Chapter 279
Yuan Xi's layout of the Black Mountain Army began long before the Yijing battle.

A giant like the Black Mountain Army was simply not something Yuan Xi could sustain alone, so he had to take advantage of it.

The Taihang Mountains, where the Black Mountain Army is located, are on the border between Bingzhou and Jizhou, with the Southern Huns to the west, Yuan Xi's Youzhou to the northeast, Jizhou to the east, and Hanoi to the south.

If Zhang Yang Lu Bu in Hanoi joined forces with the Black Mountain Army, Yuan Xi would have no hope of success at all, so he sent Qu Yi out to wait for an opportunity to break up between Lu Bu and the Black Mountain Army.

This matter is still very dangerous, but Qu Yi agreed without thinking about it.

He said to Yuan Xi before: "Dong Zhao is at Zhang Yang's place now, if I have some flaws, he can cover them up for me."

"If I really die, then the young master should suspect Dong Zhao."

"In this case, I can somewhat help you see whether Dong Zhao is really trustworthy, and I can repay you for saving your life."

After Yuan Xi heard this, he remained silent. He thought for a long time that what he said was inappropriate, and finally said: "Then everything will be left to you, Brother Qu."

Before Qu Yi and Yuan Xi parted, Yuan Xi asked him what he was worried about, and Qu Yi smiled and said, "I'm a widow now, and I'll earn money if I live one more day. How can I have so many thoughts?"

At this moment, Qu Yi fell into deep thought, remembering that a month ago, he was still leading troops to fight, but now he went to Hanoi County and became Lu Bu's guest, and felt that the world was impermanent.

However, he is also very cautious now. Ever since Gao Lan recognized him, Qu Yi had been wearing a helmet with a face mask when leading troops in Youzhou, deliberately concealing his appearance.

But even so, someone might recognize him based on his actions, speech, and other habits, so Qu Yi agreed to live in Lu Bu's inner house, with little contact with outsiders and less opportunities to be exposed.

Lu Bu ordered people to serve wine and food. After drinking for three rounds, the two of them drank more and more. Lu Bu was even more happy, because he had a high opinion of Qu Yi.

Lu Bu fought many battles in his life, but compared to Qu Yi's record in several battles, it was still not as good.

Especially in the battle of Jieqiao, Baima Yicong, who was so powerful in the world, was devastated, and Qu Yi became famous in the north, which made Lu Bu admire him a little.

Lu Bu was very interested, and said to the maid behind him: "Please come out with all the ladies and ladies, and meet Dezhou for wine!"

When Qu Yi heard this, he quickly declined, but Lu Bu had made up his mind, so the maid had no choice but to invite Yan Shi and Lu Lingqi.

Lu Bu was born in Bingzhou, and there are quite a lot of Hu people's customs. It is a local custom to let his wife and daughter come out to serve wine and entertain distinguished guests, but it is only for brothers or close friends, and he will let his family members come out to meet each other.

Qu Yi was from Liangzhou, so he didn't think it was strange that the customs were similar to those of Bingzhou, but from the perspective of the gentry in the Central Plains, this kind of custom was a bit unacceptable.

Later, when Lu Bu went to Xuzhou to join Liu Bei, he also asked his wife Yan and his daughter to visit Liu Bei, but Liu Bei repeatedly refused, thinking that it was not polite, and he respected Lu Bu from then on.

Lu Lingqi was practicing martial arts in the courtyard at this time. What she held today was not two short halberds, but a long halberd. The tip of the halberd flew up and down like a python coming out of a hole. Take a few steps back.

After a set of halberd techniques, Lu Lingqi's forehead was slightly sweaty, Madam Du hurriedly stepped forward and handed over the linen cloth in her hand, and praised: "Young lady's martial arts is also very good."

Lu Lingqi casually wiped it on her face a few times, shook her head and said, "juggling in the courtyard is nothing like martial arts."

"If you can meet the generals on the battlefield and learn a few tricks, then you can know your own abilities."

Mrs. Du asked puzzledly: "Isn't Marquis Wen a mighty general? Why didn't the girl ask him?"

Lu Lingqi resentfully said: "Don't mention it, Father never agrees to compete with me."

While the two were talking, a maid came over and said that Lu Bu had a distinguished guest and asked Lu Lingqi to meet and serve wine.

When Lu Lingqi heard this, she became a little irritable and shouted: "No, no, no!"

"Why does my father still carry these northern customs and don't think about my mother and me?"

"I'm already at the age of marriage. Is it appropriate to go out to meet some distinguished guests every day?"

The maid didn't dare to answer, so she had to stand with her head down.

When Mrs. Du saw it, she said softly: "It's the servant who makes things difficult for the girl. How about I go and serve the girl with wine?"

After hearing this, Lu Lingqi shook her head, "Madam is even more inappropriate, who knows if that guest is lustful or not, and who can tell what will happen then?"

"What if father is happy and asks you to accompany that distinguished guest?"

"I remember those generals under Zhang Yang, have they asked for marriage more and more frequently recently?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Du's face became worried. Just as Lu Lingqi said, she is still in a dilemma.

When she was Qin Yilu's wife, others coveted her, caring about Qin Yilu's status and face, so she would restrain herself somewhat.

But now that Qin Yilu is marrying another, Madam Du has nothing to do with him, and no one protects him, so those generals show their covetousness towards her relentlessly.

Lu Lingqi also suggested that if Mrs. Du was unwilling to marry, she could help Mrs. Du escape.

But Mrs. Du thought over and over again, but she still couldn't make up her mind. She has no relatives now, so who can she turn to?
At least she is still safe staying by Lu Lingqi's side now, if she escapes from Hanoi and encounters bandits and generals, as a woman, how can she have the ability to protect herself?
Seeing Mrs. Du, Lu Lingqi also looked worried, thinking that a woman is good-looking, but it may not be a good thing.

Just like Mrs. Du, although she was beautiful, she lost her husband's protection and lived in fear all day long.

Seeing that the maid at the side dared not leave, she thought for a while, and said helplessly: "Even if it's my father's order, I won't make things difficult for you, you just say that I'm not feeling well."

The maid responded and was about to leave, but Lu Lingqi stopped her again, "Father hasn't asked me to go out to serve wine for a long time, who is here today?"

The maid thought for a while and said, "I don't know too well, it seems to be Mr. Yinhu's bodyguard named Qu Yi."

Lu Lingqi's body shook, and she couldn't help looking at Mrs. Du.

hidden tiger?

It turned out to be that hateful hidden tiger?
He's not dead yet?
An incomprehensible feeling surged in Lu Lingqi's heart, she was curious, and said to the maid, "Wait a minute, I'll change clothes and go as you please."

Lu Lingqi changed into an extremely neat Beidi leather outfit, and when she rushed to the banquet hall, she found that her mother, Mrs. Yan, was already there, serving wine to a big man with scars all over his face.

Yan Shi turned around and found Lu Lingqi coming, and said: "Ah Qi, come and meet Uncle, he is a hero in the world."

Qu Yi quickly stood up, and said modestly: "I'm ashamed, Yi is a martial artist, he can't be considered a hero."

Lu Bu laughed and said, "Dezhou is not a hero, who else in the world is a hero?"

"Ling'er, come and serve wine to Dezhou. This is Qu Yi, Qu Dezhou, who defeated thousands of white horse righteous congregations and shook the world!"

Of course Lu Lingqi had heard of this name, she raised her head slightly, and saw Qu Yi's face, only to find that his face was terribly scarred, but his eyes were shining brightly.

Lu Lingqi stepped forward, gave a blessing, raised the bronze statue to fill the wine glass for Qu Yi, and said softly: "Please drink to the top, General."

After hearing this, Qu Yi raised his wine glass and drank it in one gulp, saying loudly, "Thank you, lady."

He turned to Lu Bu and said with a smile, "Daughter of Marquis Wen, you have extraordinary martial arts skills."

Lu Lingqi was curious and asked, "How did the general find out?"

Qu Yi heard this, and explained: "When the girl pours the wine, she holds the object in her upper arm, her body is straight, her feet don't move at all, and her movements are flowing like clouds and flowing water. Obviously, she practiced martial arts at least a few hours a day on weekdays, otherwise she wouldn't be able to move so naturally. "

After hearing this, Lu Bu smiled and said, "Dezhou's eyesight is really good, he is indeed a master of military training who trained the first dead soldiers!"

"Brude Dezhou helps train troops, and the soldiers under him will be even more powerful, and avenge Cao Mengde's few battles!"

After hearing this, Qu Yi said, "In Marquis Wen's few battles, it's not that the generals were inferior to Cao Cao, it should be that there was a problem with the ratio of troops."

"Yanzhou's terrain is complex, unlike the Northland, which is flat and plain, sometimes infantry is more useful."

Lu Bu nodded and said, "I think so too, but it's a secret that the Yuan family has a strong bow and crossbow, which can restrain cavalry."

"Cao Cao also learned how Dezhou dealt with Baima Yicong. He used a large number of bows and arrows to deal with my cavalry several times, but I had no way to deal with it."

"What does Texas think?"

Qu Yi listened, thought for a while, and began to speak. In order to win Lu Bu's trust, he would naturally answer seriously. Lu Bu couldn't help nodding.

Seeing that Lu Bu and Qu Yi were talking about military affairs, Yan took Lu Lingqi aside and sat down, and said, "The wine is also served, if you feel bored, go back first."

However, Lu Lingqi was aroused. She thought that her name was so famous in the north, how could she become Yinhu's bodyguard?

Thinking of this, she said softly, "I want to listen for a while first."

The happier Lu Bu was when he had an appointment with Qu Yi, he took advantage of his alcoholism and produced another silk letter.

He said to Qu Yi: "Does Dezhou know that when Yuan Xi, governor of Youzhou, took office, he sent me three thousand shi of grain, and wanted to settle things with me?"

Lu Lingqi thought to herself, isn't Yuan Xi a fierce tiger?
I came here to hear about Yinhu, why did I get involved with that fierce tiger again?
Qu Yi raised his head, "I've never heard of this, aren't Marquis Wen and the Yuan family enemies?"

He really didn't know, Yuan Xi told him in advance that besides Qu Yi, there were other arrangements, and what happened afterward should be dealt with normally, so as not to show his flaws.

Seeing that Qu Yi's expression did not seem to be fake, Lu Bu felt relieved a little, and said with a smile: "Then Yuan Xi has the title of a fierce tiger, and he is quite respectful in the letter."

"He said that now he has his own family and is alone in Youzhou. If possible, he wants to join forces with me."

"Dezhou came from Jizhou at the beginning, have you seen this person?"

Qu Yi thought, and said, "I've met this person once."

"Oh?" Lu Bu became interested, "How does Texas feel about it?"

Qu Yi heard this, thought for a while, and said, "After a quick look, I can't tell, but rumors say that this person is extremely lustful."

Lu Bu laughed loudly and said, "Sure enough, I have the demeanor of my generation!"

Lu Lingqi spat in her heart, thinking that all men are really the same!
(End of this chapter)

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