I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 209 Foundation Establishment Pill Master Fan

Chapter 209 Foundation Establishment Pill Master Fan
"I, Pill Master Fan, have finally established the foundation!" This casual cultivator said loudly again.

That's right, this casual cultivator's surname is Fan, and he is an alchemist who has lived in the Lin family for a long time, that is, the alchemist Fan who got Lin Zhiling's handkerchief back then.

How can he not be excited now, everyone knows the importance of foundation building, what he didn't expect was that he could successfully build a foundation.

Looking at the handkerchief in his hand, he couldn't help but kiss it.

"Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Danshi Fan looked at the handkerchief and said excitedly.

He was right. When he met Lin Zhiling back then, his cultivation was only at the sixth level of Qi training, and he was only at the level of a first-order alchemist. He thought that this life would pass like this and he would give up on himself. To Lin Zhiling.

There is a saying that once you encounter a mistake, you will live forever, but Danshi Fan is not like that.

He was thinking of life at one encounter, and now he is building a foundation at one encounter.

If he hadn't met Lin Zhiling at the beginning, if he hadn't gotten this handkerchief, he wouldn't be where he is today, and it is Lin Zhiling and this handkerchief that have always supported him until now.

The idea in his heart has not changed, that is to become a foundation and marry Lin Zhiling.

Relying on this idea, he has worked hard these years to improve his cultivation and reach the late stage of Qi training.Before that, he had gained great benefits in the attack on the Wuji Sect, and the alchemy had reached the second level, so it was possible to build a foundation.

But now, the foundation has been established.

Thinking of something, he sucked on the handkerchief again, then changed his clothes, and walked out of the alchemy shop.

There were already a large number of monks waiting outside to congratulate.

Seeing Pill Master Fan coming out, these monks started to talk about it.

"Panshi Fan, congratulations!"

"Pill Master Fan, you are really a role model for my generation, and my generation of monks has a lot of admiration."

"Pill Master Fan, I don't know if there is a shortage of alchemy boys. How many people can I recommend for alchemy masters?"

"Fan Pill Master, the banquet is ready, please invite Fan Pill Master to go and enjoy it."

"Danshi Fan, my shop sincerely invites Danshi Fan to be a guest minister, and the one-year offering will not be weaker than any other shop."

"Fan Danshi"


Amidst the congratulatory voices, Fan Danshi didn't seem to care too much, his eyes couldn't move and looked around, as if he wanted to find someone.

Finally, this person was found by him.

"Pill Master Fan, I am Lin Xuqian, a monk of the Lin family, not only a alchemist is willing."

Lin Zhiqian said at this time that he is now in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and he is in charge of recruiting casual cultivators for the Lin family in the Lin family collection.This time, as soon as Pill Master Fan broke through, he rushed over.

At this moment, before he could finish speaking, Danshi Fan said excitedly: "Yes, I am willing."


Not only Lin Xuqian, but everyone else was surprised, why is this Danshi Fan so anxious, even if he agrees to the Lin family's solicitation, he has to show some momentum.

But thinking about it again, the Lin family is so powerful now, how could anyone be unwilling.

Thinking of this, some monks who were still trying to recruit Alchemist Fan fell silent at this moment, watching Alchemist Fan welcome Lin Xuqian into his shop.

"Friend Daoist Lin, I have longed for the Lin family and have always wanted to join the Lin family." Sitting down, Pill Master Fan said.

Lin Xuqian smiled: "Thank you Alchemist Fan for valuing my Lin family so much, but with Alchemist Fan's strength, he could have joined my Lin family before."

"this. this"

It's hard for Alchemist Fan to explain, it's not difficult to join the Lin family with his previous strength, after all, the status of an alchemist is extremely honorable, but he doesn't just want to join the Lin family, what he wants more is...
For this matter, in his opinion, the foundation-building period is safer.

"I don't know if there is any difficulty for alchemist?" Lin Xuqian asked.

Pill Master Fan rubbed his hands at this time, he was a little bit speechless, but thinking of the 30 years of suffering, Pill Master Fan still said: "I actually want to marry your Lin family."

"Joining?" Lin Xuqian was startled, this is not the same thing as joining.

Could it be that this Pill Master Fan has known the younger generation of my Lin family for a long time, and after this breakthrough, he wants to join my Lin family along the way, so that he can gain greater benefits with his strength in the foundation building period.Lin Xuqian thought of it at this moment.

He smiled, and said: "I don't know if it's the younger generation of my Lin family who is so favored by alchemist, alchemist might as well tell me, I know it all."

Danshi Fan smiled, but he was a bit reluctant: "I, I. I don't know the name, I just met."

"Have you seen it?"

Lin Xuqian was a little surprised, but also a little confused at this moment.

And Danshi Fan made up his mind at this moment, and told the scene of seeing Lin Zhiling in Linjiacheng, especially that he had been hard to forget all these years, and he had been thinking about it all the time.If he could marry Lin Zhiling, he would stay in the Lin family wholeheartedly in the future and never regret it.

"This." Lin Xuqian couldn't help but glanced at Alchemist Fan. If calculated according to the time that Alchemist Fan said, that time was when his Lin family had just acquired the Cold Iron Mine. I still remember it now, it was a little infatuated.

But thinking about it again, Lin Zhiling might have been in her 20s back then, but now that 30 years have passed, Lin Xuqian feels something bad in his heart.

In his opinion, this Pill Master Fan was unforgettable at the first sight, but these years, the world has changed, and many things have happened in the middle. It is this Lin Zhiling who he has heard of before, but he has been living in Linjiacheng. Married, although Lin Xuqian is not sure about this point, he thinks it is very likely.

Over the years, there have been so many happy events for the younger generation of the Lin family that he couldn't remember them all.

Even if she is not married, Lin Zhiling is now in her fifties. Although cultivators have various methods to keep their appearance youthful, there will still be some changes as they age.This Lin Zhiling is definitely not in the foundation building period, because he remembers the Lin family's foundation building period, not in the foundation building period, and he is over 50 years old, so I am afraid that he will not be able to make this Fan Danshi's heart move again.

"Pill Master Fan, is this the only request? If there are other requests, my Lin family will try my best to meet them." Lin Xuqian asked, to see if he could satisfy this request from other places. After all, an alchemist is still very precious.

As for the matter of getting married, Lin Xuqian felt that it was unlikely.

"I don't have any other requirements, I just want to be able to join the Zhulin family and become a Taoist partner with that fairy." Fan Danshi said firmly.

Lin Xuqian took a breath and sighed softly in his heart.

"Then, let alchemist Rong give me a little time, so I can go and find out what's going on?"

"Thank you buddy."

Danshi Fan said with a smile on his face.

Then Lin Xuqian left, looking at Lin Xuqian's back, Fan Danshi took out the handkerchief, and couldn't help but dream about it.

These years, it's not like I haven't seen other female cultivators. After all, the identity of an alchemist is still very attractive, but Lin Zhiling's figure is always lingering in his mind. Later, it became the motivation for him to build the foundation. It can be said that for him, it represents many things.

But now that the foundation was successfully established, he also told the Lin family these words, and Pill Master Fan felt at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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