Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1120 Judgment Day

Bang, bang, bang, bang!
With a heavy sound of falling to the ground, cages burning with golden flames appeared out of thin air and imprisoned Fudge, Umbridge, Dawlish and other Aurors who had previously guarded the courtroom!

Amosta Blaine is planning to do this.
Not to mention the members of the Wizengamot, even the Order of the Phoenix and others who rushed in stared at Amosita in fear, waiting for him to explain his actions!


Fudge screamed like a frightened chicken, curled up, and dared not touch the fire cage that imprisoned him.
"You've been exposed, haven't you, Brian? You've been plotting to overthrow the Ministry of Magic, and now... Whoosh!"

Fudge turned to Dumbledore and shouted,

"I told you didn't I, Dumbledore, that this young man you recruited has always had ambitions. Look what he's up to!"


In the end, Amosta did not choose to kill indiscriminately. Dumbledore at the stairs breathed a sigh of relief. He had not felt this kind of relief for a long time.

Turning around, Dumbledore faced the Minister of Magic in the fire cage, with a sad face.

"I also warned you, Connelly, not to be too obsessed with power. It would make you lose yourself. Your current situation is precisely because you have been confused by power."

"I don't understand what you are saying, Dumbledore, but if you have any conscience!"

Fudge seemed to have not yet realized the seriousness of the problem. Perhaps, he just didn't want to face it.

He roared at Dumbledore angrily.

"Then subdue Brian for the Ministry of Magic. I know you can do it, Dumbledore. You are condoning a dark wizard who is even more evil than the You-Know-Who to destroy the order we have worked so hard to establish!"

Dumbledore just shook his head slightly, and everyone in the Order of the Phoenix could sense the sense of old age emanating from Dumbledore.


Sirius came to Harry's side immediately. When Dumbledore and Fudge were confronting each other, he asked Harry in a low voice what happened here, but the light in Harry's green eyes was frozen, and he lost his voice as if he was frightened by something.

Seeing the frightened expressions of the three young wizards, Remus knew that something extraordinary must have happened in the courtroom within the past hour. After hesitating for a few breaths, Remus looked at Amosta and said softly,

"I fully understand that you want to vent your anger on behalf of Harry and the others, but... Imprisonment, imprisonment—"

Remus looked uneasy.
"--the Minister of Magic and the Aurors. Doesn't seem like the right thing to do."

Amosta waved his wand and repaired the broken door of the courtroom. Then, he calmly pointed his wand at Fudge and Umbridge, who were cursing at different people in the flame cage. Then, the two of them immediately found that they could no longer make any sound.


Amelia was also quite uneasy after witnessing this.

She glanced at Dumbledore, who seemed to be acquiescing, and after a brief silence, she finally spoke.

"I know that Cornelius had no reason to order the Dementors and Aurors to attack you, and I fully understand your anger, but..."


Amosta interrupted Amelia who was trying to persuade him to release the man.

"Next, I would like to ask you to continue the trial in place of the former Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge—"

Former Minister of Magic?!
Fudge in the cage had bulging eyes and an expression like a devil!
Continue the trial?!
During the chaos just now, the members of the Wizengamot hiding in various corners of the courtroom were all silent.

Compared with the current situation, even if Harry Potter really killed a few Muggles, it would be nothing!

“The trial continues.”

Even Amelia hesitated.


Amosta turned around in a circle, looking around at everyone in the room, looking at those wizards who dared not look at him. He looked calm, and the sharpness that had just emanated from him had disappeared.
"Whether it is Muggles or wizards, the peaceful life that both groups of people can enjoy is based on a stable judicial system. I want to tell you that I have no intention of using force to override the law."

The members of the jury exchanged cautious glances, hesitant about Amosta Blaine's statement.

Amelia still frowned, but the calmness in Amosta's eyes made her make up her mind.

"All right."

Amelia adjusted her monocle.

"Before the chaos, you seemed to be referring to the evidence in the case of Harry James Potter murdering the Muggle postman."

"Killed the Muggle postman?" Sirius stared at Harry in shock.

"Is it true? This is what the Ministry is charging you with?!"


Amosta called out,
"If you are interested, you may sit in on the proceedings. All members of the Wizengamot, I hope you will return to your seats. Aurors, and the rest of you, you may sit in on the proceedings--"

The situation is better than people.

Even though some people were eager to get away from the center of the storm, they did not dare to raise any opinions. After all, Brian was still holding his wand.

Amostar moved Fudge and Umbridge from the fire cage to the back of the three judge chairs, and the Aurors who were loyal to the two were also neatly arranged by Amostar.
"Amosta, you can produce your evidence now."

Amelia stood where Fudge had just been and said solemnly.

"Just now, a head of the Auror Office recounted to you the story of Harry James Potter's murder. A Muggle postman died under a chocolate frog."

Amosta turned around and looked at Fudge and Umbridge who were looking at him with hatred.

"It was fortunate that another Muggle witnessed the death of the Muggle postman."

The courtroom was silent as people tried to digest the information in Amosta's words.

Fudge and Umbridge, who had just been looking at Amosta with hatred, suddenly became dazed. After a few seconds of silence, they suddenly looked at Dawlish, who was stunned. Their expressions looked as if they wanted to tear Dawlish apart!

"Did anyone witness it?"

Amelia was also quite surprised. After a moment of confusion, she immediately asked,
"That Muggle is your evidence?"

Amosta nodded slightly, he raised his arm, and swept his wand across the space, and Lawrence's figure gradually emerged from nothingness.

Compared with before, Lawrence looked particularly embarrassed.

His gray hair hung wetly on his head, his well-fitting clothes were completely soaked with sweat, and his old face was full of fear!

Lawrence, who walked into the courtroom with Amosstar and Dumbledore, witnessed everything. How could he not know that Amosstar had launched a coup in the wizarding world!

"You are."

Harry was stunned for a moment, then jumped up from his stool.

"Are you Mr. Lawrence of Blaine Manor?!"

"Oh, yes, you remember correctly—"

Lawrence smiled at Harry with an unpleasant expression.
"You remember me, Vernon's nephew?"

"of course I remember!"

Harry said immediately.

"You're unlucky, kid—"

Lawrence wiped the sweat from his brow and said with a wry smile.

A Muggle appeared in the courtroom of the Ministry of Magic, and many judges frowned inwardly.

Brian's behavior would be extremely inappropriate if he did not apply for and obtain permission. However, no one has the courage to offend Amosita now!
"This Mr. Lawrence is the butler of the Muggle company boss of the Muggle family where Harry Potter grew up, so they know each other——"

Amosta explained calmly why Harry Potter knew this witness.

Amelia nodded, the wrinkles between her brows relaxing.

"It was a happy coincidence indeed. So, according to what Amosta Blaine said, Lawrence, you witnessed something, didn't you?"

"Yes, ma'am. And the jury--"

Lawrence immediately turned around and bowed respectfully to Amelia on the platform.

"I remember it very clearly. It was January 28th. It rained heavily that day. I was invited by the Haas Orphanage to attend a thank-you party because I had donated some money to the orphanage before."

(End of this chapter)

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