Chapter 219 See You Again
Everyone gathered in the city. Although they fought fiercely all night without any rest, everyone's faces showed fatigue, but they could only fight hard.

Because there are so many things to deal with right now.

Yuan Xi arranged for Taishi Ci Tianyu to gather all the remaining soldiers who surrendered in the city. After counting, they found that there were still nearly 2000 people. How to deal with these people became a big problem.

He approached Guo Jia, and after discussing with them, they decided to eliminate the wounded soldiers and Jiangdong soldiers first, and then requisition the merchant ships at the wharf and send them across the river if they did not want to stay.

In the end, only 700 people remained. With Yuan Xi's current strength of nearly [-] troops, they could be broken up and incorporated into the army without causing chaos.

Yuan Xi is now taking the route of elite soldiers, and he can't afford to support a large number of soldiers, and the soldiers are uneven, which affects the combat power.

His current goal is to develop the territorial economy first, and then fully implement the military system suitable for elite soldiers when the food and grass are abundant.

The reason why the Three Kingdoms adopted the farming system was not that no one thought of a system similar to the Fubing system, but that the Fubing system was too expensive in an era when people's livelihoods were declining and the economy was collapsing.

According to the New Book of Tang, when soldiers of the Tang Dynasty went out to fight, they had to pay for a lot of equipment by themselves.

Ordinary infantry needs a hard bow, a quiver called Hulu, thirty arrows, a Tang Hengdao, a whetstone, felt hats and clothes to keep out the cold, and a suitcase.

This is not over yet, each soldier prepares nine buckets of barley rice and two buckets of uncooked rice, which will be handed over for centralized distribution.

These expenditures are not too much, and every mansion soldier must wear bright light armor, and cavalry must also have hand armor and leg armor. These clothes need to be purchased at their own expense.

In addition, Fubing also needs to purchase collective equipment.

In the early Tang Dynasty, ten people were the basic unit of "fire". Their armaments included six pack horses or strong-footed donkeys instead. In addition, tents, shovels, chisels, axes, pliers, camp beds, marching Collective tools such as pots, reins, and horse bowls.

It is said that fighting a war is logistics, and the soldiers of the Tang army are so well equipped that they can naturally have a crushing combat advantage over the enemy.

However, this method costs a lot, and it can only be supported when the economy of the Tang Dynasty is prosperous. In the later period, the Tang Dynasty was forced to switch from the government military system to the recruitment system, which caused many problems.

Today the world is short of food, Yuan Xi's route of elite soldiers can save a lot of food for low-level soldiers, and it is easier to train soldiers to cooperate.

In the beginning, the soldiers couldn't afford complete weapons and equipment, so Yuan Xi wanted to occupy Youzhou's salt and iron resources as soon as possible, vigorously develop maritime trade routes, and use the profits earned to buy military weapons to get through the initial period.

It was because he did not hesitate to personally lead troops to attack Guangling, just because Xuzhou's position in this trade route was too important, if it fell into Sun Ce's hands, most of his route would be abolished.

Now he occupies the area from Guangling to the mouth of the Yangtze River. If he makes good friends with Liu Yao of Yangzhou, he can continue to expand the route to the south, and maybe he can reach Yizhou.

With Yizhou as a springboard, they can trade with the Nanyang Islands and exchange various economic crops and special products with great potential.

But this may be ten years, or even decades away.

Yuan Xi arranged for Tai Shici to distribute weapons to the surrendered soldiers, then called Tian Yu over, and said, "Have you captured any important figures in Sun Ce's army?"

Tian Yu heard this, and replied: "General Ziyi caught the local general at the gate of the city. I interrogated him a few times before, and he claimed to be Qiao Rui."

"If this name is true, it should indeed be Yuan Shu's general."

"As for the situation of the others, Qiao Rui was quite tight-lipped and didn't ask anything."

Yuan Xi nodded, and said: "I will be locked up for a few days first, and I will interrogate myself after I finish my work."

"Who else?"

Tian Yu heard this and said, "According to the soldiers I surrendered to, the one who stayed behind in Guangling City was General Qiao Rui, and the other was Sun Ce's trusted military advisor, who is said to be Zhou Yu."

"When I entered the city, there was someone's wife in charge of the city lord's mansion, but her whereabouts were also missing."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Xi quickly stood up and said, "Zhou Yu?"

"Where is he now?"

His attention was all on Zhou Yu, but he didn't care about Mrs. What.

Tian Yu said: "I searched all over the city, but I didn't find it. It should be that when the north gate opened last night, I took the opportunity to escape."

Yuan Xi snorted, quite disappointed, if he could catch Zhou Yu, even if he couldn't use it for himself, Sun Ce would lose a lot of help in Jiangdong in the future.

Being close at hand, but missed, Yuan Xi's joy of victory was also diluted a bit, he sighed: "What a pity."

Seeing this, Tian Yu said: "However, there is an unexpected joy. Some people are detained in a mansion. I checked their identities, but it is quite important to the young master."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Xi became interested: "Who is it?"

Tian Yu said: "Kong Wenju's family, and Liu Bei's wife and daughter!"

Yuan Xi was surprised when he heard this, "Shouldn't they all be trapped in Xiapi? How could they be in Guangling?"

Tian Yu said, "Sun Ce ordered people to escort them from Tancheng to Guangling."

Yuan Xi suddenly got up, "These people are really useful to us, let's go and have a look together!"

Tian Yu led the way, and the two rode towards the place of detention. When they were about to reach the place, they saw Sun Li and some people standing at the door of a big house, shouting something at the same time.

Yuan Xi rode his horse over and said, "What's going on?"

Seeing that it was Yuan Xi, Sun Li said, "Brother, this is the City Lord's Mansion. I brought people here last night and found that the house was on fire. Some people were taking advantage of the fire to rob."

"My brothers and I killed all the thieves, and then put out the fire, but many things inside were destroyed."

Yuan Xi heard this, and asked, "Sun Ce's residence?"

"Are there any members of his family inside?"

After hearing this, Sun Li shook his head and said, "Almost everyone has run away. When I came, I saw a woman running out with a child in her arms, so I arrested her."

"Besides, there are only a few robbers left in the mansion, and I have hacked them all to death."

After hearing Yuan Xi's words, all Xindao mansion ran away, there should be no one left, it should be a servant girl?

Seeing that the house where Kong Rong and others were imprisoned was half a street away, he thought for a while, got off his horse and said, "Take me to see that woman, I have something to ask her."

After hearing this, Sun Li entered the door, followed by Yuan Xi and Tian Yu. Along the way, they saw charred walls everywhere in the mansion, and almost all the window lattices were burned. Fortunately, the house did not collapse.

In a room that was still intact, Yuan Xi saw the woman Sun Li mentioned.

When Yuan Xi saw this woman, she found that the woman was only in her early thirties. Although her face was covered with black and gray, she could be seen to be extremely beautiful, but she was holding a three or four-year-old baby in her arms, crying loudly. .

He said, "Madam is from this house?"

The woman raised her head when she heard the words, then quickly lowered her head, her expression changed suddenly.

This woman is Mrs. Wu who did not have time to escape.

Last night, she asked Zhou Yu to leave first, and she went back to the house to find a servant girl and change into her clothes. When she came out again, a group of vicious people rushed in with open flames. As soon as they entered, they robbed the houses and set them on fire at the same time. Come.

When Madam Wu saw this, she secretly groaned, this is a local ruffian who took advantage of the chaos and looted. They robbed things, then set fire to the house, and no one would be able to find out.

She knew that if the other party found out, she would definitely not be able to please her, so she had to turn around and flee to the back door, but it was too late, and was blocked by the rushing Sun Li.

She still wanted to get away with it, but Sun Li didn't listen and put her under surveillance.

Mrs. Wu felt aggrieved, if it wasn't for this one taking advantage of the fire, she would have hoped to escape, but she didn't expect frequent accidents!
She hugged her daughter and waited anxiously for most of the night, but the enemy general arrived. She lowered her head and listened to the voice, and realized that the general was quite young, and everyone responded respectfully, indicating that this person was probably the leader , and it is likely to be a gentry!
Mrs. Wu was a little flustered. She pretended to be a servant, and it was okay to deceive soldiers, but her conversation could not be changed, and she couldn't deceive people who were familiar with the way of the gentry.

Hearing the other party's question, she raised her head hesitantly, but at a glance, she recognized it immediately. Isn't this the young man she met at the gate of the city when she was driven away in Tancheng?
At that time, men started to grow beards very early, and it was very rare for a young man like this man to not grow a beard, so Mrs. Wu recognized Yuan Xi at a glance.

She quickly lowered her head to hide the shock on her face, it turned out that this person was an ally of Liu Yuzhou, no wonder he wanted to fight Guangling!

Mrs. Wu felt a little regretful. She said that she was responsible for the loss of Guangling. What Zhou Yu said before leaving made Mrs. Wu vaguely guess that there was a problem with the Zhen family caravan entering the city during the day!
What's terrible is that they are so courageous, they dared to bring a gift to visit, and they didn't check for a while, and they were deceived!
Thinking of this, Mrs. Wu's intestines are full of regret.

Seeing that Mrs. Wu did not speak, Yuan Xi thought she was afraid, and said, "Madam, please don't worry. Even if you are Sun Bofu's family member, I will not hurt you. If possible, I will send you to go back."

Mrs. Wu thought to herself, who would believe that someone who used such a sneaky scheme to steal the city was just trying to trick me!

She thought that the other party gave her a horse at that time, and she felt complicated. She really didn't expect this man to be so scheming that even she and Gong Jin fell into his hands.

She suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said in a low voice: "This concubine is from a good family, and was robbed by the Sun family. I really don't know about the city lord."

When Sun Li heard this, his anger was palpable, and he shouted, "Sun Ce is such a shameless bastard, I'm afraid Madam will be bullied by him!"

"Ma'am, don't be sad. If you catch Sun Ce in the future, you will definitely stab his ass!"

Madam Wu's face froze, Yuan Xi kicked Sun Li: "Don't speak so vulgarly."

He said to Madam Wu: "Look at the dress on Madam's head, is she a woman from the noble family?"

Madam Wu was startled, and then cursed secretly, why did she forget this, she still wears quite expensive jewelry on her head, and this kind of decoration is only used by noble women!
Now she can't even pretend to be a servant and a good girl!
Mrs. Wu felt distressed, why was the other party so difficult to deal with, she could see the flaws in the hair ornament at a glance, did you stare at the woman's head all day long?

You have to make up a gentry identity, and you can't be a local gentry, otherwise you will be easily found out, and you can't be a northern gentry, because I don't know the situation there
In a place farther south, the family I am familiar with
Mrs. Wu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said: "This concubine is originally from the Cai family in Jingzhou."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi asked in confusion: "Jingzhou Cai? Why did Madam come here?"

(End of this chapter)

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