Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1121 Judgment Day

"--The two men took out a stick, I mean a magic wand, and got the contents of the package out. A lot of black frogs fell out of the package, and one of them made a frog fly into the mouth of the motionless postman."

In the gloomy Wizengamot courtroom, Lawrence was recounting a scene he had witnessed on that rainy day that completely overturned his worldview.

Amelia Bones, who replaced Fudge as the presiding judge, the Wizengamot judges, Dumbledore, the Order of the Phoenix, and the three young wizards on trial.
Everyone stared at Lawrence from the Muggle world. No one cared about his stumbling narration, but only focused on the scenes he described.
As Lawrence spoke, anger gradually rose in Amelia's eyes, and Sirius' eyes twitched constantly. These people in the Order of the Phoenix were furious, as if they were ready to rush up and tear Fudge into pieces at any time!

"Finally, the postman stopped moving, and after confirming his death, the two men in windbreakers... uh, suddenly disappeared."


Ms. Bones became the formidable judge again, and she asked in a deep voice,

“I knew the police would be there soon.”

Lawrence looked uneasy.
"I did consider telling the police what I saw, but I thought they wouldn't believe me, so I left before the police arrived."


Ms. Bones asked loudly the question that everyone was concerned about.

"Those two people. I think you still remember what they look like, right?"

“Yes, your honor.”

Lawrence answered with certainty. He had been in this courtroom all the time and had already identified who killed the Muggle postman.

When Lawrence pointed his finger at Dawlish and another Auror in the fire cage, the uproar was so loud that it almost blew the roof off!
"I don't!"

The detained Dawlish screamed in despair,

"This is a pure frame-up and a conspiracy by Brian. The Wizengamot actually believed a foolish Muggle!"

"The Wizengamot only believes in the truth, Dawlish!"

Ms. Bones looked frighteningly ugly!

This is an unprecedented shame!

The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic killed a Muggle in order to frame Harry Potter. If this matter were to get out, the reputation of the British Ministry of Magic would be completely ruined and it would no longer have any prestige!
"It's you, Dawlish!"

Trapped in a cage, Fudge was completely in despair. He knew that he should not have any more luck.

Now that Amelia has figured out that it was Dawlish who killed the Muggle, the next step is to ask who ordered all this.
However, at this moment, Umbridge beside him suddenly became able to speak, and she immediately shouted!

Umbridge's face, which was ugly even with heavy makeup, was distorted. She stared with disbelief in her eyes. Her fingertips, which were pointing at Dawlish, trembled.

"So it was you who did all this, Dawlish. You were misleading me and Connelly!"

"Yes, that's exactly it!"

Fudge was stunned, then overjoyed.

"So...Oh, it was you who forged everything and made us mistakenly identify the person!"

Dalishi's body trembled. He stared blankly at the two former officers who were throwing dirty water on him. He couldn't believe that they could be so shameless.


Remus in the stands suddenly sighed heavily and shook his head dejectedly.

"There's nothing to sigh about, Remus!"

Alastor smiled disdainfully.

"If you spend enough time in the Ministry, you'll find this isn't uncommon."

"But they shouldn't be targeting Harry!"

Sirius's grey eyes were bloodshot, and he glared at the three men who were fighting each other fiercely, with a ferocious look on his face.
"Just wait, now it's their turn to get a taste of Azkaban!" Unlike the others who looked disdainful or happy, Mr. Weasley covered his face with his hands, feeling depressed.
So this is the truth.
Harry stood up from his chair before he knew it. He stared blankly at the three people who were arguing so fiercely. A blush gradually spread in the depths of his green eyes.
Dumbledore suddenly sensed something, shook his silver eyebrows and looked at Amosta.

The latter immediately understood.

Amostas used his wand again, and then the three people who had told almost the whole truth during the quarrel found themselves silenced again. Their faces were distorted, and they desperately shouted silently at Brian!

"Ms. Bones, witches and wizards of the Wizengamot—"

Amosta's voice was as loud as thunder, which suddenly shocked Harry, who was gradually becoming murderous, out of his thoughts and he quickly sat back on the stool.

Amosta walked up to Lawrence and patted Lawrence's shoulder, who was under great pressure.

"I think you now have the answer in your mind about the Ministry of Magic's prosecution of Harry James Potter and the truth about the murder case."

What a scandal!
Everyone who was connected with the Ministry of Magic had the same feeling in their hearts.

"I ask the Wizengamot panel to vote on whether Harry James Potter is guilty of the murder of a Muggle."

Amosta said calmly.


Amelia looked at Amosta in surprise.

"There are some questions that need to be answered regarding this murder of Muggles, Amosta, I think."

"The main suspect in the murder of the Muggle postman has changed from Harry James Potter to Cornelius Fudge, Dolores Umbridge, Dawlish, and Danforth. I believe that this case should be tried separately and should not be confused with the case heard by the Wizengamot today."

Amosta said that when he saw Amelia and some of the congressmen were hesitant, he added calmly,
"This involves Cornelius Fudge and Dolores Umbridge. We must be careful, Amelia. The dignity of the Ministry of Magic cannot be undermined."

"Amosta is still trying to save the face of the Ministry of Magic!"

Sirius was indignant.

"We don't need Fudge and his Under-Secretary, but we need the Ministry of Magic, Sirius -"

Alastor looked at Amosta with great admiration.

"Without the support of the Ministry, we alone cannot defeat the Dark Lord's growing army!"

On the podium, Amelia immediately came to her senses.

Amosta did not want to make the case of Connelly and Dolores too clear on this occasion.

That's right, there are hundreds of reporters outside eagerly waiting for the outcome of the case.

The reporters must have seen Scrimgeour bringing his men down earlier, and even a fool would have known that something extraordinary had happened in the courtroom.

The situation cannot continue to escalate!
The judging is about to begin!

Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the dock finally regained some sanity from the series of shocking changes. They looked pleadingly at Professor Braine and Professor Dumbledore who walked up to the podium and were communicating with Ms. Bones.
The charge of murder was cleared, but the fact that the three of them had violated wizarding law remained a mystery!
About five minutes later, Amosta and Dumbledore walked down the platform, and Ms. Bones communicated with some of the jury members for a while.

"I hereby declare--"

Ms. Bones picked up the gavel and knocked on the table in front of her. In the eyes of Harry and the others, her figure suddenly became tall and majestic.
"July 20th trial, regarding the Ministry of Magic's prosecution of Harry James Potter, Ronald Bilius Weasley, and Hermione Jane Granger for violating the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy and the Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards Act. Among them, Harry James Potter was found not guilty of murder!"

Before the three people in the dock had time to catch their breath, they heard Ms. Bones continue to speak majestically,
“Given that the three defendants have violated the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy and the Law on Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards.

Harry James Potter is hereby fined three thousand Galleons, Ronald Bilius Weasley is fined one thousand Galleons, and Hermione Jean Granger is fined one thousand Galleons. The three defendants must pay the above fines to the Ministry of Magic before the end of July. In addition:
After consultation with the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the director of the Student Safety Office, it has been decided to withdraw the Ministry of Magic’s previous decision to expel the three from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! "

Looking around, Amelia said in a serious tone,

"The above is the verdict. Members of the Wizengamot Judgment Committee, please raise your watches!" (End of this chapter)

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