Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1125 Earth-shattering!

Chirp, chirp, chirp!

The lazy sunlight shines on the open windowsill on the third floor of number twelve Grimmauld Place.

A few sparrows descended from the sky and flew into Hedwig's birdcage hanging on the windowsill, pecking at the food scraps inside.

The two boys sleeping in the bedroom on the third floor were disturbed and turned over in perfect synchronization, facing the wall and covering their heads with quilts.

However, within ten minutes, a rapid knock on the door forced them out of their comfortable slumber.

"Harry, Ron, get up!"

The knocking on the door became more urgent, and the two boys on the bed could no longer pretend not to hear it.

Harry uttered an impatient grumble and threw back his own covers, sending the butterbeer bottles clinking on his bedside table.

Ron finally sat up from the bed. He opened his mouth and looked weakly at the banging door, with a string of 'glistening' saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth.


The door opened, and the complex smell in the air made Hermione feel suffocated. She quickly covered her mouth, and Ginny's perky buttocks behind Hermione twisted.

"Can't you guys clean up?"

Looking at the beer bottles and half-eaten food scattered all over the floor, Hermione, who had no place to step, shouted in disgust.

"Have you lost your memory, Hermione?"

Harry yawned lazily and rolled back onto his bed.

"This isn't just Ron and I who are responsible. You and Ginny are also responsible, aren't they?"

"Oh, that's true, but you should still clean up--"

Hermione's cheeks flushed, but her spirit immediately became strong again.

"Hurry up, both of you, Mrs. Weasley is calling us down for breakfast, and we have a lot to do today!"

Harry didn't move, Ron rubbed his sleepy eyes,
"If you mean cleaning the house."

“It’s not cleaning!”

Ginny glared at Ron fiercely.

"It's to celebrate Harry's birthday, we have to decorate the house!"

"It's for us, too, Ron."

Hermione also looked unfriendly.

"Mrs. Weasley wants to take this opportunity to celebrate for the three of us. The members of the Order of the Phoenix have been busy these days, and they will also attend the celebration!"

“I don’t see anything to celebrate.”

When Ron mentioned this, he looked as if he was dying.

"No need to rush, Hermione."

Harry lay on the bed motionless.
"My birthday is in five days, so we have plenty of time to clean up the mess."

"But we still need to go to the Ministry of Magic this afternoon to pay the fine. I think you have not forgotten this."

Hermione said with a dark look in her eyes.

Harry, who seemed to be in a deep sleep, suddenly started up and immediately jumped up from the bed.

That’s right, this was something we had discussed a long time ago!
In the few days after the trial, the Ministry of Magic was in turmoil. Sirius and his colleagues were very busy. They only found time to send a letter to stop Hermione who was eager to pay the fine.

It was not until last night, when Mr. Weasley came home exhausted, that he told them that after a few days of hard work, the situation in the department had improved a little. They could take time to pay the fine tomorrow, but it would be better to go in the afternoon because the reporters were still in the habit of blocking the door early in the morning, trying to run into the officers at work.

Now, it is still unwise for the three of them to appear in front of reporters.

Cornelius Fudge and Dolores Umbridge!

These two Ministry of Magic officials that Harry hates the most have stepped down!
These days, even in his dreams, Harry felt that this was too dreamy.

As the accused, Harry participated in the entire trial that day, but even so, there were many things that happened that day that he and even Hermione could not understand.

The only thing that is certain is that Professor Brian was in control of the situation throughout, just as he said.

And the downfall of Fudge and Umbridge was probably also part of his plan.

In the past few days since he regained his innocence, every time Harry thought of the figure standing firmly in front of them in the courtroom, his heart was filled with gratitude! And this gratitude reached its peak when they hurriedly put on their clothes and went down to the kitchen to eat breakfast!
"No need to go to the Ministry of Magic today!"

Wearing a greasy apron, Mrs. Weasley stood by the long table, waving a letter at Harry, Hermione and her own children who came to breakfast, with a bright smile on her face.

"Amosta learned from Arthur that you were going to come to the Ministry to pay the fine today, so he sent me a letter saying that he had paid the fine to the Ministry on your behalf!"

Professor Brian helped the three of them pay the fine?!
The kitchen suddenly fell silent. Harry and the other two stared blankly at the letter floating in Mrs. Weasley's hand, full of disbelief!


Ron screamed.
"Why would he want to help us?"


Mrs. Weasley restrained her smile a little.
"Amosta said that Hogwarts is partly responsible for your inappropriate behavior. The school lacks education for you in this regard."


Hermione covered her mouth.
"That's very kind of him. This isn't a Hogwarts problem at all!"

"anything else!"

Mrs. Weasley looked at Harry and said,
"Amosta said that you were targeted by the ministry because you donated things to the orphanage where he grew up. Although the law is strict, he can't let you be punished for your kind behavior, so he helped you pay."

Mrs. Weasley's eyes turned red and she sniffed hard.

"What a nice guy! I didn't know he grew up in an orphanage before. I would rather he was my child. He should be the same age as Bill."

Harry also bit his lip, and he felt a blockage in his heart!
The fine from the Ministry of Magic was nothing to him. He had refused when Sirius offered to pay it for him. He had his parents' inheritance, so it wasn't that he couldn't afford the fine!

But he couldn't refuse Professor Blaine's offer to pay his fine.

No doubt about it, celebrate, we must celebrate hard!
"Since we don't have to go to the ministry, Mom!"

Ron stuffed his mouth with sausages.
"Can we go out for a stroll this afternoon? Now that things are finally over, we can't stay at home for the entire summer vacation!"

"Oh, I think that's all right, Ron—"

Mrs. Weasley said with a smile,

"We can go to Diagon Alley together. Although the Hogwarts book list hasn't been sent yet, I can go buy you a set of new robes that fit you well!"

Mrs. Weasley's words caused an immediate cheer at the breakfast table.

Harry was in a very good mood. The summer vacation was almost half over and he finally got the chance to go out.

Harry was so excited about the possibility of strolling in Diagon Alley together that he even did the boring job of cleaning Sirius' old house in the morning with great enthusiasm!
But excessive joy leads to sorrow, which is an eternal truth.

After lunch, the Weasley children, Harry and Hermione packed up and met in the hallway, ready to leave. However, Remus' sudden appearance in the house froze the joy on everyone's faces!
"What's going on, Remus?"

Remus suddenly appeared in the hallway, sweating profusely, his wide eyes filled with panic. Harry hadn't seen Remus look so panicked for a long time!

Harry's lips moved slightly, the smile on his face disappeared silently, and he asked stupidly.

Gurgle -
Looking at Harry in front of him, looking at Mrs. Weasley and her children, Remus leaned against the wall and panted.

"problem occurs"

"What is it, Remus?"

The joy on Mrs. Weasley's face disappeared, and her eyes were full of fear!
"This morning, Minister Bones held a press conference."

Remus was gasping for air, but very little air came out of his mouth and nose, which made him look like he was suffocating.

"Minister Bones officially announced to the wizarding world that Voldemort has been resurrected and is carrying out terrorist activities in the UK. She also announced that the ministry has decided to abolish Azkaban and build a new wizard prison."

Public announcement of Voldemort's return and the rebuilding of the wizarding prison?!
Harry hadn't recovered from the surprise of these two things when Remus continued,
"But that's nothing. Then, Minister Bones and Amelia jointly announced to the wizarding world about the criminals who had escaped from Azkaban.
You know, it's Bellatrix Lestrange, Antonin Dolohov, Adam Vogel, Jasna Rosier, Ivan Rosier, the Carrow brothers and sisters. These people. Amos Star said that they have three days from today to voluntarily surrender to the police, otherwise, all their property stored in Gringotts will be confiscated!"

Remus' voice was much sharper than usual.

"What's even more incredible is that the goblins also sent people to attend the press conference. They actually said that they would fully cooperate with the Ministry of Magic's actions!"

Thunder exploded in everyone's mind. Is this Amosta? Is he planning to have a showdown with Voldemort? !


In the suffocating silence, Harry suddenly let out a shrill scream, and fell to the ground, holding his forehead! (End of this chapter)

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