Chapter 202 Huge harvest

After studying for a while, Lin Qing smiled angrily.

The person who made this thing is also a genius. This bag looks like a storage bag, but it is actually an ordinary bag.

Without any spiritual power, Lin Qing directly put his hand into the bag, touched a ring, and took it out to see that the whole body was emerald green, which looked a little extraordinary.

He wanted to use spiritual power to explore, but encountered obvious resistance.

"Such resistance may not be in the Foundation Establishment period, at least it is in the Zifu period." Lin Qing thought to himself.

Then he thought of something else, his eyes changed a little, this ring was put in this strange bag by Deacon Zhu, and he didn't dare to wear it on his body, and it was the resistance of the Zifu period. It was left by the ancestors of the Zhu family.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing immediately used spiritual power to dispel the resistance.

Although the resistance was not small, after all, Patriarch Zhu was dead, and Lin Qing was also in the Purple Mansion. After a few tens of breaths, Lin Qing dispelled the resistance of this ring, and after a search of his consciousness, he didn't show any expression for a long time.

After a long time, Lin Qing took a deep breath to calm himself down.

He did not expect that this ring was an extremely precious storage ring in the world of cultivating immortals. The area in it was hundreds of feet in size. This ring alone was worth a lot, and the most important thing was the contents inside. Surprisingly, there are various kinds of books densely packed there. Looking at it again, they are all Wuji Sect's books on exercises.

"God bless my Lin family." Lin Qing couldn't help thinking.

He does not lack skills now, but these things are of great help to the family.

"No wonder, the Sutra Pavilion is empty, so I went here." Lin Qing thought pleasantly in her heart.

Lin Qing didn't know at this time that the books in it were not in the Sutra Collection Pavilion of the Wuji Sect. The books in the Sutra Collection Pavilion of the Wuji Sect were indeed collected by the suzerain of the Wuji Sect, and then destroyed in the catastrophe.And what's in it is what the Zhu family has been collecting in the Wuji Sect for so many years. Although I dare not say that it is exactly the same as the Wuji Zong Sutra Pavilion, but it is almost the same. This time it fell into Lin Qing's hands and became the foundation of his Lin family. .

After being excited, she put this storage ring on her hand without hesitation, but just after putting it on, Lin Qing took it off.

It's better to wear this thing after a while.

Looking at the storage ring again, besides books, Lin Qing found another thing inside, which was the size of a washbasin.

It looks like a spirit stone, but it doesn't look like it.

But the aura is very rich.

"This is not spiritual liquid." Looking at this object, Lin Qing thought that the spiritual veins of Linjiashan had reached the third level, and spiritual liquid was born.

Although the spiritual liquid is still insufficient to take, but Lin Qing has seen that it is a liquid, and it is definitely not this kind of thing.

Looking at the thing in the storage ring, Lin Qing didn't move in a hurry, but looked at the books full of books, thinking that no matter what it was, as long as he read all these books, he would know.

Afterwards, Lin Qing was busy sorting these books. He didn't read the exercises, and left them to the younger generations of the family.

He focuses primarily on books in which objects are identified.

Half a month passed, but Lin Qing was extremely quiet.

He now knew what the spiritual plant and the washbasin-sized thing were, but the price was so precious that Lin Qing was caught off guard.

Lingzhi, that is, purple jade peach, bears fruit once every 50 years and has the effect of prolonging life.

To be honest, after knowing this, Lin Qing was full of joy, because it was of great help to his family, and such spiritual plants would be treasures even if they were placed in Yunzhou.

Moreover, there is a record in the book that this thing has to go through the mortal tree stage for 3000 years before it can reach the spiritual tree stage, and its efficacy will increase every 500 years thereafter.

The purple jade peach of the Wuji Sect looks more than 400 years old now, but it has passed the mortal tree stage for 3000 years, and it was moved into the Wuji Sect as a spiritual tree.

The most important thing is that this tree will reach 500 years in a few decades, and Lin Qing couldn't help but be happy when he saw that the effect in the book would increase after 500 years.

He doesn't need to enhance it much, even if it reaches 15 years from the previous ten years of life extension, he will be satisfied.

With life-enhancing items, it is not only a help to the strength of the family, but also a major driving force to unite the family. Imagine having such items, who would not love the family.

The current effect can increase life by ten years, and in ten years, I don't know how many things will happen.

After a lot of Xing in the past ten years, maybe a single qi training broke through the foundation, and the foundation broke through the purple mansion, and the impact was too great.

After understanding the function of this object, Lin Qing still regretted it a little. It was too rough when digging it, so don't damage this object.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing immediately planted this tree on a second-order low-grade spiritual vein far away from Lin Jiaji.

Although this tree is powerful, the second-level spiritual veins are enough. Lin Qing has more choices because Lin Jiashan's spiritual veins have been upgraded to the third level. Otherwise, this thing can only be cultivated on the main veins, which is somewhat conspicuous .

After planting this tree, Lin Qing also planted some small trees that he had dug at the beginning. Although he knew that these small trees were just mortal trees now, the trees were planted for future generations.

After planting, Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief a few days later, the vitality of this tree was beyond his imagination.

In one day, new roots grew on the spiritual veins, not only did not wither, but also became more vigorous.


With this tree, Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Speaking of another item, that washbasin-sized thing is actually related to the spiritual vein.

Speaking of the Wuji Sect for so many years, one thing they have been doing is to upgrade their sect's third-level spiritual veins to fourth-level. If they are raised to fourth-level, not only the aura will be richer, but also a more powerful spiritual marrow will be born. The spiritual marrow is more than twice as helpful as the spiritual liquid for breaking through the Zifu, and sometimes it can increase the chance by [-]%, which is well known in Zhao.

To be honest, if the Wuji Sect raised the spirit veins to the fourth level, they would not face the current situation of no successors.

But it is a pity that it is really difficult to upgrade the fourth-order spiritual veins, and the Wuji Sect has not been promoted, and now it has suffered a catastrophe, and the spiritual veins have been destroyed.

But although it has not been promoted to the fourth level, it is still fast. This thing is a thing between spiritual liquid and spiritual marrow that was born from the spiritual vein. It can also be called a pseudo-spiritual marrow. If it is used for breakthrough, the effect is better than spiritual liquid A little, but the importance of this thing is not here.

If you put this thing in the spirit veins, the first-rank spirit veins can be upgraded to the second-rank immediately, and the second-rank spirit veins can be raised to the third rank. As for the third-rank ones, at least the lower rank can be promoted to the upper rank.

The value of it is so great, to be honest, Lin Qing couldn't believe it for a while.

The spirit veins here in their Lin Family Mountain have just been promoted to the third-rank low-grade. If they want to upgrade later, it will take more than a hundred years of effort for the third-rank mid-grade. Now that they have this thing, it may be possible within a year. Promoted to Tier [-] Top Grade.

Because of the powerful effect of this thing, Lin Qing hesitated instead.

Then he decided that this thing is still on the shelf, and it can't be used now.

Their Lin Family Mountain is now a low-rank third-rank spiritual vein, and there is nothing wrong with him, but now that it has been promoted to a third-rank upper-rank, what will other forces in Zhao State think, and what will Baibaolou think.

So although this thing is good, Lin Qing can only put it away and use it later.

But after he understood the efficacy of this product, he was so happy that he couldn't sleep for several nights.

(End of this chapter)

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