Chapter 289
Yuan Xilai thought that there was nothing wrong with Jicheng before, but now it seems that he needs to stay longer.

Originally, the Yuan family had just changed ownership of the city from Gongsun Zan, just when they needed to buy people's hearts, but such a mess happened, which disgusted Yuan Xi very much.

Seeing that there were no other soldiers in the city except for a few soldiers patrolling, he couldn't help asking, "Are all Zilong's thousands of troops stationed in the city?"

Zhao Yun replied: "Except for the soldiers defending the city, I let them set up camp outside the north city gate, so as not to disturb the people, and also to guard against horse thieves coming from the north."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi suddenly realized, turned to Tian Yu and said, "You told the soldiers not to enter the city, except for the necessary personal guards, set up camp on the spot outside the four gates."

After Tian Yu heard this, he took the order and left. The people in the city were panicked, but seeing the soldiers retreating from the city again, they couldn't help being a little puzzled.

Zhao Yun saw him and said, "My lord is quick to respond, but it's still not enough. Now Xu You's nephew Xu Jie is acting as city guard. He has been in office for more than a month and has already aroused people's resentment."

While the two were talking, they saw several carriages hurrying up on the avenue in the distance, and one person jumped down, wearing a county magistrate's robe, and bowed in front of Yuan Xi's horse, saying: "Xiu Jie, see the envoy."

Yuan Xi thought to himself, "Cao Cao, Cao Cao is coming, you still have the face to see me?"

He said calmly, "Are you Xu Ziyuan's nephew?"

Xu Jie raised his head and said with a flattering smile, "It's the next official, and I will be promoted by the envoy in the future."

When everyone heard this, they were speechless. They have seen thick-skinned people, but they have never seen such shameless ones!

Seeing this, Xu Jie quickly laughed and said: "The lower officials have already prepared a place for the envoy to stay, please move the envoy."

Seeing Xu Jie's confident look, Yuan Xi thought that today he wanted to see what kind of medicine the other party sold in his gourd.

The crowd followed Xu Jie's carriage all the way to a huge mansion in the city.

Yuan Xi jumped off his horse, saw the door of the mansion opened, and looked in from the outside, only to see flowers and green trees, cornices and arches, it turned out to be a rather romantic garden mansion!

Xu Jie immediately led Yuan Xi into the door, and said with a smile, "Young Master, this was originally Gongsun Zan's private house, and now the officials recruited civilians to renovate it within a month, no less than the noble mansion in Yecheng."

Yuan Xi walked in and saw that the hall was tidy and well-furnished, and thought that Xu Jie was willing to spend his money, but it's hard to say whose money it is.

With his hands behind his back, he walked around a few halls with Guo Jia and others, but Xu Jie mysteriously took everyone to a warehouse, ordered people to unlock the door, and said to everyone: "Your Majesty and all the superiors have come from afar, The ceremony is a little expressive, and some small gifts are prepared."

Yuan Xi, Guo Jia and others walked in, and saw that there were several layers of large boxes stacked on top of each other, and there was no place to stand on the ground.

He winked at Sun Li, and Sun Li stepped forward, opened a box, and immediately the valuables inside blinded everyone.

Sun Li turned to Yuan Xi and said, "Brother, this seems to be something from the treasury."

After hearing this, Xu Jie hurriedly laughed and said: "Exactly, when the next official came to take office, he didn't dare to touch the things in the treasury rashly, so he moved them to the mansion and left them for the envoy to dispose of."

Yuan Xi thought to himself, what the hell, are you giving me a gift with my money?

He said to Zhao Yun: "After the soldiers captured Yongcheng, can you open the treasury and give them rewards?"

Zhao Yun replied honestly: "The last general is not in charge of internal affairs, but he put a seal on the treasury that day and did not tamper with it."

When Xu Jie heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat. Is this a plain accusation against himself?
However, Yuan Xi shook his head and said, "Zilong is still a little too strict. Rewarding meritorious deeds is what a leading general should do. Otherwise, the soldiers will not be rewarded for their meritorious deeds, so they can't be allowed to plunder the people, right?"

He turned to Xu Jie: "Magistrate Xu thinks it's right?"

Xu Jie's heart twitched, and he quickly responded: "What the envoy said is very true, it's the lower officials who were negligent."

But Zhao Yun said with a stiff neck: "It is the Lord's job to reward the sergeants. The general has no right to arbitrate, so I dare not do it."

Yuan Xi remembered that when he first bet with Zhao Yun in Beixincheng, the other party was unwilling to take the money, he couldn't help laughing, "Then I will grant Zilong the right to arbitrate now, and Zilong will find a way to take out the things in this room. The share that I get will be rewarded in the next few days."

Xu Jie was in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "Master, here are all the good things carefully selected by the lower officials, to give rewards to the soldiers, there are still a large number of copper money and linen in the mansion, which can be used as rewards, why waste everything. "

Yuan Xi heard this, and said with a smile: "Magistrate Xu understands very well. It seems that Magistrate Xu has worked hard these days."

After hearing this, Xu Jie hurriedly said, "It is an honor for me to serve you as an envoy."

Yuan Xi still had a smile on his face, but muttered in his heart.

Is this Xu Jie really stupid or fake?

A county magistrate dared to open the treasury. Was it because he was used to being domineering before and thought it was a trivial matter, or did he have something to rely on and felt that he could not cure him?
It stands to reason that as Xu You's nephew, he is greedy and greedy, so he is not so mentally retarded, right?
Or was he sent by Xu You to test himself and could be sacrificed at any time?

For a person like Xu Jie, in fact, I would kill him if I killed him now, but the matter has come to this point, and the most urgent thing is to think about how to remedy it.

But there is something weird about this matter, Yuan Xi thought in his mind that he should figure it out in the past few days, and see what kind of medicine is sold in Xu You's gourd.

He led the people out of the warehouse, walked around the courtyard, and found that there was a stream of running water running through the mansion, and a few rockeries were built along the way.

The stone bridges and railings on the mountain are quite new, and it is obvious that a lot of effort has been spent on repairing them. Yuan Xi was quite unhappy. He had just laid down the city, and instead of repairing the river outside the city wall, he was spending money on such a place!

He turned to Guo Jia and said, "What do you think of this place, sir?"

At this time, Guo Jia was secretly scolding Xu Jie in his heart. He had seen someone commit suicide, but never did such a thing. Fortunately, he also said that he would temporarily indulge Xu You and his nephew, but it was too unscrupulous.

Unaware of this, Xu Jie used the things of the nobles in Yecheng to curry favor with the young master, isn't he courting death?
He had no choice but to laugh dryly and said, "It's really well organized. Jia is very envious, and wants to live here by himself."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi smiled and said, "In that case, then Mr. Mister will stay here temporarily."

"Zilong, find me another house, a smaller one will do."

Zhao Yun understood, and immediately said: "The next official will handle it immediately."

He thought that Yuan Xi could see it clearly, the people in the city were uncertain, but they were impatient to move into the mansion, what would the people of Jicheng think?
Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, at least Yuan Xi has not forgotten his roots.

Xu Jie stared at Yuan Xi blankly, and led everyone out of the mansion, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Before he took office, Deli's confidant said that this Yuan Xi would never dare to offend Yuan Shang, so as long as he bribed with a lot of money, he would turn a blind eye to what he did.

Looking at it today, Xu Jie vaguely felt that this was not the case?
However, my uncle Xu You made a lot of money in Beixin City, and Jushou wrote several letters to complain to Yuan Xi, but didn't it just go away in the end?

Xu Jie comforted himself that things might not be so bad, Yuan Xi might want to imitate Liu Yu's simple style, and was just afraid of being criticized for living in a big house.

Thinking of this, he felt that he had guessed the truth, and slapped his head violently, why did he flatter the horse's leg!

Mrs. Wu saw the beautiful scenery inside the house through the window of the car, and thought she was going to stay here, but she didn't expect the carriage to turn around and drive out of the house.

She wondered: "Young Master, don't you like this mansion?"

Zhen Mi lifted the curtain of the car, glanced briefly, and said with a smile: "Husband is not very picky, he can live in big ones and small ones, if he wants to live here, he can live here." Living."

"Although it's not as good as the Zhen family's mansion, it's much better than Beixin City. There must be a reason why my husband did this."

Seeing the gleam in Zhen Mi's eyes, Mrs. Wu couldn't help but said, "Madam and Young Master know each other well, it's really enviable."

Zhen Mi turned her head strangely, "Isn't this the case among the gentry?"

Mrs. Wu smiled bitterly and said: "Where is this going to happen? Women from aristocratic families have many rules, and it is very rare for a husband to patiently explain the ins and outs of things to his wife."

"Most of the time, it's what the husband says, and the wife just does it."

After hearing this, Zhen Mi said softly, "Is it the same before Ma'am?"

Madam Wu's face darkened when she heard this, she shook her head and said softly: "Every family has its own difficulties."

Just as they were talking, there was some shouting outside the carriage. The two women hurriedly looked outside, only to find that there were some people kneeling beside the road, kowtowing to Yuan Xi who was at the front, saying that there were more than one real person.

When Mrs. Wu saw it, she said, "This is the Taiping Dao worship service. These people should be the remnants of the Yellow Turban Party."

After hearing this, Zhen Mi said, "Madam is really well-informed, are they not afraid of being arrested?"

Mrs. Wu smiled wryly: "Although the Yellow Turban Rebellion has passed for ten years, most people in the world have made Yellow Turbans, so how can we kill them all?"

"But why do these people recognize the young master as a real person?"

She came to Beidi from Guangling and didn't know about Yuan Xi's rumors. Zhen Mi briefly explained the matter, Madam Wu was dumbfounded, and said in a broken voice: "My lord is too courageous!"

"Know rumors and prophecies, but they are the most taboo!"

Zhen Mi smiled and said, "Really? I think so too."

"If my husband loses, we're afraid that our house will be ransacked."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu's eyes were filled with inconceivability, "Madam knew it clearly, but didn't you persuade him?"

Zhen Mi chuckled lightly and said, "Because Madam doesn't know what Husband thinks."

"I believe that once Madam understands what Husband wants to do, I'm afraid she will be persuaded."

Mrs. Wu was a little dazed, what should I do?

Isn't the biggest thing about being an emperor?

(End of this chapter)

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