Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1131 Come here

"Before Walburga died, he specifically told me to treat the wealth accumulated by the Black family over the centuries well—"

Narcissa stared at the goblin with an overbearing look.

"I promised her that I would take good care of the Black family's wealth for her. You understand that I cannot let the hard work of the Black family's ancestors fall into the hands of the Ministry of Magic."

"But, but--"

The old goblin took off his glasses and wiped his sweat.
"Since the legacy is in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault—"

"What's the problem?"

Seeing that the explanation was not working, Narcissa raised the walnut wand in her hand and asked sharply,

"I brought the certificate, didn't I? Besides, I didn't ask you to hand over the treasure of the Lestrange family!"

This is simply making farfetched arguments!
Harry's blood boiled. He simply couldn't stand a Death Eater talking openly about the wealth that originally belonged to Sirius!

"What do you want to tell us, Harry?"

Remus turned Harry's body over and looked into his eyes carefully.
"You don't want the Black gold to fall into the hands of the Malfoys? Seriously, Harry, you'd be a fool to think so. Sirius wouldn't care about that at all."

"Of course I know Sirius wouldn't care!"

Harry said angrily,
"But Sirius would definitely not want it to fall into the hands of the Death Eaters. That's not what I'm talking about!"

Harry grabbed Remus' arm and dragged him aside to prevent his words from being overheard.

"I just saw something--"

The Weasley children, including Hermione, gathered Harry and Remus in a circle to ensure that their conversation could not be overheard.
"Just now when my scar was hurting--"

Harry glanced at Malfoy and his group who were still struggling with the goblins.

"I saw Voldemort. He must have known how Professor Braine and the Ministry of Magic were going to deal with him. He was furious and killed many people. He ordered the Death Eaters to take action. Of course, this is not the most important thing--"

Harry took a few breaths and said quickly,

"Last of all, I saw Voldemort torturing Bellatrix as punishment for her negligence."

Voldemort ordered the Death Eaters to act to punish Bella for her negligence.
Then, they saw this group of people in Gringotts trying to move the gold from their vaults, and they specifically wanted to open Bellatrix's vault?
Remus also realized that something was wrong.

Could it be that Voldemort himself had something important hidden in Bellatrix's vault?

"The Malfoys have always kept their promises -"

Lucius Malfoy's loud voice suddenly reached their ears.

"Since my wife has promised to keep the wealth safe, we must keep our word. To this end, we can make some concessions."

Malfoy put on a cold face.
"If you really don't have enough manpower to get the gold out of the Malfoy family's vault, then first transport the gold that originally belonged to the Black family."

Bogrod's eyes widened suddenly. He subconsciously wanted to agree, but before he could say anything, his eyes moved and he said with embarrassment,

"Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Malfoy, but... well, you know, the Ministry has issued a notice, and headquarters requires our full cooperation -"

"What are your conditions?"

Lucius often dealt with these goblins and was familiar with their tricks.

"Oh, I dare not make any demands of you, Mr. Malfoy, but—"

A flash of joy flashed across Bogrod's wrinkled face, and he looked at Greengrass, Old Nott and the others with feigned embarrassment.

Malfoy immediately understood what was going on. He exchanged glances with Old Nott and the others.
"I have no right to tell anyone how to manage their own coffers, you see, Bogrod—"

Lucius Malfoy said expressionlessly,

"But if you can help my wife keep her promise, I can try to convince them."

The smile that spread across the old goblin's face made Harry's heart tighten.


Harry raised his eyebrows.

"Okay, let's give it a try!"

Remus made up his mind and looked determined.
"Come with me, Harry."

As he said this, he put his arm around Harry's shoulders and strode towards Malfoy and the others. "Wait, everyone, I don't think this matter was handled very properly!"

Malfoy and the others, who were about to go down to the underground vault with Bogrod, stopped in their tracks. Looking at Remus and Harry approaching, Lucius Malfoy's grey eyes flashed with relief, but then, like the others, he showed cold alertness on his face.

Raising his hand to stop Bessel, who had already drawn his wand and was grinning, Malfoy stared at Remus and Potter expressionlessly.

"What advice do you have, both of you?"

"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to overhear your conversation—"

Remus said,

"But I seem to hear you talking about the Black family's legacy?"

"Oh, I have to say, your dog ears are really sharp--"

Malfoy twitched his lips and stared at Remus indifferently.
"But what does this have to do with you?"

Lucius' words caused the people who were accompanying him to burst into laughter, and the witch named Bessel also gave Lucius an admiring look.

"It really has nothing to do with me--"

Remus put a little more force on Harry's shoulder, signaling Harry to calm down, and he himself looked calm as if he had not heard Lucius' insult.
"But I have to say a few words for the young people around me."

Lucius narrowed his eyes, looking as if he was listening to the profound remarks.

"I assume you all know that he is Harry Potter, right?"

Lemus took Harry's shoulder and shrugged him forward, speaking calmly.

"so what?"

Narcissa glanced disdainfully at the scar on Harry's forehead.

"You think we need to worship a little boy with an ugly scar on his head?"

"That's not necessary--"

Remus said,

"You know he is Harry Potter, which is not surprising, but you may not know that Harry is also Sirius Black. The godson of the last male of the Black family, he has the right to inherit the Black family property. So, since you are discussing the Black family's inheritance, I think..."

"That's ridiculous!"

Narcissa immediately interrupted Remus and glared at Harry angrily.

"Sirius Black's godson. Even Sirius Black himself is not qualified to discuss this issue with me. That is what Walburga clearly left to Bella and me in his will!"

"Oh, of course, I heard about it myself from Sirius—"

The wife of the Malfoy family patriarch had a cold face and a sense of majesty.

However, this did not scare Remus, who had experienced many hardships. He looked at Narcissa and said unmoved,
"I have no objection to your share of the will, but—"

Remus paused.

"I don't think Mrs. Black knew Bellatrix Lestrange was a crazy Death Eater when she included her in the inheritance, did she? If she knew."

The witch named Bessel's expression suddenly became ferocious. She threw out her wand from her sleeve without hesitation and was about to chop it down!
"Watch out, Remus!"

Harry had been on guard against this woman. As soon as she made a move, Harry reacted immediately. When Bessel's wand was pointed at Remus, his wand was also pointed steadily at Bessel's eyes!
Fred, George and others behind him reacted not much slower than Harry. They immediately rushed to Harry, drew their wands, and confronted Malfoy and his group.

"Oh, everyone, please don't forget, this is Gringotts—"

Bogrod wailed inwardly and spoke in a weak voice.

In the past, wizards would never dare to use wands in the hall of Gringotts. However, the Ministry of Magic's decision this time caused serious damage to the goblins' credibility, and the respect they received was not as great as before.

The noisy hall suddenly returned to silence, and the wizards who only cared about their own money looked at the two confronting parties in surprise.

"I think--"

Just as a tense atmosphere enveloped the hall of Gringotts and a conflict seemed inevitable, Amosta's calm voice suddenly came from the door.

"Are you guys fighting? (End of this chapter)

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