I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 203 Cultivator Hua's Purple Mansion

Chapter 203 Cultivator Hua's Purple Mansion

Half a month later, Lin Qing can be said to have gained huge benefits from this action of the Wuji Sect. This will benefit the Lin family for at least several hundred years.

Recently, Lin Qing organized the monks in his family to put some books into the family treasure house. In the future, the family disciples will have more choices.

And among these books, there are many books on third-level alchemy and talisman making, which were things that had nowhere to buy before.

Even now, it is extremely difficult to get it in Zhao country, but in their Lin family, as long as the contribution points are reached, they can be exchanged. This is the strength of a top family.

A month later, Lin Qing received a piece of news that made him feel happy.

Cultivator Hua, the Purple Mansion is here.

It is said that after Chiyang Daochang died, Baibaolou wanted to annex Chiyang Xiancheng in order to make up for the loss, but Qingfengzong and Xianxiazong tried their best to block it for the future of Zhao State, and Baibaolou could not succeed for a while.And Cultivator Hua, who was a grown-up disciple of Chiyang Dao, also closed the death gate at this time, and began to break through to the Purple Mansion.

Now it is a breakthrough.

And this success not only means that Zhao Guo has gained another Zifu, but also the idea of ​​Baibaolou has come to nothing.

Although Cultivator Hua's strength is not comparable to that of Chiyang Daoist Priest, after all, it is a purple mansion and there are two sects of Qingfengzong behind him, and he is friendly to all the monks in the city on weekdays, so it will not be difficult to take charge of this Chiyang fairy city in the future.

After Cultivator Zaihua broke through, he sent Lin Qing an invitation not long after.

Inviting Lin Qing to go to Chiyang Immortal City for a gathering, Lin Qing definitely wants to go.

Firstly, we came here to congratulate Cultivator Hua, and secondly, the most important thing is that the Promise Sect is now destroyed, but it is time to divide the remaining territory, and all parties want to take advantage of this event to do it together.

Now that Zhao Guo’s Wufang Zifu is strong, Lin Qing represents the Lin family, Qingfeng Sect is still the ancestor of Qin, Xianxia Sect is Elder Hu, Baibaolou is Elder Meng, and Chiyang Immortal City is naturally Cultivator Hua.

Speaking of the five people, their strengths are all in the early days of the Zifu, and now that there is no Chiyang Taoist priest, the five of them can be regarded as walking sideways in the Zifu.

Baibaolou didn't send Zi Mansion again, one is that the Wuji Sect has already been destroyed, and the other one is also afraid, since two Zi Mansions are gone at once, everyone has to think about it, and the third one is Yan. The animal tide in the country is really menacing, and it is also affected.

Now Zhao's highest combat power is the mid-term lord of the Zifu of the Qingfeng Sect, but it seems that he is already old.

Back then when Lin Xuchang and Lin Xuze bought the Foundation Establishment Pill at the Chiyang Immortal City Auction, that auction released a spiritual fruit that would increase lifespan by 30 years, but the background of Baibaolou was later discovered by this A suzerain bought and ate, otherwise he would not be able to live now.

Speaking of which, the Zhu family of the Wuji Sect also wanted to buy it, but the Chiyang Immortal City and Baibaolou were not sold for any money.

It can be said that the current situation in Zhao State was not formed in a day or two.

This time he went to Chiyang Immortal City, Lin Qing first accompanied Qin Patriarch, and then went together.

If the Promise Sect hadn't triggered the Heavenly Tribulation, after being wiped out, the Lin family and the Qingfeng Sect might have some conflicts due to interests, but now there are only so many territories left, and to be honest, the Qingfeng Sect has also lost interest.

It is good to have more land, but it needs people to manage it. Now the monks of Zhao Guozong's sect are seven out of ten compared with before.

A group of casual cultivators suffered even more losses, so what's the use of having so much space.

It would take at least a hundred years for the state of Zhao to regain its vitality, and it will not be known what it will be like after a hundred years.

This is something that no one can do anything about. Even Lin Jiaji has less than a third of the number of casual cultivators. It can be said that this war has hurt the overall strength of Zhao Guo.

Fortunately, Yan Country has now been dragged into the beast tide.

A month passed, and the beast tide became more and more fierce, and even Wei Guo, who was next to him, had a trend of beast tide.As for Zhao Guo, it seems that because of the deterrence of the Heavenly Tribulation, all the monsters were scared away, and those who didn't run did not dare to move, so they were safe and sound.

On the way, Lin Qing and Qin Patriarch flew together, and Lin Qing sat in Qin Patriarch's flying boat.Looking at the world of Zhao State, Qin Patriarch said to Lin Qing: "Patriarch Lin, what happened to our Zhao State now can be said to be a difficult situation and the loss is too great. Shake the prestige of my Zhao country."

"What Sect Master Qin said is very true, and the whole Zhao Kingdom will understand this truth."

Lin Qing said at this time that he didn't expect Patriarch Qin to say this to him.The meaning of saying this seems to still worry about him, worried that something will happen to him.

Lin Qing smiled inwardly, how could he destroy the peace of Zhao State now.

Thinking about it again, Patriarch Qin's worries are also well-founded, and now Zhao's top combat power is gone.The suzerain of his Qingfeng sect was about to die again, and with Lin Qing's strength, it was not difficult to do something. Qin Patriarch was afraid that he would mess around.

Thinking of the magic weapon in her storage bag, and thinking of Zijinchan's strength, Lin Qing thought, Zhao Guo is probably one of the top three in his own strength.

But at this moment, Lin Qing suddenly thought of something. Looking at Patriarch Qin, he said, "Sect Master Qin, I don't know if you remember one thing."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Patriarch Qin looked at Lin Qing.

Lin Qing said slowly to Patriarch Qin: "It has been said for a long time, a hundred years ago, but I have never forgotten it. You should have heard of the Qingmuji tragedy that year. A man named Xuehai Lao When the expansion of the Qingmuji was completed, the devil's magic cultivator led many qi training monks to attack the Qingmuji. Not only did the Qingmuji be burned down, but even the monks suffered from this incident. Even thinking about it now is chilling. Back then , I escaped by luck, but after thinking about it, I still feel cold and sweaty, not only myself, but my whole family, my wife and children are probably the ghosts under the knife of the blood sea old devil."

"Sect Master Qin, do you remember this?"

"Although it's been a while, I remember it." For some reason, Old Ancestor Qin, although his expression remained the same, his tone was a little weak.

Lin Qing said again: "I think Sect Master Qin will never forget such an important event. In fact, I have always wondered for so many years. Are those blood sea old demons really so powerful? They attacked the Qingmu Collection, but they escaped As far as I know, the Promise Sect has been following them for a hundred years, but except for a few disciples, there is no trace of this blood sea old devil. Zhao Guo said it was not big or small, but After so many years, how can this blood sea old devil hide so well, or does he have another identity."

"I'm afraid no one will know about this."

Qin Patriarch said in a weaker tone, he felt a little uneasy, thinking that today he was going to fight Patriarch Lin here.

Speaking of this blood sea old devil, others don't know about it, but he does know that they are members of the Qingfeng sect who sent out the disgusting Wuji sect. Who would have thought that they would commit such a serious case back then and kill hundreds of monks , which made him startled when he heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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