Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1123 Amosta's Proposal

As you can imagine, when the reporters gathered at the British Ministry of Magic heard this from Amosita at an emergency press conference.

Previously, Harry Potter, who was charged with murder by the Ministry of Magic, was innocent, and the actual perpetrator of the crime was an Auror in the Auror Office.

How crazy these reporters were when the deceived British Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge and Senior Deputy Minister Dolores Umbridge resigned because they almost wrongly accused the famous Harry Potter!

"The former Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Ms. Amelia Bones, will temporarily take over the position of British Minister of Magic. The former Head of the Auror Office, Mr. Rufus Scrimgeour, will temporarily take over the position of Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. The former Senior Auror under the Auror Office, Mr. Kingsley Shacklebolt, will take over the position of Head of the Auror Office!"

On the temporary press conference stand in the reception hall of the Ministry of Magic, Amosita's voice, amplified by magic, overwhelmed the thunderous roars of the reporters.

"Please believe, people in the British wizarding community, that the Ministry of Magic will meet the increasingly serious situation with a new attitude, will spare no effort and persevere in fighting against the evil forces, and will strive for the peaceful life of all people in the British wizarding community!"

Facing the flash lights, Amosita said righteously,

"Now, please allow Minister Bones to speak and answer your questions."

Amosta has not had a single day of leisure since the beginning of this summer vacation. In the two days after Fudge's fall and Amelia's assumption of office, he was so busy that he didn't even have time to drink a sip of water!

After the press conference that day, journalists from various European countries who had not had time to attend the meeting swarmed in. They would try every possible means to sneak into the Ministry of Magic, which was under martial law during this special period.

There was one exaggerated young man who even waited in the tool room of the bathroom like a cat for seven hours, and jumped out impatiently when he saw Amosta walk into the bathroom.

"Tell me about Cornelius Fudge, Mr. Braine!"

The blue-eyed little reporter rushed to Amosta desperately,
"No one saw him walk out of the Ministry of Magic that day, and the door of his house was locked. Mr. Braine, can you tell us where Minister Fudge and Deputy Minister Umbridge and their family went?"

"I think Minister Bones and I have already explained this issue--"

Resisting the urge to slice the young reporter, Amosta, with a dark face, forced a smile.

"Minister Fudge and Deputy Minister Umbridge, who have worked hard for the British wizarding world for a long time, are in urgent need of a break, so after resigning, they secretly took their families abroad for vacation, hoping to enjoy a vacation."

"But where did they go?"

The young reporter looked determined to find out where Fudge was.

"They don't want their whereabouts to be known to the world. You know, they may feel guilty. After all, because of their mistakes, Harry Potter was almost wrongly accused."

"But some people speculate that it was a premeditated coup, Mr. Blaine!"

The young reporter asked fearlessly,
"It was you who teamed up with Albus Dumbledore to launch a coup and imprison Minister Fudge and Deputy Minister Umbridge!"

"Oh, ha ha, that's pure nonsense."

Amosta looked at the young reporter with a 'kind' smile.
"Even if the wizarding world has some misunderstandings about me, I think you should at least believe in the good character of Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. Can you give me some privacy?"

The pervasive harassment by journalists is only one aspect.

After the news spread, letters from well-known figures in the wizarding world flew to the Ministry of Magic like snowflakes, asking what the truth of the trial that day was.

Some companies and workshops that have deep interests with Fudge, as well as heads of ancient magical families, also visited the Ministry of Magic and sternly asked Minister Bones to let them meet with Minister Fudge.

They simply ignored the Ministry of Magic's explanation to the magical world and took a very tough attitude. If it weren't for Amosta and Albus always being in charge of the Ministry of Magic, Amelia would probably not be able to cope with it at all.

There were also some voices within the Ministry of Magic, but they were not too loud. After all, to them, it didn't make much difference who was the minister.

Some high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Magic who are more inclined to Fudge must cooperate with Bones to pacify the chaos of the past two days if they do not want to lose the power they currently hold.

What if you don’t cooperate?

The Ministry of Magic's largest armed organization is firmly controlled by Kingsley and Scrimgeour. Apart from them, no one else has the ability to use Aurors.

Ludo Bagman, who had always been lazy, suddenly became diligent and worked hard to stabilize the situation.

Brian and Dumbledore are the pillars of support for Bones' new government. Their presence silences most of the people who have opposing opinions!

A far-reaching coup seems to be underway, and with the efforts of many parties, the turbulent situation is gradually calming down.
"This is from the Greengrass family."

Amelia has moved into Fudge's former office, but she has not yet had time to change the luxurious furnishings in the office, which she does not appreciate.

Amosta, Dumbledore and Amelia. The three of them were sitting around the conference table in the Minister's office. Amelia placed the letters she had just brought one by one in front of the solemn-looking Amosta and Dumbledore.


Amelia said with a grim expression,

"Almost half of the twenty-eight sacred families, including the Malfoys, Notts, Crabs, Goyles, and Rosier, have sent inquiries to the Ministry, demanding that Fudge come out and prove that he really wants to resign. Otherwise, they will organize a strike in the industries they control, paralyzing the entire Ministry of Magic!"

To be honest, Dumbledore did not want to get too involved in the affairs of the Ministry of Magic, but in this precarious situation, he had no choice but to stand on the side of Amos Tower and the Ministry of Magic.

He must give full support to the new Ministry of Magic, otherwise, he would be giving Voldemort an advantage.

"No doubt, Amelia—"

Dumbledore picked up the letter of protest from Lucius Malfoy.
"It is certain that Voldemort only asked them to do so."

"I guess so!"

Amelia snorted, staring at the letters angrily.

Amosta glanced at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore did not tell the truth. The idea of ​​using companies and workshops to go on strike was not Voldemort's own idea.

It’s not that Voldemort’s IQ is not up to standard, but his arrogant attitude will not pay attention to problems at this level at all.

The person who actually made this suggestion was Jasna Rosier.

This woman teaches at a university in the Muggle world and is far more knowledgeable about Muggle history than the average wizard.

"I think it's time—"

Amosta looked at the letters and said without showing any emotion:
"We can't just let them mess around. We have to give them some trouble--"

Amelia looked toward Amosta.

"You mean the diversion you mentioned on the day of the trial?"

"What are you going to do? Intensify the pursuit of the escaped Death Eaters?"

Dumbledore was becoming more and more accustomed to being the questioner.

"Actually, my method is a little more interesting—"

Amosta said with a smile.

Under the gaze of Dumbledore and Amelia, Amosta raised a finger and spoke in a serious tone.

"We need to hold another press conference to officially announce that the mysterious man has been resurrected and that the evil forces he belongs to are becoming more active every day. We remind the general public to pay attention to their personal safety."

There was nothing to say about this. The root of the establishment of the new government lay in this point, and neither Amelia nor Dumbledore raised any objections.


Amosta raised his second finger and looked at Amelia and Dumbledore seriously.

"This suggestion. After careful consideration, I think it is time for the Ministry of Magic to stop using Dementors, dark creatures that are against human nature--"

Stop using Dementors?!

Amelia's eyes widened in shock.
"you mean"

"I mean--"

Amosta said firmly,

"Stop using Dementors to guard Azkaban. The original Azkaban prison will be abandoned, and the Ministry of Magic will choose another location to rebuild the wizard prison." (End of this chapter)

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