Chapter 278
After hearing this, Yan Rou didn't ask who she was fighting with, and immediately said: "I wish to do the work of a dog and a horse."

He understood very well that the position of prefect of this county was not easy to get. At this time, he needed to prove that he had sufficient ability and loyalty in order to obtain greater rewards.

Yuan Xi understood what Yan Rou wanted very well. Although the border people's families in the north were not small, they were not recognized by the gentry in the Central Plains, let alone integrated into them.

But now Yuan Xi's backing is from the Yuan family, which can give the Yan family and the Xianyu family what they want.

This makes Yuan Xi can't help but sigh, the temptation to cross classes, whether it is for the gentry or the common people, the desire has never changed for thousands of years.

In fact, for most people in the Han Dynasty, there was no concept of nationality, family and country, and there were only contradictions and conflicts between the two ethnic groups.

Especially Yan Rou, Xian Yufu and others, Han people think they are Hu people, Donghu thinks they are Han people, the Han court has been conscripting their soldiers, but they are short of food and pay, which makes it difficult for them to live with themselves.

If it was useful to talk about ideals with Zhao Yun, Tai Shici and others, it would be difficult to resonate with Yan Rou and Xian Yufu about the prosperity of the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, if Yuan Xi could give their family a legitimate name, at least in the short term, they would be willing to serve Yuan Xi.

Just when Yuan Xi was recruiting troops and preparing to go to Jicheng to join Zhao Yun and plan to deal with the Black Mountain Army, Lu Bu, who was far away in Hanoi County, received a letter from Yinhu at the same time.

It is said to be a letter, but in fact there is only a thin piece of silk with only one line of writing on it.

The emperor returns to the east, does Marquis Wen know?
Lu Bu was holding the cloth strip, dazed in a daze, the humiliation of Chang'an's defeat that day resurfaced in his mind.

He is conceited and brave, but this incident is an indelible stain in his career.

Ten days, lost in just ten days!

Still defend the city!

The loss of Chang'an not only made Lu Bu no longer have a place to stay, but even Wang Yun, who admired him, died because of it.

In all fairness, the fall of Chang'an had nothing to do with Wang Yun, because Wang Yun was a man who couldn't put sand in his eyes, but lacked the skill and bearing of imperial servants.

Especially after Dong Zhuo's death, Wang Yun and Lu Bu had great differences on how to deal with Dong Zhuo's old troops.

"Book of the Later Han Dynasty Wang Yun Biography": Yun Chu discussed the trilogy of pardoning Zhuo, and Lu Bu also persuaded him.Then he doubted and said: "This generation is innocent, and it is from the ears of its master. If it is called evil and treason and amnesty, it is enough to make it doubt itself, and it is not the way to be safe." The general, but he refused.

Because of Dong Zhuo's death, he left behind a large number of old Xiliang tribes. Most of these people still appreciate Dong Zhuo's kindness for promotion.

Wang Yun misjudged the situation at this time, thinking that Dong Zhuo was dead, and his subordinates had no leader. How big a storm could it cause?

Therefore, Wang Yun said that Li Jue, Guo Si, etc. were outside Chang'an at the time, and Dong Zhuo's former troops who had not clearly stated their submission to the court should surrender to the Han Dynasty and accept punishment.

But the generals and schools in Chang'an City were also attached to Dong Zhuo at the beginning, and now the generals in the city are panicked. Who knows if Wang Yun will settle accounts after the fall?
Lu Bu saw the risks involved, and asked to use Dong Zhuo's property to buy the morale of the army, including the army that Lu Bu originally commanded, and the army that Dong Zhuo had defected to after his death.

In all fairness, there is no problem in doing so. At that time, the purpose of buying the morale of the army was to see how much it would benefit, but this proposal was rejected by Wang Yun.

As a result, the morale of Lu Bu's subordinates was low. Li Que, Guo Si, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji, Li Meng, Wang Fang and other generals of Dong Zhuo attacked the city collectively. Had to retreat into the city.

That's all, Lu Bu thought to himself that the city can always be defended. After all, Chang'an is also a great city in the world, how can it be so easy to break through?

Lu Bu also knew that Li Jue and Guo Si would definitely secretly buy Dong Zhuo's former troops, but he would not easily do so because he was under pressure from his fellow Xiliang general.

However, something unexpected happened to Lu Bu.

A force under him that had not been taken seriously before rebelled.

An old soldier from the territory of Yizhou.

In the Han Dynasty, old people were called barbarians. This group of old soldiers was sent by Yizhou Mu Liu Yan to Chang'an to support Dong Zhuo's armed forces. At that time, Liu Yan and Dong Zhuo had a good relationship. After Dong Zhuo was killed, these old soldiers were dissatisfied, so they rebelled and opened the city. Lead Xiliang soldiers outside the city into the city.

The whole thing here is eccentric, Lu Bu really didn't expect the old soldiers to rebel, Liu Yan is also a clan with the surname Liu, isn't this move a trap for the emperor Liu Xie?

But now no one knows the inside story. Once the city gate was opened, the city was full of Xiliang rebels. Most of the strong cities were breached from the inside, and Chang'an was no exception, and it just fell.

Lü Bu was at a loss. Seeing that the situation was over, he wanted to escape with Wang Yun, but Wang Yun refused.

Wang Yun was brainless, but Lu Bu couldn't accompany him to his death, so he fled Chang'an in a hurry with his subordinates, and hid in the Sili area until he was found by Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao brothers.

Thinking of this experience now, Lv Bu feels quite aggrieved. He was in a high position back then, if he could control the government with Wang Yun and stabilize the situation, he would be able to assist the emperor to achieve great things in the future.

However, no one expected that Chang'an could be breached, and all his ambitions were turned into mirrors.

Lu Bu found that since he betrayed Ding Yuan, he seemed to have been going the wrong way.

Ding Yuan is also from Bingzhou, but he has a small mind. At the beginning, the three people under his command, Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, and Zhang Yang, were all suppressed by him. No matter in terms of official positions or rewards, they were actually not rich.

"Lu Bu's character is Fengxian, and he is also from Jiuyuan, Wuyuan County. He gave it to Bingzhou with Xiaowu. Inspector Ding Yuan was the captain of cavalry, and he was stationed in Hanoi. He used cloth as the main book, and he was treated by relatives."

These words are actually quite contradictory. Ding Yuan has a good attitude, but he just doesn't give anything practical.

Lv Bu was a military general, and according to Lv Bu's ability to lead the army at that time, he could not be regarded as a leader, at least he was a military officer of the ruling class.

However, Ding Yuan asked him to move from the captain of the cavalry to the master book. This master book is a civilian official who assists the chief official, obviously to guard against Lu Bu.

Moreover, during the war, Lu Bu was still required to go into battle. It was a dirty job and he continued to do it, but there was not much benefit afterwards. How could Lu Bu be happy?

At this time Dong Zhuo appeared. He had been the governor of Bingzhou, and he had friendship with Lu Bu and others. At this time, he controlled the emperor and all the civil and military officials, and occupied the commanding heights in politics. In order to assist the emperor, the temptation of prosperity and wealth.

Dong Zhuo is very good at buying the hearts of the army. Fan Shu "Dong Zhuo Biography": (Dong Zhuo) Zhang Huan from the Zhonglang was appointed as the army commander, and they attacked Hanyang and the Qiang rebels.Zhuo said: "Whoever does it will be himself, and whoever has it will be a scholar." He was allotted to the officials and soldiers, leaving nothing behind.

In terms of ambition, force, and courage, Ding Yuan was far behind Dong Zhuo, so Lu Bu was persuaded.

Lu Bu lived in the frontier since he was a child, and he believed in the theory that the Hu people were weak and the strong preyed on the strong. He also walked through this step by step, otherwise it would be impossible to grow up alive.

Dong Zhuo was very accurate in seeing people. Killing a master is something that is spurned by the world. Among Ding Yuan's subordinates, only Lu Bu has the least scruples in doing things, and Lu Bu is very loyal, so for the future of the other brothers, he stood up.

After Ding Yuan's death, his subordinates, including Zhang Liao and Zhang Yang, did not cause any trouble. They were all promoted and became closer to Lv Bu. It seems unreasonable to say that they didn't know anything beforehand.

In this way, Lu Bu took refuge in Dong Zhuo, and thus gained a high position. As for why he betrayed Dong Zhuo, only the person involved knew the real inside story.

Dong Zhuo was later identified as a traitor by Wang Yun, but Lu Bu's reputation was completely rotten, but in any case, among all the people who held the emperor Liu Xie hostage, when Wang Yun and Lu Bu were there, Liu Xie was the most free to issue government orders alone period.

As Lu Bu's last sponsor, Wang Yun and Lu Bu seemed to have a good relationship, so that when Chang'an City was broken, Lu Bu could still think about Wang Yun.

But now it is useless to say these things, Lu Bu rolled up the silk strip in his hand, turned his face slightly, and said to the guests: "Dezhou, Yinhu asked you to come here to deliver the letter for this matter?"

Sitting opposite Lu Bu was Qu Yi.

Almost no one thought that Qu Yi and Zhao Yun had captured Jicheng more than a month ago, but now he secretly left Youzhou and came to Hanoi without even seeing Yuan Xi!

Qu Yi said: "Yinhu said that Marquis Wen's fate is related to the Son of Heaven, which affects the general situation of the world, so let me come to help."

Lu Bu laughed and said, "With Dezhou's help, why worry about nothing happening!"

His face suddenly darkened: "But can Dezhou tell me, who is Yinhu?"

"Is he using me?"

"Is Texas hiding something from me?"

Qu Yi's face remained unchanged: "I don't know, and I can't say what I know."

"But I can guarantee with my life that he has no intention of harming Marquis Wen."

Lu Bu laughed when he heard this: "This hidden tiger can make Dezhou serve him wholeheartedly. It seems that he is not an ordinary person!"

"Since Dezhou dared to come here alone, he trusted Bu!"

"As for the return of the emperor to the east, I have been discussing with Zhang Yang in the past few days, and I also asked Dezhou to rest in my residence."

Lu Bu stared at Qu Yi, and suddenly remembered his subordinate Xiandeng dead soldier.

The Qu family's method of training soldiers is unique, the soldiers who ascended to the dead first are already among the most powerful soldiers in the world.

Although Lu Bu's subordinates also have Gao Shun's camp, but due to various reasons, Lu Bu can't completely trust Gao Shun, and Gao Shun's military training methods have not been concealed.

Now that Qu Yi is in front of him, if he can use it for his own use, it will definitely be of great benefit to him.

What's more, that Yinhu is just a hermit, and there must not be much to offer Qu Yi. As long as he promises a high position to Qu Yi, why not get his allegiance?
As for whether there are other princes behind the hidden tiger, Lu Bu feels that it is unlikely, he can send an envoy, why should a general like Qu Yi take risks?

Thinking of this, Lu Bu smiled and said: "Dezhou is here to travel and work, let Bei Lue prepare thin wine, and clean up the dust for Dezhou!"

Qu Yi couldn't refuse, so he had to agree, but he felt a little depressed. The young master asked himself to be a lobbyist, but he was not good at dealing with people.

But Qu Yi understands that this matter can really only be done by him.

Yuan Xi's real purpose was to find a way to get Lu Bu to stab him in the back when he attacked the Black Mountain Army!
(End of this chapter)

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