Chapter 210
But Lin Xuqian, who left, came to Lin Family City, and first found Lin Zhiyuan. Lin Zhiyuan is a five-spirit root, and he has not established a foundation in these years, and he has not succeeded in taking the foundation-building pill.However, he is more open-minded than his father Lin Xuyuan, and has been living in the Lin family city with ease.

After hearing Lin Xuqian's words, Lin Zhiyuan couldn't believe it, and then let Lin Zhiling pass the words on.

These years, Lin Zhiling seldom went out, and stayed in the house every day. As for cultivation, she is now in her 50s, and she is only at the sixth level of Qi training. I don't care too much about this.

After hearing Lin Zhiyuan's words, Lin Zhiling was shocked, she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

In the foundation building period, he was still an alchemist, yet he would always think about himself.

She was a little moved, but revealed a hint of desolation.These years, it's not that she hasn't looked for male cultivators, but she has been with several male cultivators, and they all ended in failure, which really hurt her a lot. She even hated her own appearance. If she can find a monk who treats her sincerely, why should she be like this.

She has changed from rushing to go out to not liking to go out. To her, the outside is no longer attractive.

At this time, after thinking about it, she said to Lin Zhiyuan: "Brother, let Uncle Xuqian tell that alchemist that I am already old and decrepit, and it is really unbearable to face the hospitality, so let the alchemist stop worrying about it, I Her appearance is like that of an ordinary old lady, and she will be frightened when she sees her."

Lin Zhiyuan sighed when he heard these words, and then passed the words to Lin Xuqian.

After Lin Xuqian heard this, because he had already thought of this point, he didn't show any expression, he just sighed that his Lin family might not be able to recruit this alchemist this time.

But don't worry, their Lin family is full of talented people now, not to mention that he himself is a second-level talisman master, even alchemy masters, there are as many as five of them, among them, Lin Xuqing, who is his elder brother, has a third-level alchemy. And the son named Lin Zhidan is a second-rank alchemist.

Therefore, not being able to recruit an alchemist is not a big problem.

Back at the Lin Family Collection, Lin Xuqian told Fan Danshi what he had said. After hearing this, Fan Danshi showed despair: "She doesn't even want to see me."

Lin Xuqian smiled: "Alchemist Fan, don't get me wrong, it's just that the years are so worrying, and many things have changed in the past. I know that alchemist has always been obsessed with it, but I think alchemist can understand this, let alone, she is just a Practicing Qi, it is her blessing to be missed by alchemist for so many years."

"But, I can't forget it." Danshi Fan said again.

"Anyway, let me meet, I still have a lot to say."

"Pill Master Fan, what can we do even if we meet once? If you two were a good pair at the beginning, but now it's impossible. After meeting, what can you do except increase your melancholy?" Lin Xuqian advised .

"I am. I."

Danshi Fan couldn't speak, his round face looked anxious.

Finally he said: "No, I have to meet. Even if she is old, as long as she doesn't dislike me, I am willing to marry. She is not married. I think I am still a foundation cultivator, or a An alchemist, she should be worthy of her."

"Alchemist, it's not that you are worthy of her, but that she is not worthy of you." Lin Xuqian reminded.

At this time, Danshi Fan looked at Lin Xuqian pleadingly: "Friend Daoist Lin, just let me see her, even if it doesn't work, I am willing to join the Lin family."


Lin Xuqian was a little moved, one was Alchemist Fan's strength, and the other was Alchemist Fan's sincere request. He was 80 years old this year, and this Alchemist Fan was on par with him. Seeing alchemist Fan's expression like this, how could he not be tempted? .

Although Mr. Fan Dan looks quite ordinary, but the 30 years of affection, it is hard not to be moved.

"Alright then, let me talk about it again." Lin Xuqian said.

"Thank you fellow daoist." Danshi Fan was very excited again.

Lin Xuqian left again, and Pill Master Fan sat in his alchemy shop, the joy of breaking through the foundation building had disappeared, he was even a little confused, not knowing what the meaning of his breaking through the foundation building was.

The whole person fell into a kind of doubt. The more I thought about it, the more I didn't know what to do if I broke through the foundation, it seemed useless.

There was another knock on the door, a monk came to congratulate, but Fan Danshi turned a deaf ear and leaned on the chair.

And Lin Xuqian who left came to Linjiacheng, at this time he didn't need to tell Lin Zhiyuan, but directly spoke to Lin Zhiling.

This Lin Zhiling stayed behind the curtain even in the house, Lin Xuqian couldn't see clearly, but at first glance, she felt that Lin Zhiling was not as old and decrepit as she said.Then after talking about what Danshi Fan had said, Lin Zhiling asked in surprise, "He really said that?"

"That's right, he said that even if you are old and your color is bad, as long as you are willing, he is willing to join our Lin family."

"This..." Lin Zhiling hesitated.

After a long time, she said: "Uncle Xuqian, if he really wants to, I can visit tomorrow. It's getting late today, so I'm afraid it will be inconvenient."

"Okay." Lin Xuqian said happily.

Afterwards, he went back to Linjiaji and told Fan Danshi what he said, and Fan Danshi was very worried all night.

On the second day, Lin Xuqian and Fan Danshi were sitting in his alchemy shop waiting for Lin Zhiling. Although he was in the foundation establishment period, he started to spread the word, but Lin Xuqian became more and more happy. Seeing Danshi Fan's expression, he unconsciously began to get nervous.

But Fan Danshi's nervousness can no longer be described in words, and the things contained in it are unimaginable to outsiders.

Maybe for some people, if there is a relationship, there is nothing, and it is not that important.But there are thousands of people in this world. Some people have a special liking for a single grass, and some people feel bored sitting on the entire grassland. The difference between people is too great, and the value of certain things cannot be generalized by everyone.

Ever since Fan Danshi first met, these years, Lin Zhiling has occupied a great significance in his life.

The sun came out, Lin Xuqian sat next to Fan Danshi.

Suddenly, Danshi Fan stood up and looked outside the door.Not long after, Lin Zhiyuan brought Lin Zhiling to Danshi Fan's alchemy shop.

Lin Xuqian on the side was a little surprised. This alchemist Fan was at the same time as he learned about the arrival of these two people. This alchemist Fan was worthy of being an alchemist. In terms of spiritual consciousness, he was not much different from him who was already in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

But what Lin Xuqian didn't know was that Fan Danshi didn't discover it with divine sense.

But his nostrils moved slightly, his eyes showed a fiery expression, and he thought in his heart: "This is the smell!"

Walking in, Danshi Fan was a little disappointed, Lin Zhiling's face was covered with a veil, so she couldn't see clearly.And Lin Zhiling was even more disappointed in her heart at this time, this alchemist seemed a little too round, more ordinary than ordinary people.

But thinking of the difference in strength between the two, Lin Zhiling fell silent. No matter how you say this person is a foundation cultivator, she is not something she can compare.

(End of this chapter)

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