Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1122: Swift and Resolute Aftermath

Counting the Wizengamot members who raised their hands in favor of the decision, and realizing that the number of votes in favor had exceeded 90%, with more members raising their hands one after another, Hermione covered her mouth and cried with joy!

Great, I don't have to be expelled from Hogwarts!

Harry almost cheered.

That’s great! I just need to pay a fine of 3,000 Galleons and I don’t have to spend my whole life in Azkaban!
A fine of one thousand Galleons? !
Ron's lips moved, as if he had lost his parents.

He had just won the prize money from the Triwizard Tournament, but he lost it before he could even spend a single gold coin!

"Sirius, Remus, and you—"

Amosta looked at the members of the Order of the Phoenix who were also happy with this ending.
"Send Harry, Ron and Hermione back to the old house,"

After the trial, Amosta's expression did not become relaxed. Instead, he showed a solemn and resolute manner. He raised his voice to remind the Order of the Phoenix and Harry and the other two.

"When you go out, if reporters interview you, you can tell them the Wizengamot's decision, but don't reveal the details of the trial—"

No details allowed?

Remus' expression changed.

"I understand, Amosta."

After that, he, Sirius, Amelia and others helped Harry and the other two up from the dock, and quickly took the three dizzy people away without giving them a chance to say anything.

"Arthur, Kingsley, Rufus—"

Amosta looked at the three again.
"I would like to ask you to invite all the directors of the departments and the deputy ministers who were not present at the trial to come here—"

"What are you going to do, Amosta?"

Arthur asked hesitantly and uneasily.

"Go first"

Amosta didn't even ask Amelia's opinion, and directly ordered,
"Don't tell the reporters or anyone else what happened in the courtroom. And, Rufus—"

Amosta looked toward Rufus.

Rufus looked at Amelia hesitantly, and after receiving her nod of permission, he took a step forward.

"Tell the Aurors you brought with you to return to the hall and temporarily seal off the Ministry of Magic. No one is allowed to enter or leave."

Amosta's face, which usually showed a gentle smile, turned grim.

Lock down the Ministry of Magic?
Rufus' heart trembled, but he nodded silently. Before leaving, he glanced at the other group of Aurors who were also detained by Amosita.

"If they have not committed any other offenses, they will not be held accountable, but--"

Amosta's eyes flickered, and he said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:
"I can't let them go for now in case something happens, understand?"

Rufus was silent for a few seconds, then nodded heavily and strode away.

"Witches and wizards of the Wizengamot—"

Amosta walked to the front of the stage and looked at the Wizengamot members who were frightened by his series of actions. He bowed slightly.
"Thank you all for the fair trial today. I think you all understand that this case is of great importance and involves the Minister and Deputy Minister of Magic. We must make a decision before we confess to the public. So, please wait a moment--"

The atmosphere in the courtroom became solemn again.

Those who are here are the elites and leaders in the magic world. They must understand what Amosta Blaine needs to decide.

"Principal Dumbledore, Amelia—"

Amosta motioned Lawrence, who was standing there at a loss, to sit down and rest, and then called Dumbledore and Amelia to a corner of the courtroom.

"Before the senior officials from the Ministry arrive, we need to agree on a few things—"

Amosta said.

"You mean—"

Dumbledore looked cautious.

"I assume you both agree that Cornelius Fudge and Dolores Umbridge should be dismissed?"

There is nothing to say about this.

Dumbledore's eyelids twitched slightly and he nodded. Amelia glared indignantly at Fudge and the other two who had completely given up struggling, and said with a heavy breath,
"I agree too."


Amosta's eyes were heavy as he looked at Amelia.

"Someone has to take charge. It's time, Amelia."

Take on the responsibility!

Amelia knew what Amosta meant. She was mentally prepared, but when the day came, she felt nervous and hesitant.

"I have no idea."

It's not easy to be the Minister of Magic. The mysterious man is still watching from the dark. If you become the Minister of Magic now, you will definitely be regarded as a thorn in the eyes of the mysterious man! "The legal process to become the Minister of Magic is to go through an election."

Amelia Bones, who is known for her decisiveness and toughness, is also somewhat intimidated by this position that carries with it a heavy responsibility!

"I don't recommend planning a snap election now, because you'll have to frequently appear among the public to give election speeches, which is too dangerous, for both you and the public--"

Amosta said,
"I suggest that you first obtain the approval of the various departments and senior officials of the Ministry of Magic. Headmaster Dumbledore and I will also support you. You will temporarily take charge of the Ministry of Magic as Acting Minister and wait for the situation to stabilize before holding a formal election."

"I think you are more than qualified for the position of Minister of Magic, Amelia—"

Dumbledore was silent for a while and then smiled at Amelia.

"If there are senior officials who have different opinions."

Amelia still had some concerns.

"I believe they will make a choice that is in the best interest of the people—"

Amosta said calmly,

"What we need now is unity. During this special period, I'm afraid we cannot allow so many dissenting voices to appear in the Ministry of Magic."

"All right--"

Amelia took a deep breath and her expression became firm.

"Someone has to step up. I will do everything I can."

Amosta and Dumbledore both breathed a sigh of relief.

"The most troublesome thing is——"

Amosta glanced at Fudge coldly.

"We need to give the public an explanation. We cannot tell the truth. The Minister of Magic ordered the Aurors to kill Muggles in order to persecute Harry Potter. If the public knew the truth, the Ministry of Magic's regime would be completely ruined. We must maintain the dignity of the Ministry."

"What's your opinion, Amosta?"

Whichever is the lesser of two evils.

Neither Dumbledore nor Amelia wanted to deceive the public with lies.

But compared to the terrible consequence of the Ministry of Magic's reputation plummeting and even losing its functions, which would lead to anarchy in the British wizarding world, they could only be forced to do something.

"You can't tell the truth, but you can't tell a lie either."

Amosta said calmly,

"It was Dawlish who killed the Muggles. He pinned the blame on Harry Potter in order to please Fudge and Umbridge, because he knew that there was a dispute between the top officials of the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts.

The Minister of Magic and the Deputy Minister believed the lies made up by Dawlish and decided to bring charges against Harry Potter.

The Wizengamot sentenced Dawlish to life imprisonment, and Cornelius Fudge and Dolores Umbridge resigned."


Amelia frowned slightly.

"This is a statement given to the wizarding world—"

Amosta continued,
"We all know that they are the ones who actually ordered Dawlish to do this. They cannot escape responsibility and are secretly imprisoned in Azkaban. Send someone to tell the truth to Fudge and Umbridge's families. I believe that their families will choose to cooperate with the Ministry of Magic for the sake of their reputation."

Dumbledore sighed. He found that he had not sighed so often in one day for many years.

Although there are reasons for this, they are undoubtedly launching a coup now.

Amelia frowned and thought for a while.
"I have no opinion on that. It's theoretically possible, but you know, Amosta, those journalists are good at digging out the truth. If"

"So we need to learn from Fudge's old tricks—"

Amosta smiled.
"Fudge brought up Harry's case at this point in time just to divert the pressure brought to him by the Azkaban prison break, but we can do the opposite--"

"you mean"

Amelia followed Amosta's thoughts with difficulty.

"To draw attention to the Azkaban breakout again?"

"What are you going to do?"

Dumbledore asked solemnly.

Amosta smiled, a sharp smile, and was about to speak, however, the door of the courtroom suddenly opened and Mr. Weasley walked in with his men.

"Let's talk about this later—"

Amosta pursed her lips.
"Let's go, Headmaster Dumbledore, let's go help Amelia convince these senior officials in the ministry." (End of this chapter)

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