Chapter 220 Parents Are Unkind
Mrs. Wu had already thought up her speech in a very short period of time, and said it without any haste.

After she became a widow, she came to Guangling to visit her relatives. As a result, Guangling was captured by Sun Ce, and she fell into the city and was robbed into the mansion.

Mrs. Wu thought that there should be no major flaws in this reason. It would be best if the other party let her go, and it would be the worst for her to find an excuse to return home in the future, so she could take the opportunity to escape on the way.

As a result, what Yuan Xi said made her feel cold, "Jizhou Shepherd Liu Jingsheng has a good relationship with the Yuan family. Since Madam is from his wife's family, I will find a way to send someone to escort Madam back when the war in Xuzhou is settled."

"Now Guangling is surrounded by Yuan Shu's army, and the sea route along the west of the river is blocked. My wife is going back home now, I'm afraid the road will be full of dangers."

"If I don't wait for me to help Liu Yuzhou drive Sun Ce out of Xuzhou, then take my wife back to Jizhou by sea, and then go west from Jizhou to Sili to Jingzhou. This road is all Yuan's territory, so it will be safe and secure."

Mrs. Wu's mentality is a little bit broken. If you take this route back to Jingzhou, there will be escorts. By then, you will be farther and farther away from Jiangdong, where Sun Ce is. Not to mention, if you really arrive at Cai's house in Jingzhou, won't everything be exposed?
That Liu Biao is Yuan Shu's enemy!

Moreover, when the son said that he was the Yuan family who had good friends with Liu Biao, he was definitely not referring to Yuan Shu, but Yuan Shao!

How did the Yuan family of Jizhou come here?

But now she didn't dare to show any flaws, so she could only show gratitude, and bowed to Yuan Xi: "Thank you for your concern, my concubine is very grateful."

Yuan Xi listened, nodded and said: "Since that's the case, I will arrange a place for Madam, and please Madam stay in the city for a while."

Yuan Xi didn't doubt that there was him, since so many people escaped from the North Gate, if it was really Sun Ce's important family members, they should have been escorted away long ago, but it was Qiao Rui, who seemed to be Xiao Qiao's father?

At this time, most of his thoughts were thinking about Qiao and Qiao, and the other half was thinking about meeting Liu Bei's wife and daughter. He didn't think much about Madam Wu's words, and immediately called Tian Yu to go out.

Seeing Yuan Xi going out, Mrs. Wu's vest was covered in cold sweat. She suddenly remembered that what she said was not without flaws, at least the dozen or so servants in the mansion earlier recognized her!

Although there was chaos last night, these people all ran away early, but there was no guarantee that they would not be caught. What if they recognized themselves by then?
Thinking of this, she panicked even more, she must find a chance to escape as soon as possible, before that, try not to see anyone!

Madam Wu felt a little fortunate. Originally, she planned to meet Liu Bei's wife, daughter and Kong Rong's family in the past few days, but something happened to delay her. Otherwise, her identity would definitely be exposed.

She was suddenly a little scared. At that time, if she was used to blackmail Sun Ce, it would be fine for her to die, but what about the daughter in her arms?
Seeing Yuan Xi leave, Sun Li muttered, "Brother won't take me with you, hey, it's so boring."

When Mrs. Wu heard this title, she thought to herself that calling her elder brother was not a custom of martial arts.

This is Yuan Shao's northern warriors?
She said: "This general, that young master, which general is under the envoy's command?"

When Sun Li heard this, he said happily, "Ma'am, you are too polite. I don't dare to be a general. I am just a little guard, but I may not be able to lead the army in the future, haha."

"As for my elder brother, he was originally the second son of the Yuan family, and now he is the governor of Youzhou. He is called the fierce tiger of the Yuan family. Madam, have you ever heard of it?"

When Madam Wu heard this, her eyes went dark, the Yuan family is fierce!

This person has now gained a great reputation. When Sun Ce and Zhou Yu discussed in private, they regarded him as a strong enemy. After hearing this, Mrs. Wu thought that there is really a person who combines intelligence, intelligence and martial arts?
Looking at it now, this man was really powerful, and he sneaked down Guangling quietly!

Mrs. Wu panicked even more. At that time, Sun Ce smiled and said, "This Yuan family's fierce tiger is not only good at fighting, but there is one thing I especially admire."

Mrs. Wu asked puzzledly, "What do you admire?"

Sun Ce laughed and said, "I heard that this person is extremely lustful. I heard that no matter whether she is a widow or a girl, she is unscrupulous. I heard that Cao Cao's wife and daughter, and Gongsun Zan's widow were all taken into his house!"

"Such a daring act, you really are a man of temperament!"

Madam Wu blushed when she heard this, and spat: "Ce'er can't learn from this kind of person. Now my Sun family still wants to spread its reputation among the gentry. How can such a highly criticized act win the hearts of the people?"

Sun Ce heard this, and said angrily, "What kind of gentry, when my father was alive, he chopped melons and vegetables and killed them one by one, and they didn't dare to let a fart go."

Madam Wu sighed inwardly, Sun Ce and Sun Jian had very similar personalities, irritable, self-willed, and dislikes scholars, but if this continues, it will be impossible to establish a foundation.

My husband died young, so I have to support Sun Ce to make a fortune, so that I can rest assured.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Wu felt a little resentful. Although she was forced to marry Sun Jian back then, she had been doing her best for Sun over the years. He died, leaving orphans and widows.

Fortunately, Sun Ce is up to the challenge. After giving him ten years, he will definitely be able to surpass his father, and then he will be able to rest in peace.

Thinking of how lecherous this fierce tiger of the Yuan family was, Mrs. Wu became more determined to escape. She suppressed her sorrow and listened carefully to the conversation between Sun Li and the soldiers.

Only by knowing the enemy's situation in detail can we find out the opportunity to escape!
Yuan Xi and Tian Yu walked half the street, and before they came to a big house, there were already several soldiers guarding the front. Seeing them coming, they quickly opened the door and let them in.

As soon as Yuan Xi entered, he heard a sound from a locked door.

There was a male voice cursing, "Why are you crying, no matter what happens in the city, we can still escape?"

A female voice said, "What if someone comes to rescue us?"

The male voice said impatiently: "How is it possible, if Liu Yuzhou could save us, he would have been sent back to Xiapi long ago, and he could still run to Guangling?"

"Anyway, let me get to the beginning, if that kid Sun Ce wants to humiliate you, you'd better die, lest the Kong family be humiliated."

The female voice said bitterly: "I'll let it go, you also have the heart to say that to your daughter?"

The male voice said anxiously: "I can't afford to lose that face!"


A timid girl said in a voice: "Father and mother, stop arguing, I will follow suit."

The room suddenly calmed down.

Yuan Xi recognized the voices of these three people, and thought to himself, isn't this the Kong Rong family?

He said to the soldier, "Open the door."

The soldier heard this, and just as he went up to unlock the door, the people in the house heard the noise from the rooms, and they all let out a chorus, and their breathing suddenly became short of breath.

Yuan Xi suddenly became narrow-minded and said, "Wait."

He pulled Tian Yu over and whispered a few words, Tian Yu couldn't help but smile wryly, he thought to himself that doing such a thing on such an occasion, the young master has a bad heart.

Seeing Yuan Xi running to the corner to hide, he shook his head helplessly and ordered the soldiers to open the door.

The door opened, and Kong Rong and his wife and daughter huddled in a corner, their faces pale.

Tian Yu tried his best to put on a vicious look, and said, "Everyone, it's time to go on the road."

When Kong Rong heard this, his body was shaking, and Mrs. Kong Rong and his daughter trembled.

Seeing this, Tian Yu said, "The general said, it's not like you don't have a way out, it depends on how you choose."

When Kong Rong heard this, he regained his energy and said, "What is the general's order?"

Tian Yu didn't answer, but just stared at Mrs. Kong Rong and his daughter.

Kong Rong understood at a glance, he gritted his teeth angrily, and said, "Young Sun Ce, you are too deceitful!"

"Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!"

"I, Kong Rong, are not afraid of death, so let my family of three have the same full name festival!"

Tian Yu said: "Corporal Yuan Gonglu is a virtuous and virtuous officer, why don't Mr. Wen Ju abandon the secret and turn to the light to save the lives of the family of three?"

Kong Rong heard this, and said angrily, "Yuan Shu, a traitor in the Han Dynasty, has the face to lobby me. Kong Rong only wants to die quickly!"

Yuan Xi on the side heard this, and felt that Kong Rong was tough, but he was also a Yuan family, so it seemed that it would be very difficult for Kong Rong to work for him.

Kong Rong is so stubborn, there is no benefit in making friends with him.

At this time, Tian Yu's face was tangled, he hesitated for a moment, and then slowly said what Yuan Xi had ordered in advance, "In this case, please go on the road with peace of mind, Mr. Wen Ju, the general will take care of your wife and daughter."

As soon as these words came out, Kong Rong was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, his eyes turned black, and he almost fell to the ground.

Tian Yu thought to himself that this sentence was really powerful, and he didn't know how the young master thought of it.

When Mrs. Kong Rong saw her, she put her arms around her daughter and said to Tian Yu: "Sir, there is no need to say, the three of us live and die together."

After hearing this, Kong Rong felt a sense of guilt for no reason.

He suddenly realized something, took his daughter's hand and said: "Father is ashamed of you."

"What kind of relationship should a father have with a son? As far as the original intention is concerned, it is really a desire to arouse the ear, and the son is like a mother to the mother? It's like putting things in a bottle, and when they come out, they will leave."

"My father asked you to celebrate my father's death with the kindness of nurturing, it is my father's unreasonable and incompetent."

Yuan Xi listened, and suddenly froze, thinking that Kong Rong's parents are ungrateful, so this is how he realized it?

He recalled what Yuan Shao said to himself before adopting, and wondered if Yuan Shao was also in the same mood at that time?
Parents raised their children with the kindness of nurturing. Although the children will always leave their parents in the end, the remaining feelings are still there. This is intertwined with the blood and surpasses the fetters of the blood. How can it be easily cut off?

The filial piety in this world requires children to repay their parents' kindness and obey their parents' orders unconditionally.

But Yuan Shao and Kong Rong were able to detach themselves, and saw something different from it.

For the kindness of parenting, children must of course repay, but it is not unconditional to obey their parents with foolish loyalty.

It is not what the children say, but what the parents feel in their hearts. This is the selfless dedication of the parents, which breaks away from the shackles of ethics, and reveals a glimmer of humanity from it.

Yuan Xi recalled that Zhang made Zhen Mi adoptive and endured the pain of mother and daughter separation. Isn't this also a kind of love and protection for Zhen Mi?
No matter how restrained the etiquette of human nature, it can't completely suppress the most simple feelings for their children in the blood of parents.

Thinking of this, he sighed, walked out slowly, and said, "Your joke is too much, I apologize to Duke Wen Ju here."

(End of this chapter)

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