I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 211 My Heart Has Not Changed

Chapter 211 My Heart Has Not Changed
After sitting down, Danshi Fan and Lin Zhiling didn't know what to say, after a long time, Danshi Fan suddenly thought of something and took out the handkerchief.

"The fairy left this thing behind, and I picked it up later. I haven't had a chance to return it to the fairy all these years. Let the fairy accept it."

Lin Zhiling glanced at the unrecognizable handkerchief, and felt a little strange, but she still said, "Senior Fan, just call me Zhiling. The name of fairy is too much. Since senior found this handkerchief, take it."

"Then I'll call you Zhi Ling." Fan Danshi said with some embarrassment.

Lin Xuqian and Lin Zhiyuan on the side glanced at each other, both of them didn't know what to say, this Danshi Fan was obviously a foundation builder, but at this moment he was like a fledgling boy.

On the other hand, Lin Zhiling was much more mature from the tone of her speech.

After saying this, both of them didn't know what to say, Lin Xuqian on the one side said: "Zhi Ling, Pill Master Fan has always wanted to see you, why don't you let Pill Master Fan take a look, what are you doing now that you are wearing a veil."

"Uncle Xuqian, Danshi Fan, don't scare you guys."

While speaking, Lin Zhiling took off the veil, then Lin Xuqian sighed, and Fan Danshi also had a look of disbelief.

It's still the same as when I saw it at the beginning, but now it's full of wrinkles and looks old, although it can still see a trace of the original beauty, but there is no doubt that Lin Zhiling can't hide from the old beauty.

Putting on the veil again, no one spoke anymore, but Lin Zhiyuan couldn't help but curl his mouth.

"Uncle Xuqian, Danshi Fan, let's say goodbye today."

After finishing speaking, Lin Zhiling resigned, Fan Danshi was still immersed in an expression of disbelief.

"how so."

Danshi Fan kept asking himself.

Then Lin Zhiling and Lin Zhiyuan left, Lin Xuqian also sighed: "Pill Master Fan, I see you again, I know you are a little disappointed, but what you said before counts? Join my Lin family."

Danshi Fan seemed to have lost his soul, and nodded at this moment: "Of course I want to join the Lin family."

Seeing Pill Master Fan like this, Lin Xuqian couldn't help but said: "Pill Master Fan, there's no need to be like this. In the world, a new generation always replaces an old one. Besides, although we can't go back to the past now, but a female cultivator like her back then, Now there are still some, if Fan Danshi thinks, or takes a fancy to that, my Lin family will definitely help."

Fan Danshi shook his head at this moment, and then said: "How can this be the same? The cloud at the beginning was so beautiful, but now there is no cloud in the sky, even if another cloud floats like before, the sky has not changed and the cloud has not changed, just the position It’s not the same, but some things have changed after all.”

While talking, Fan Danshi suddenly laughed, a little carefree.

Then he suddenly looked at Lin Xuqian: "Friend Daoist Lin, I need to trouble you once more, please tell her that as long as she is willing, I am still willing to marry."

"Ah, this"

Lin Xuqian was a little surprised, he looked at Fan Pill Master in disbelief, but Fan Pill Master's expression was undoubtedly sure.

"Although the sky has changed, the clouds have also changed, but my heart has not changed!"

Danshi Fan stood up and said.

He had a clear understanding in an instant, Lin Xuqian looked at him now and felt that he had become taller.

The next day, when Lin Zhiling heard Danshi Fan's words, she was also shocked, but she agreed.

Facing such an infatuated monk who is also an alchemist in the Foundation Establishment Stage, she has no reason not to be unwilling, no matter for herself or for the Lin family.

Over the years, she has also understood one thing, appearance is often deceiving.

Looking at a person with an infatuated face, one might be infatuated, but would be a playboy.

Now she is more than 50, and half of her life has passed, if there is such a person who treats her well in the future, she will not be in vain.

Afterwards, Danshi Fan officially joined the Lin family, and a cave in the Lin family's collection belonged to him.

On the day of getting married with Lin Zhiling, they just gathered a few tables for a light meal, and they didn't do much, Lin Zhiling didn't show up.

Danshi Fan, who had eaten, came to his boudoir with Lin Zhiling before it got dark.

The room lit by several oil lamps was very bright. Fan Danshi looked at Lin Zhiling who was sitting on the bed and covered his head, his gaze suddenly became fiery. Although his appearance had changed, but
Sucking his nose, Fan Danshi was instantly full of energy.

Approaching the bed, Fan Danshi's hands trembled a little, and before he stepped forward, Lin Zhiling suddenly lifted the hijab by herself.


Danshi Fan turned pale with shock, took a breath, and looked at Lin Zhiling in front of him in disbelief.

I saw that Lin Zhiling at this time did not have the wrinkled face of that day, it was clearly the same as before, no, it was more touching than before, the traces of time not only did not make her wither, but brought a different flavor.Upon seeing it, Fan Danshi's face turned red, he was so excited.

"Did you lie to me that day?" Danshi Fan wanted to understand at this moment.

Lin Zhiling covered her mouth and smiled, that's right, when she went to see Pill Master Fan, everything would be postponed until the next day, just for some preparations.

She had already thought of Danshi Fan's expression when he saw her, but she didn't expect that Danshi Fan would still marry her afterwards, which made her feel a little different.

This is how we met today.

"I'm so stupid, I should have thought of it earlier." Fan Danshi said with joy at the moment, couldn't help it.

He couldn't help beating himself now, the Lin family is a big family, how could there be no Zhuyan Dan, even without Zhuyan Dan, with Lin Zhiling's beauty, he wouldn't be that old, he was simply confused at the time.

Seeing Fan Danshi's expression, Lin Zhiling just smiled, and then said: "Let me see if you are excited today, this is our happy day."

"Yes, yes yes yes." Fan Danshi quickly answered yes when he heard Lin Zhiling's words, and then his eyes changed again when he thought of something.

Seeing him like this, Lin Zhiling also felt amused.

Afterwards, the oil lamp was not blown, Lin Zhiling faded away one by one, Fan Danshi's whole body was abnormal.

But not long after, Lin Zhiling looked at Danshi Fan in surprise: "You"

Fan Danshi's face turned red instantly, no matter how good he thought, but in reality, it was a little bit
"Don't worry," Fan Danshi said suddenly, took the elixir from the storage bag and swallowed it.

"I'm an alchemist." Fan alchemy said with a smile.

after that,

Guests are happy.

For several days, Fan Danshi was sleeping with a smile on his face, the feeling of this is hard to describe.

On this day, Danshi Fan looked at Lin Zhiling beside him, panting and said: "My life is worth it, with you here, even if I want to die, I am willing now."

Lin Zhiling covered his mouth: "Don't say that, if you die, I will die first."

No wonder Lin Zhiling said that, one is that she really felt Fan Pill Master's infatuation for him, and she also has feelings for Fan Pill Master in her heart, and the other is that she is a Qi practitioner, Fan Pill Master is a foundation builder, this is true.

Hearing these words, Pill Master Fan was extremely moved, but he looked at Lin Zhiling again, thinking of the life span difference between Qi training and foundation building, he suddenly felt a little desolate.

After thinking about it, he talked about the scene when he met Lin Zhiling at the beginning, and the ups and downs he experienced after so many years.

(End of this chapter)

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