Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1132 Major Mistake?

Many people shouted at the same time, including Harry's group, the people doing business around, and the goblins from Gringotts.

After the respectful greetings, the noisy hall suddenly fell silent.

The crowd in front of Amosta automatically parted to make a path for him. People were looking at the young wizard who was walking slowly, their eyes full of awe.

What exactly happened in the courtroom on the day Harry Potter was tried by the Ministry of Magic?
How did Fudge fall?
How did Bones withstand the heavy pressure from his pure-blood family and ascend to the throne of Minister of Magic?
Those who know the truth are very secretive about it, but that does not stop people from speculating that all this is related to Amos Tower Blaine.

There is no doubt that Blaine is the most powerful wizard in the British wizarding world today.

Even the new minister Amelia Bones is inferior to him. After all, Bones is just an ordinary wizard and does not have Brian's awe-inspiring magical powers!
Harry discovered that the wizards around him who had just been complaining about Gringotts' decision did not become angry after the culprit of all this appeared. Instead, they stopped complaining and tried their best to show their respect for Professor Braine.

He glanced at Malfoy's group from the corner of his eye and found that these hypocritical and sinful wizards were all clenched their teeth and their faces turned green.
Except one person!

"Why are you here, Amosta?"

Remus was the first to come to his senses. He stepped forward and asked with a little surprise.

"Oh, didn't you send a message via Patronus saying that Harry had something important to discuss with me?"

Amosta raised his eyebrows and said calmly.

"Ah, that's true, but I thought"

Not to mention Remus, even Harry himself was surprised, but after being surprised, he felt a little moved.

The Ministry of Magic is now dealing with a lot of complicated affairs, and he didn't expect that Professor Brain would come immediately after receiving the message!
"Oh, of course—"

Amosta winked at them and smiled playfully.
"I just took the opportunity to come out and take a break."

Well, you shouldn't have extra expectations.

Harry's lips immediately pursed.

Amosta's calm gaze leaped over Remus' shoulder and fell on Malfoy's group.

Just as he was arrogant when facing the fairy, he is now as restrained as he was before.

Malfoy and his group half lowered their heads and hunched their shoulders, not daring to meet Amosita's gaze.

"Ah, Draco—"

Looking around, Amosta's eyes fell on Draco, who was a little flustered and sandwiched between Lucius and Narcissa. A gentle smile appeared on his calm face.

"How was your summer vacation?"


Draco, who tried his best to reduce his presence, turned pale. He nodded hesitantly.

"Hello, Professor—"

Harry narrowed his eyes at Draco's cringing look, and Ron behind him raised his eyebrows and poked Hermione's arm with his elbow, but Hermione just glared at him sternly.

Amosta smiled and nodded.
He seemed not to notice Draco's abnormality. He did not pay attention to Malfoy and his group, but instead his eyes fell on Bogrod.
"Is everything going well, Bogrod?"

"There are some minor problems, Mr. Blaine—"

Bogrod smiled with difficulty, but when he saw Amosta's calm and majestic eyes, he immediately straightened his chest.

"Of course, we can all overcome this, and Gringotts UK will firmly support the Ministry of Magic and your decision!"

Although he said so, the old goblin's eyes were intentionally or unintentionally glancing at the Malfoy couple.

When Amos Tower Blaine appeared, the Death Eaters immediately realized that their plan had completely failed.

Now, the men just hoped the goblin wouldn't tell Brian about their attempt to open Bella's vault.

Unfortunately, the warning glances they secretly cast at the goblin were noticed by Harry.

"Professor Blaine—"

Harry faced the hard gazes fearlessly and said bluntly,

"They want to open Bellatrix Leslantage's vault and take away half of the gold belonging to the Black family. But I remember that the Ministry has already notified that if the Death Eaters who escaped from prison do not surrender voluntarily, their wealth in Gringotts will be confiscated."

The quietness of the hall of Gringotts, where you could hear a pin drop, made Harry's voice sound particularly loud!
"You damned little bastard!"

Bessel screamed immediately, and she flicked her wrist, ready to curse Harry.

"Don't be impulsive, Bebessel!" Bebessel's bold move frightened the people around her. They immediately surrounded her and held her arms to prevent her from making a big mistake!

"You want to kill everyone?"

Lucius snatched the wand from Bessel's hand, stared at her fiercely, and spoke with gritted teeth in a suppressed voice.

"Let me go, Lucius!"

Bessel's face was grim, and he struggled desperately.

"I'm going to kill him. The damned little bastard ruined--"

"shut up!"

Lucius roared.

"If you don't want to screw everything up, shut up!"

"Who are you, Lucius? How dare you. Ugh!"

Bethel continued to curse, but Narcissa waved her wand in time to seal her mouth.

Amosta looked calmly at the woman who was still struggling hard under the grip of several people and gave him a provocative look. A strange look flashed in his eyes, but he still maintained a calmness that puzzled Harry and others.

"Sorry, Mr. Blaine--"

Lucius nodded breathlessly at Amosta.

"It's not what Mr. Potter said. We also firmly support the Ministry of Magic and your decision. We just think that maybe the Ministry of Magic just wants to confiscate the wealth belonging to Bellatrix Lanstrange and the half of the Black family's wealth that she inherited."

"Haha, cunning Malfoy——"

Amosta smiled and said,
"You guys want to take advantage of the loophole in the announcement and try your luck to see if you can keep the gold, right?"

Greengrass, Old Nott, Crabbe, Goyle and others all breathed a sigh of relief, and even Bessel stopped trying to struggle.

"Sorry, Mr. Blaine--"

Lucius's grey eyes sparkled. He looked at Amosta, moved his eyelids slightly, and leaned forward.

"I can tell you right here, Lucius—"

Amosta said,
"No matter where the wealth in the vault comes from, since it is in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault, if she does not surrender by the due date, the Ministry of Magic will confiscate her wealth as a punishment. Do you understand?"

"We will remember your warning—"

Lucius nodded immediately.
"Well, in that case, we'll take our leave--"

As they spoke, under the gazes of many people, Malfoy and his group walked quickly towards the hall.

"We can't let them go, Professor Brain!"

Seeing that Professor Brain had no intention of stopping him, Harry became anxious.

He took two steps to Amosta, leaned close to his ear and said with rapid breathing,

"That woman, professor, is the one whose wand Malfoy just took away. I think she might be the Death Eater who escaped from Azkaban, Bellatrix Lestrange!"

"Is it possible, Amosta?"

Even without Harry's previous warning, Remus had become suspicious of the woman.

More than a decade ago, they had dealt with these notorious Death Eaters under Voldemort.

Even among those crazy Death Eaters, Bellatrix enjoyed a great reputation.

The woman's crazy behavior just now was very similar to Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Could it be Polyjuice Potion? Or advanced human transfiguration?"

Remus asked solemnly, lowering his voice.

"Maybe, but at least I didn't see any flaws--"

Seeing the backs of Malfoy and his group disappear in the light and shadow, a strange light flashed in Amosita's eyes, but he immediately restrained his expression and looked into Harry's eyes with a little caution.
"By the way, what did you want to talk to me about, Harry?" (End of this chapter)

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