Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1119 Judgment Day

An invisible wave spread out along with Amosita's sharp shout.

The Dementors that were passed by it were suddenly frozen like amber flies, solidified in mid-air.

The thunder rumbles and never stops!

The scene of Amosta confronting the Dementors fell into his sight, and Fudge was so scared that he almost died!
How could this happen?
In order to restrict Blaine and Dumbledore, before the trial, Dolores suggested confiscating the wands of all members, and he listened to this suggestion.

Without their wands, even though Brian and Dumbledore still had some skills, they could not defeat the fully armed Aurors.

As an extra layer of insurance, Dolores also suggested calling the Dementors out from Azkaban.

Although this action would inevitably lead to criticism, in order to ensure his own safety, he still agreed to the proposal.

But the scene before my eyes? !

How could someone stop the Dementors with just a shout without a wand? He was not a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic, how could the Dementors obey his orders!
Dolores stared blankly at the Dementors of Azkaban, and slowly, as if very reluctantly, she retreated back into the darkness of the high ceiling, feeling the gradually rising temperature around her and the colors returning to her sight.

Suddenly, Umbridge suddenly became alert, and her cheeks flushed, as if she was drunk.
"It was you who attacked Azkaban and helped the prisoners escape, Brian. It was you who did it!"

Umbridge was so excited that she even bumped into the wizard in front of her. She shouted like crazy,
"It was you who took the contract from the Secret Keeper in the Department of Mysteries. Otherwise, how could the Dementors obey your orders?"

The contract in the hands of the secret keeper? !
This was a top secret of the Ministry of Magic. The members of the Wizengamot looked at each other in confusion.

But Fudge perked up!
That’s right, it was Brian who did it. The contract that controls the Dementors is in Brian’s hands, otherwise how could he command the Dementors!
"Arrest him, Connelly!"

Umbridge screamed almost insanely.
"Tell the wizarding world that it was Blaine who hijacked Azkaban!"

"Dawlish, where are you, Dawlish!"

Fudge immediately cooperated, howling,

"Take your men and arrest Blaine, he is the one who hijacked Azkaban!"

"I am here!"

When the Dementors were released just now, Dawlish had tumbled away. When he heard the call, he tumbled out from the corner again, waving his arms wildly.
"Quick, arrest Brian!"

The Aurors who appeared in the courtroom today were undoubtedly "carefully selected" and were all loyal to the Ministry of Magic and the Minister of Magic.

More than twenty Aurors holding wands approached Amos Tower from all directions, and one Auror waved his wand first!
call out!
A rope suddenly sprang out from the darkness and rolled towards Amosta.

Stab it!

A vicious look flashed in Amosta's eyes. When the rope came within ten feet of him, it was like entering a world of endless high temperature. It spontaneously combusted and turned into ashes in an instant.

"act recklessly--"

Amosta stared at Fudge and Umbridge with a grim look and murderous intent.

Is this still the Wizengamot?
A member of the Wizengamot cried out in a trembling voice.


On one side were the Minister and Deputy Minister of Magic who looked like they were crazy, and on the other side was the cold-blooded Amosta.

All the wizards participating in the trial had a feeling that a disaster was about to happen. They huddled together in panic, and could only pin their hopes on the only person in the courtroom who could possibly stop it.

"Order your men to stand down, Connelly!"

Dumbledore's eyes were as bright as the sun, and the entire courtroom was enveloped by the terrifying magic radiating from his old body. In the void, the magic was like a raging sea!

"Get him, get Blaine!"

Dolores was still screaming,

"He is the culprit!"

Thunder exploded in the void, and Dumbledore's face suddenly changed. He turned around and glared at Amosta, whose breath was as sharp as a sword out of his body. His voice was like a loud bell, deafening.
"Whatever, Amosta, there's no need to kill!"

Boom! .Clang!

Before Amosta could reply, an explosion suddenly sounded from the entrance. Harry saw a dark shadow passing through the passage and directly penetrated deeply into the rock wall opposite!
It's the iron door of the courtroom!
Harry's body trembled violently, and there was disbelief in his eyes.

Who blew open the door to the courtroom? ! However, the answer to this question was soon revealed.

He is the head of the Auror Office, Rufus Scrimgeour, who is famous in the wizarding world for his tough style. Behind him is another group of Aurors!
Fudge was overjoyed when he saw this, as if he had grabbed the last straw.

"Rufus, it's you, so-so, go arrest Brian, he is the one who rescued the Death Eaters!"

"Get Blaine, Rufus!"

Dolores pushed Amelia to the ground with a ferocious look on her face.

"Catch Brian, you'll be the Director of the Enforcement Department!"

Dalishi was stunned when he heard this, and then his eyes showed grievance.
Amos Tower Blaine hijacked Azkaban, and if he is captured, he can become the head of the Department of Enforcement?!

Rufus, who had prepared himself to see some chaotic scenes, was stunned. However, he then looked at the two top commanders of the Ministry of Magic on the podium with disdain, and walked quickly despite his unsteady legs.


Under the astonished and surprised gazes of Fudge and Dolores, Rufus quickly walked to Amosta and took out a wand from his arms.
"This is your confiscated wand. I got it."

In this frozen second that seemed to never end, everyone's eyes were fixed on the center of the courtroom. In front of the three accused little wizards, there was Amos Tower Brain, with a calm expression mixed with indifference!

Amos Tower has gained the support of so many senior officials in the Ministry of Magic? !

Everyone is thinking about this question.

Including Amelia who was pushed to the ground by Dolores, and including Dumbledore!
When Amosta slowly raised his hand and gently took the ebony wand from Rufus Scrimgeour, everyone's heart trembled!
Dumbledore pursed his lips, and his old face showed a rare nervousness.


Dumbledore looked at Amosta, and Amosta was also looking at him, and the two people's eyes exchanged in mid-air.

There is a sense of urgency in the air about a fateful decision. Waiting for Amosta to make a decision!

One has a wand and the other does not
The blood was rushing in Dumbledore's old body, and he stared at Amostar with sharp eyes. If Amostar went berserk, he might not be able to stop him now, unless he risked his life!


There was another explosion.

The sound of collapsing walls and anxious shouts reached the ears of Harry and the other two who were already stunned.

"Harry, how are you, Harry!"

"Ron, how's the situation? How's the trial going? I saw Scrimgeour and his men rushing down!"


Another group of people rushed out from the billowing smoke and dust.

Sirius, Remus, Mr. Weasley, Kingsley, Amelia.
It's from the Order of the Phoenix!

The courtroom seemed to be shrouded in a realm of 'stillness'.

Everyone who rushed in through the door had a stiff expression and was speechless after seeing the chaos inside and feeling the tense atmosphere that was like a bowstring stretched so tight that it was about to break!
Amosta could feel the gazes of many people.

Worry, fear, respect, hatred.
Eyes filled with many emotions intertwined on him, they were looking at him as if they were waiting for the judgment of fate.
Amosta's eyes returned to Dumbledore.

"Don't let yourself make that mistake, Amosta"

Amosta heard Dumbledore's hoarse voice and he remained silent.

"Professor Bubrien."

A voice calling him was heard in the quiet courtroom. He turned around, his eyebrows slightly raised.

The three young wizards who were implicated looked at him with pale faces, and they trembled constantly under the sharp breath he exuded.
A brilliant golden flame stung everyone's eyes.

Amosta waved his wand. (End of this chapter)

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