Chapter 290
Seeing Yuan Xi getting into the carriage, Xu Jie hurriedly trotted to the carriage, and said with a smile: "Master, I will prepare a little wine in the mansion, and I will invite you in the evening."

After hearing this, Yuan Xi said, "Don't bother County Magistrate Xu, I'm going to inspect the barracks tonight."

"Nowadays there are many troubles in the city, and county magistrate Xu has to take more care."

After hearing this, Xu Jie quickly agreed.

Yuan Xi thought for a while and said, "There is one more thing. The county magistrate Xu will go back and summon the officials in the city. When I find a new residence, let them come. I want to see you."

"Starting tomorrow, houses will be set aside in the city to build free schools. Officials will go to free schools to copy classics every day, and will conduct corresponding teaching selections according to their official positions."

"The spring plowing will start immediately, and all officials will follow the Han law to plow the spring with the common people, and there must be no mistakes."

"Finally, I will check the money and food accounts in the city tomorrow morning."

Xu Jie's head was buzzing by this series of words, he managed to remember Yuan Xi's words, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Many officials in the city took office through his relationship, and many of them were ignorant. If Yuan Xi wanted to meet with them, wouldn't he immediately reveal his secrets?
What does it mean to be taught by volunteer officials?
Also, looking at the accounts tomorrow morning, it is obvious that I will not give myself a chance to prepare!
You don't know how to play for real, do you?

He was anxious and raised his head, Yuan Xi had already rode away.

Guo Jia followed behind Yuan Xi, and said with a smile, "If I were him, I guess I should find a way to save my life now."

Yuan Xi said indifferently: "It depends on whether he has crossed the line."

"Speaking of which, Mister's plan can be considered as expected, and I can see that he is not less greedy."

"I was worried that I had no excuse to intimidate the officials and nobles, but he did it for me."

After hearing this, Guo Jia shook his head and said, "It's only been a month, and he doesn't know how to advance or retreat."

He thought that Xu Jie was really unlucky this time. Although Jicheng is the seat of Guangyang, it has not received much attention in the counties and towns of Youzhou.

Maybe when Xu You sent Xu Jie over, he originally wanted to be dark under the lights.

But looking at Yuan Xi like this now, I don't know what kind of thinking he is in, he attaches great importance to Jicheng, and he is afraid that Jicheng may be turned into the Youzhou government in the future, which is unknown.

Xu Jie was so lucky that he bumped into him, but he can only blame him for not knowing what to do.

Zhao Yun quickly found the place. Yuan Xi looked over and was quite satisfied. There were simple houses inside, straight paths, no redundant and complicated landscapes, and the halls were very spacious and practical.

It's not that he doesn't want to live in that kind of mansion with a landscape garden. With the financial resources of the Zhen family, it doesn't matter if he builds another one, but now that Jicheng is in a state of waste, what will the people in the city think of such extravagant and wasteful activities?
He watched the people busily carrying luggage and books, and he had already made plans to summon the officials in the afternoon. If the officials elected were capable, Xu Jie might still survive.

Seeing the soldiers coming and going on the street, the small vendors on both sides of the street were frightened at first, and they took all their stalls into their houses early.

But after more than half an hour, they found that nothing seemed to happen, so they came out in twos and threes, and got together to mutter.

"It seems that this new envoy is not as bad as Xu Bopi."

"Bah, I don't believe it, it will be revealed in just two days."

"That is, instead of expecting him to show kindness, it is better to expect him to leave quickly."

"What you said is wrong. General Zhao is very strict in restraining the soldiers. Isn't it Xu Bopi's yamen servant who blackmailed us?"

"Do you really believe it? They must be together! After returning home, they must have divided up all the money we have for our filial piety!"

The person who spoke was an old blacksmith. He had lived on this street for decades and was used to wind and rain. His words immediately won the approval of the people around him, and everyone nodded.

At this time, he was leaning on a cane, and he was still holding the sackcloth on his leg. Blood clots were faintly oozing from it, obviously he had been injured not long ago.

Someone next to him said angrily: "Papa Qian was injured, he thought the envoy was here, and we are helping to file a complaint together."

"In that case, if this envoy protects Xu Bopi, wouldn't we have harmed Father Qian?"

Someone immediately said: "It's absolutely impossible, didn't you see the appearance of Shi Jun and Xu Bopi together? They are smiling happily!"

He said mysteriously, "Didn't you hear that the new envoy is a disciple of the Yuan family?"

"He is a descendant of an aristocratic family, how can he punish Xu Bopi for this matter?"

"I think you guys are thinking too much!"

When everyone heard this, they shook their heads and sighed. Father Qian brought a granddaughter to live, but the granddaughter was favored by the Xu family a few days ago and said that he would bring him into the mansion as a maid.

Father Qian was naturally unwilling, and argued with the servants of the Xu family, but was pushed to the ground and beaten, even his legs were broken.

The other party also said that if Father Qian did not hand over his granddaughter, he would be imprisoned. When the neighbors were holding hands for Father Qian, news came that the governor of Youzhou would come to Jicheng for inspection.

After that, the Xu Family Haonu never came to the house again, and the neighbors in the neighborhood were all glad that Father Qian had escaped.

Father Qian touched his waist, there was an iron awl hidden in his clothes.

At this moment, a carriage drove over in the distance, and several people jumped off it.

Seeing that they were facing a formidable enemy, everyone stood in front of Old Man Qian. They could see clearly that these people were the slaves of the Xu family who injured Old Man Qian the day before yesterday.

The leader, Hao Nu, stepped forward and said to Father Qian, "Master, the day before yesterday was all a misunderstanding, and today we won't talk about the past."

"I'm here to give you a fortune."

"Today, the envoy enters the city and needs a maid, and your granddaughter has been chosen!"

"Old man, you are going to be prosperous now. Your granddaughter will follow the envoy. If you have a status in the future, you will be the glory of the ancestors!"

When everyone heard this, they all hesitated, saying that they dared to sue County Magistrate Xu, but they had absolutely no desire to resist against the Governor of Yizhou who was backed by the Yuan family.

Father Qian's face was gloomy: "My granddaughter is big-handed, I'm afraid it will make you unhappy, so let's forget it."

The lead servant laughed: "Old man Qian, you are wrong, is it possible that your granddaughter will fight with you for the rest of her life?"

"We are also following orders, don't make things difficult for us."

At this time, the refugees entering the city were sitting on both sides of the road to rest. A ragged man listened to the arguments of the people on both sides, then got up quietly and walked out of the city.

He went to the military camp outside the city, took the token to find the scout officer, told about the things in the city, and finally said: "The envoy probably didn't force the women of the people, so I came here to report."

The scout officer was the spy leader in charge of intelligence collection. He wrote down what the man said from the bamboo slips, and said, "Thank you, go back to the city now and keep an eye on that place. If there is any movement, report back immediately."

After hearing this, the man left the camp and went back to the city.

Before Yuan Xi came to Jicheng, he had already planted some capable spies into the city to inquire about information, and this man was one of them. When he found out that Xu Jiehaonu was using Yuan Xi's name to recruit women, he went out of the city to report the news.

After more than half an hour, Tian Yu came back to the camp, the scout officer went up to report first, Tian Yu heard this, and thought that Xu Jie was quite courageous.

He asked the scout to open a box, which was full of scrolls. He took out a bamboo slip with Xu You's name on it and opened it, and finally found Xu Jie's records on some of the bamboo slips.

It said that when Xu Jie was in Yecheng, he served as the chief secretary of Xu You's subordinates, and also served as the county magistrate of a certain place in Jizhou.

The trial match also participated in Xu You for this matter, but it was hard to find any evidence, and finally let it go.

Tian Yu thought about it, this shows that Xu Jie is careful in doing things, logically speaking, he wouldn't be so stupid?

At this moment, someone broke in sweating profusely. The intelligence officer saw that it was the man who reported the letter earlier, and said, "What's the matter, so urgent?"

The man said anxiously: "When I went back, both Mr. Qian and his granddaughter were gone!"

"I asked the neighbors, and they said that the servants of the Xu family took the two of them into the carriage and headed towards the city gate."

"I chased all the way to the door and asked the guard, the carriage has indeed left the city!"

"I always feel that this matter is a bit strange, so I will report back immediately!"

Tian Yu was in charge of the scouts. He felt that this kind of thing happened to Yuan Xi as soon as he arrived in Jicheng. Obviously something was wrong. He immediately ordered: "Call all the spies in the camp, get on their horses and leave the camp, and go find the carriage separately. whereabouts!"

"You come with me and identify those people!"

Seeing that the spies followed Tian Yu out of the tent, the scout officer wondered why it seemed that something would happen when Jun came to Jicheng?
With his granddaughter in his arms, Father Qian shouted coldly in the carriage: "What do you want to do?"

"This is the wrong way!"

After hearing this, Father Qian's granddaughter buried her head in Father Qian's arms, full of terror, her body trembling uncontrollably.

The leader Hao Nu smiled and said: "The envoy is in the military camp outside the city, doesn't the old man know?"

Father Qian snorted coldly, he knew that he was cheated by the other party!

Naturally, he didn't want his granddaughter to be a maid, thinking that since he couldn't escape, he might as well take a gamble and go to see the envoy and sue Xu Jie severely, maybe there was still a chance of survival.

So he pretended to agree, and proposed to meet the envoy and ask for some rewards. To his surprise, the other party easily agreed and let the grandfather and grandson get into the car.

Seeing that the carriage left the city, but was going in the direction of the wilderness, Father Qian felt something was wrong.

How can the servants of the Xu family decide whether the governor of a state can see or not the common people?

Father Qian thought to himself that he was afraid that he would sue the envoy, and nine out of ten he wanted to drag him out of the city to silence him?
Thinking of this, he lowered his head and said a few words to his granddaughter, and the girl suddenly opened her eyes wide.

The next moment, Father Qian yelled and burst out, and with his granddaughter in his arms, he slammed into the door of the car. With a click, the door was knocked open, and Father Qian rolled out of the car with his granddaughter in his arms.

This was unexpected by Xu's servants, who cursed loudly and quickly ordered the carriage to stop.

Father Qian fell to the ground, pushed his granddaughter away, and shouted, "Go!"

Instead of retreating, he advanced, pulled out the iron awl at his waist, and plunged into the neck of the horse pulling the cart!
(End of this chapter)

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