. I will take care of it."

After listening to Sirius's rapid words, Phoenix's eyes moved slightly.

After a moment of silence, Remus looked at Phoenix and hesitated.

"What do you think, Albus? About us?"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were also looking at the Phoenix. Perhaps it was the strong confidence expressed in the short sentence in the letter that made the three of them breathe more steadily.

"We have no reason not to believe Amosta."

Dumbledore had the final word.

"I'll go and iron your best clothes, and you can wear them tomorrow morning. Also, remember to wash your hair thoroughly before you leave--"

Mrs. Weasley sniffed hard and gave Ron, Harry, and Hermione a heartbreaking smile.
"A good first impression always works miracles." (End of this chapter)

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