Chapter 277
Madam Wu sent Yuan Xi out of the house, and then closed the door, a battle between heaven and man broke out in her heart.

She understands that there are not many options left for him right now, because she has no bargaining chip at all.

Yuan Xi calculated that he had already made enough concessions to her, because if Yuan Xi really used force, Mrs. Wu could die, but what about Ah Xiang?
But Yuan Xi never mentioned a word of Axiang from the beginning to the end, indicating that the other party didn't want or disdain that daughter to threaten her.

But if the child is born....
Madam Wu gently pressed her lower abdomen, as if she could feel something that didn't exist, and her heart was filled with mixed feelings.

As soon as Yuan Xi went out, he noticed that the gazes staring at the room disappeared in an instant. The sound of footsteps, the sound of closing the window, and low voices sounded one after another, and then disappeared one after another.

He shook his head and went back into the room, seeing Zhen Mi leaning against the window, looking at him with a half-smile, and said in his mouth, "Ma'am, did you agree?"

Yuan Xi smiled wryly and said, "What should I do, just let nature take its course."

"She is also a miserable person. In the future, you can tell Zhaoji and the others not to ask about things that should not be asked, so that she can live with peace of mind."

After hearing this, Zhen Mi nodded thoughtfully, "I understand."

Two days later, Yan Rou rushed back from Yongnu with more than 4000 soldiers under her command.

Yuan Xi and Tian Yu went to the camp to check, and found that less than half of them were cavalry, and they were all proficient in riding and shooting horses.

Yuan Xi thought that Yan Rou and Xian Yufu had no secrets. Looking at his longbow and saber, he knew that he could fight the most. According to the ratio of one to five cavalry in the Northland, it was not easy to gather nearly two thousand cavalry. of.

Most of these cavalry are composed of northern border residents, and most of the horses they ride are raised by their own families. The horse breeds are quite good. Youzhou is originally a place where good horses are produced, and it is rich in tall horses, which are good for charging in battle. Wuhuan suddenly rides.

Tai Shici once mentioned to Yuan Xi that when he was young, avoiding disasters in Liaodong, he learned the tactics of Wuhuan Xianbei cavalry and raised his own shooting skills to a very high level.

The only thing these cavalry lacked was that almost none of them had armor, and most of them wore leather jackets.

Yuan Xi turned his head and asked Yan Rou: "Isn't Youzhou a place where iron is produced? Why don't they wear armor? Is it because armor is too expensive?"

Yan Rou explained: "There is indeed a part of the reason."

"What's more, most people feel that it is very inconvenient to ride and shoot while wearing armor."

"These two thousand cavalry, there are hundreds of Wuhuan cavalry, they are only armored at the vital points, because they are in charge of charging, and the others are in charge of harassment."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi asked, "The northern land cavalry's tactic is that the light cavalry with bows and arrows is responsible for long-range harassment, waiting for the enemy's formation to collapse, and then charging with the cavalry?"

"Isn't it very troublesome to cooperate with these two types of cavalry?"

"Why can't you both ride and charge?"

Yan Rou nodded and said, "The Shijun really understands this very well."

"Actually, it comes down to the issue of armor."

"A charge requires armor, but after wearing armor, most people wear armor, and the speed and flexibility of archery will suddenly drop."

Yuan Xi said: "Even if armor can significantly reduce casualties?"

Yan Rou smiled wryly and said: "Riding and shooting immediately is to avoid contact with the enemy. Once you are within the enemy's range, you must be extremely vigilant. Try to stay away from the enemy."

"At this time, the importance of mobility and flexibility is higher than that of protection."

Yuan Xi asked, "Brother Yan, do you know about the Battle of Jieqiao?"

"If you want my brother to lead two thousand cavalry to replace Gongsun Zan's White Horse Yi Cong, do you have a better way?"

Yan Rou knew that Yuan Xi was testing her, so she didn't dare to be negligent and thought hard.

He couldn't help but not pay attention to this, the name of the fierce tiger of the Yuan family was extremely resounding, having defeated Baima Yicong several times, Yan Rou didn't dare to answer casually, lest it would be considered perfunctory.

He thought for a while before raising his head and said: "Although I have some ideas, with the current state of the cavalry, I'm afraid I can't do it."

Yuan Xi said: "Let's see."

Yan Rou said: "I remember that the one who defeated Baima Yicong in the Battle of Jieqiao that day was Qu Yi's subordinate who died first."

"It was a mistake for Baima Yi to charge from the beginning, and it cannot be said that Yan Gang, the leader of the army, was not good. He suffered a loss because he didn't find Qu Yi's crossbowmen. He only wanted to charge to destroy the morale of the enemy in one fell swoop, so he fell into a full set."

"If it were me, I could only choose to use Qingqi to harass the opponent's rear flanks, and then Wuhuan Tuqi to rush in from the side, and I must not face the enemy head-on."

Yuan Xi said again: "What if the opponent also has cavalry?"

After hearing this, Yan Rou smiled wryly, "Then it depends on whose armor is strong, whose weapons are sharp, and whose morale is high."

"In the end, it is still necessary to compete with infantry. This is most of the time, the decisive factor that determines the victory or defeat on the battlefield."

"Baima Yicong was defeated because of the single role of the arms. After being restrained by the enemy, he couldn't cope with the counterattack at all."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi said, "Brother Yan, what you mean is that all arms on the battlefield must cooperate to play a role, and any problem in one part may lead to failure?"

Yan Rou lowered her head and said, "This is just a childish idea."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi sighed: "Brother Yan is right, but there is a big problem."

"Training a single branch is already extremely difficult, let alone the cooperation between several branches."

After Yan Rou heard this, she hesitated to speak.

Yuan Xi saw him and said, "General, please tell me everything."

Yan Rou said: "The method of training soldiers is indeed the most important factor in determining a soldier's strength."

"But Shi Jun seems to have overcomplicated this matter."

"My lord, please look at these people in front of you. In fact, they didn't have much training at all, but they were able to defeat Gongsun Zan's general Zou Dan with the last general, Xian Yufu and others, and killed thousands of people."

Yuan Xi became interested, "How did Brother Yan do it?"

Yan Rou hurriedly said: "The envoy is also a person who knows how to fight, so it's really arrogant for a general to say that he is giving advice."

"The final general knew that his skills were very shallow, so he adopted the simplest method."

"Concentrate all forces and concentrate on breaking through the enemy's weakest point."

"At that time, I was in front of the battle. The strength of the enemy and us was actually similar, but the mentality was actually very different."

"Zou Dan needs to defeat us, and then go to Yijing to support Gongsun Zan, so not only must he win, but he must not lose too much."

"Not so with me."

"I just need to beat him no matter the loss."

"So I told the soldiers, if you win this battle, you can go home."

"After rushing into Zou Dan's army at a huge cost and bringing both sides into a situation where there is no end to death, the soldiers on both sides can only move forward if they want to survive."

"Under this kind of pressure, Zou Dan's soldiers obviously began to worry about gains and losses. Even if they win, there is still an unknown battle of Yi Jing waiting for them."

"My soldiers are different. If they win, it will be the last battle."

"So the situation gradually became one-sided. My side gradually accumulated victories, and finally Zou Dan was defeated."

"Forgive me, the general said bluntly, at that time it was all melee fighting in groups of three and five, and any method of coordinating the army formation could not be used."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi seemed to realize something.

The example Yan Rou mentioned was actually very extreme. He put the two sides on a horizontal line, and then punched each other to see who would fall first.

In the real battlefield, from the psychology of both sides, to mentality goals, to the comparison of the bottom line, to the cooperation of small groups of troops, there are too many things that I need to think about.

First of all, from the perspective of the psychological game, on the battlefield, both sides must know themselves and the enemy. If they want to restrain the opponent, they must make the opponent misjudge.

What Yan Rou said was to use the strongest force to penetrate the enemy's weakest point when the strength of both sides was transparent.

If the enemy naturally knows this, then they have to plan before the battle, and in order to confuse the enemy, they have to hide their own strength.

Show weakness and hide the front.

Just like when Qu Yi defeated Baima Yicong that day, he hid his first dead soldiers behind a shield.

This caused Yan Gang to make a misjudgment, thinking that the soldiers behind the opposite shield were just ordinary soldiers, but after getting closer, he found that the soft persimmon had turned into a hard nail, and thus stepped into Qu Yi's trap.

In the end, on the battlefield, just like the large-scale melee that Yan Rou said, the two sides clashed together, and only three or five people could take care of each other. At this time, the battle strength based on this number of people determined the victory or defeat of the battlefield!

A word suddenly popped up in Yuan Xi's mind, Qi Jiguang's mandarin duck array!

Although the enemy army on the opposite side is not a Japanese pirate and cannot forcefully use Qi Jiguang's arms, the reason is the same.

Just like spear formations are not suitable for mountains, and sword and shield soldiers are not suitable for plains, in complex terrain and complex situations, several types of arms cooperate with each other to exert greater strength than the same type of arms.

In the complex terrain of Montenegro, the method of large-scale military formation may be counterproductive, and the cooperation between the teams will play a greater role!
After I go back, I have to talk to Jushou about the military training.

The last is the psychological game between the two sides.

It is best to let the opponent make a misjudgment and take the initiative to reveal the flaws. These skills rely on pre-battle calculations. In many cases, the outcome of the war is decided before the battle.

The reason why Yuan Xi is so urgent is that the time left for him is too short and the opportunities are too few, and he is likely to face the Black Mountain Army alone next time.

But so far, he has hardly fought a big battle relying solely on his own strength.

From the defeat of Tian Kai, Gongsun Zan and even Sun Ce, Yuan's army was the main force, and Yuan Xi was only an assistant.

As for the defeat of the Heishan army that attacked Beixincheng, they also relied on defending the city to fight back, and used rumors to shake the opponent's army's morale by accident, and then won in one fell swoop.

But the next thing will be different, Yuan Xi will rely on his own strength to enter Montenegro, and face Zhang Yan, who is as famous as Lu Bu at this time, and also known as the two great generals, and the hundreds of thousands of Montenegro troops under his command.

Jizhou may send troops at that time, but with Yuan Shang here, Yuan Xi cannot expect the other party to do his best to help him, but must guard against the other party's stumbling blocks.

To deal with the forces of the Black Mountain Army, it takes a multi-pronged approach in order to win the few chances of victory with small gains.

Thinking of this, Yuan Xi thought that if the situation hadn't forced him, he really didn't want to send troops so hastily, but this was also a difficult period at the beginning of his business, and he couldn't escape the past.

When Cao Cao started his career, he faced many more difficulties than himself. After a series of bloody battles in his life, he gradually improved his own strength, so that he could finally stand out in the competition among the princes.

Big waves scour the sand, and fire refines real gold.

Yuan Xi wanted to open up the passage from Youzhou to the south, so he could only use the fire of the Black Mountain Army to test his own quality.

At that time, whether to practice it into real gold or burn it into nothingness depends on my accumulation over the years!
Thinking of this, he said sincerely to Yan Rou: "There will be a big battle in Youzhou next, please help me, Brother Yan."

(End of this chapter)

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