Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1130 The Death Eaters' Plan

Harry suddenly covered his slightly stinging scar and looked at the witch who was mixed in with Malfoy's group with astonishment.

The witch was plain-looking, and Harry was sure he didn't know her.

However, when the witch heard someone calling his name, she suddenly cast a fanatical look at him.

"is it him?"

Harry saw the witch suddenly grab Draco's arm with such force that even Draco showed a look of fear and pain.
"That's Harry Potter isn't it, Draco?!"


Draco seemed to be very afraid of the witch. He didn't want to answer the question, but he didn't dare to lie at the same time.

"Let go of my son, Bethel!"

Narcissa's expression changed drastically. She grabbed the wrist of the witch named Bessel, looking shocked and angry!
"What do you want to do, Bessel!"

Lucius reacted quickly as well. He stared at Bessel with a grim look in his eyes.
"You promised me not to—"

"Tell me, Draco, is that Harry Potter?"

But the witch named Bessel turned a blind eye to the Malfoys' resistance and Draco's fear, and still held Draco's arm tightly, her eyes bleeding with excitement!
"What's wrong with that guy?"

Ron frowned and whispered,

"It's strange that a wizard who hangs out with Malfoy is also a fan of yours, Harry?"

"I'm afraid not."

Harry said, pursing his lips as he stared into the witch's eyes, feeling a sense of déjà vu.

In the end, Draco nodded hesitantly.

The moment she got the definite answer, the eyes of this woman named Bessel glowed red, her smile was ferocious and bloodthirsty, and she was about to walk towards Harry.

"What do you want to do?"

Remus stepped in front of Harry and looked at her sharply.


The witch named Bessel just noticed Remus. She was stunned for a moment, then her expression twisted as if she recognized him.

"This world is truly terrible. How dare a dirty, lowly wolf cub show his face in front of a wizard?"


Harry was furious and he drew his wand, pointed it at the witch, and said,
"Apologize to Remus, now!"

"Don't be impulsive, Harry!"

Remus immediately grabbed Harry's wrist.
"Have you forgotten that you are not yet an adult?"

"Oh, you're going to do something to me?"

The witch uttered several wild, shrill laughs,

"I want to see how much you have--"


Lucius seemed to be furious. He quickly suppressed Bessel's shaking wrist, his face livid.

"Don't forget what we agreed on."

"I don't care, this is Harry Potter, I want it."

Bessel shouted loudly, but was suppressed again by Lucius's almost roaring voice.
"Shut up, Bessel, even if you keep your promise to me, can you--"

Lucius' chest heaved violently, and he put his lips close to Bessel's ear and whispered a few words.

Harry saw the bloodshot eyes of the witch who seemed to want to kill him looking at her with a strong unwillingness, as if she was convinced.

"Just wait, little cutie--"

Bessel stretched out his red tongue and licked the corner of his mouth.
"One day I will twist your head off with my own hands!"

"Am I to understand that you are threatening an underage wizard who is still studying at Hogwarts without any reason?"

Remus's eyes were strong, he held Harry tightly with one hand, and stared at Bessel without showing any weakness.
Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Bessel spat on the marble floor with messy footprints, then turned his head and shouted fiercely,

"Hurry up, Lucius, I don't want to waste any more time here!"

Lucius was so angry that he almost exploded, but he still suppressed the urge to kill the woman and looked at the goblins again.


Lucius suddenly cleared his throat, looked at Bogrod, and said coldly,
"I hope you can move faster. In addition to the Malfoy family vault, you should know that my wife's personal vault contains the treasures she inherited from Mrs. Walburga Black, which also need to be taken away--"

Mrs. Walburga Black?!

Harry's eyes suddenly widened!
"That's Sirius' mother—"

Hermione leaned over to Harry's ear.

"Sirius told us that after his mother died, she gave all the Black family's wealth to his two cousins."

"I know!"

Harry's green eyes were bursting with anger.

Sirius introduced them to the large tapestry in the living room of No. 12 Grimmauld Place and learned that Draco's mother was Sirius' cousin.

The other woman who received the Black family's original wealth was Bellatrix Lyslantage, who escaped from Azkaban!
and many more!

Harry suddenly looked surprised!
He had seen Bellatrix in those images earlier in the morning. She was punished by Voldemort for... not keeping something properly!
"Of course, of course—"

Bogrod continued to laugh.

"That is your right, Mr. Malfoy."

"In addition to this, I will also take the share of the Black family fortune that my sister inherited."

Narcissa pulled a twisted walnut wand from her pocket and said suddenly,
"She gave this to me for safekeeping."

Before Harry had time to feel angry at Narcissa's indifference and nonchalance when she mentioned the wealth that originally belonged to Sirius, a thought that suddenly popped into his mind made him shudder!
"What's the matter with you, Harry?"

Remus, who was holding Harry's wrist, immediately noticed that Harry was shaking. He looked over quickly and saw that Harry's slightly pale cheeks were flushed. He stared blankly at Narcissa who was negotiating with the goblin, and the witch named Bethel!

".You.You mean--"

The goblin, who had been nodding and bowing, was also stunned after hearing Narcissa's request. It rubbed its slender fingers nervously.
"You are going to open the vault of Lady Bellatrix Leslantage, are you, Mrs. Malfoy?"

"Any questions?"

Narcissa said coldly,

"This is the voucher to open that vault. Do you suspect it's fake?"

Open Bellatrix Lyslantchi's vault?

These words fell into the ears of Remus and the Weasley family, and they were all stunned.

“Can’t let her do this”

Harry's eyes were full of spirit, and he whispered in a whispering tone,
"They came for the stuff in that vault"

Remus frowned.

"What do you mean, Harry?"

"--you must know, Mrs. Malfoy."

Bogrod glanced at Bessel obliquely.
"Ms. Leslantage's notice from the Ministry, her vault. This. doesn't seem appropriate--"

"Of course I know you made a stupid decision!"

Narcissa said contemptuously,
"The Ministry and the goblins are after the wealth of the ancient House of Leslantage, aren't they?
But what I want to take away is the property of the Black family. Walburga entrusted that wealth to me and Bella, and I must protect it from you greedy goblins. As for the property of the Slantridge family inherited by Bella, you can take it. Humph, relying on the support of Dumbledore and Braine. "


The goblin named Bogrod was in a dilemma.

"Is there anything wrong with this? Are you going to take the Black family's wealth too?"

The people who came with Lucius also attacked at the same time, their faces grim, and they surrounded the goblin at the same time. (End of this chapter)

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