Chapter 212 Star Flower

Hearing Danshi Fan's words, Lin Zhiling couldn't help but said: "If only you had found me in the late stage of Qi breakthrough and training, we would have met at that time. You were an alchemist at that time, and you were more than enough to join our Lin family. "

Danshi Fan shook his head: "I've thought about it too, but I'm also afraid that I won't be safe, so I've practiced all the way to Foundation Establishment. Zhi Ling, I want to be sure about you."

Hearing Fan Danshi's affectionate confession, Lin Zhiling was a little moved again.

At this time, he said: "Let him pass the past, we must cherish the present."

Pill Master Fan nodded, but at this moment he took out another thing, which was a bottle of elixir.

"Zhi Ling, I am an alchemist. With me here, I am not afraid that there will be no elixir for use. If you take the elixir to practice today, it may not be impossible to complete the foundation building stage."

When Lin Zhiling heard this, she shook her head desolately: "I haven't taken pills these years, but my aptitude is that I can't even break through the late stage of Qi training, so how can I build a foundation?"

Fan Danshi was a little happy when he heard this, Lin Zhiling looked at him strangely, Fan Danshi took out another thing at this moment.

It was a panacea, but Lin Zhiling couldn't recognize it.

"What is this?"

Pill Master Fan smiled: "This thing can change your aptitude, I dare not say anything else, it's not a problem to upgrade to the Four Spiritual Roots."


Lin Zhiling looked at Fan Danshi in great surprise, and Fan Danshi was a little proud.

As far as this matter is concerned, it is also related to the attack on the Wuji Sect. Danshi Fan got a lot of benefits in that action. He is an alchemist himself. Get out early.

Being able to build a foundation in the future also depends on this. As for the elixir he is taking now, it is useless to him, but it is of great significance to Lin Zhiling.

At this moment, Danshi Fan said proudly: "Zhi Ling, this elixir is called Xingchenhua. Although it does not improve the spiritual root much, it is also extremely precious. If this elixir is put outside, there are tens of thousands of spiritual stones at least. , this is the lowest price."


Lin Zhiling exclaimed again.

At this time, Danshi Fan put away the elixir, and said: "After a few days, I will use this medicine and several auxiliary medicines to refine a kind of elixir for you. In the later stage, it is extremely easy to establish the foundation with me."

Lin Zhiling hadn't calmed down from the shock yet, the news really surprised her too much.

But Fan Danshi seemed much calmer at the moment.

Taking out the handkerchief again, looking at the handkerchief, Fan Danshi smiled again, as if he had returned to the beginning.

How many long nights he spent like this.

Fortunately, it is no longer necessary.

Putting away the handkerchief, he glanced at the people around him, Danshi Fan's eyes were full of affection rarely seen in the world.

If this kind of affection is placed on a handsome man, many women will be intoxicated by it, but Master Fan, the man who waited for him at the age of 80, fortunately, it is not too late.

in time.

The Lin Family Collection is about to hold an auction.

The news quickly spread among casual cultivators, and the entire Zhao country knew about it.

This was Lin Qing's idea. Now that Zhao Guoxiu's immortal world is gradually recovering its strength, holding an auction at an appropriate time would be of great benefit to him.

Although the Lin family collection has been known to everyone in Zhao Guoxiu's world for many years, there are still many casual cultivators who have never been here. Taking this opportunity of this auction, let the casual cultivators who have never been here come and let him come to the Lin family. The set is more prosperous.

Speaking of which, there are now three major gathering places for casual cultivators in Zhao Guo.

One is of course Chiyang Immortal City, the second one is Ziqingfang, a joint city of Qingfeng Sect and Xianxia Sect, and the third one is Linjiaji in Linjiashan.

These three gathering places for casual cultivators accommodate nearly [-]% of the casual cultivators in Zhao State, while the rest are scattered in various small collections and workshops.

Before the great chaos in Zhao State, there were other gathering places of casual cultivators, but after the chaos, these gathering places were all destroyed.Even those who have not been destroyed are now under the siphon of these three gathering places of casual cultivators, and life is not easy.

For example, the Xuanyufang allocated by Baibaolou, as the spoils of their attack on the Wuji Sect, Baibaolou also wanted to manage it carefully, but after so many years, Xuanyufang has not improved, and the reason is that it was absorbed by the surrounding Linjiaji. Because of too many casual repairs.

Lin Qing held this auction with the idea of ​​further consolidating the position of Lin Jiaji.

As for Baibaolou, although the various forces in Zhao State have not said it explicitly, they have vaguely reached a consensus, that is, to drive out this Baibaolou.

There are reasons for this rapid change.

One is that the Wuji Sect has been destroyed, Zhao Guo no longer needs foreign aid, and the other is that Baibaolou is too strong in dealing with the Wuji Sect. How can we not let people take out two forbidden talismans in a row? Fear.

Fortunately, the Promise Sect caused the fall of the two purple mansions in Baibaolou in the middle stage, otherwise the current state of Zhao might be covered by Baibaolou.

Speaking of the fall of the two mid-stage Zifus, they are a great loss to Baibaolou. They are powerful, but the two mid-stage Zifus are also a considerable force in Shangyun Prefecture.

And now the animal tide in Yan State is still continuing, not only in Yan State, but also in the neighboring Wei State. Baibaolou has invested more in these two countries than Zhao State, so now it has no time to take care of Zhao State , it is still the elder Meng who stayed in Zhao country.

In this context, Lin Qing held this auction, and several other parties were extremely supportive.

Cultivator Hua of Chiyang Immortal City lacked the ability to do his own thing. As a Zifu period, he couldn't do without Chiyang Immortal City, so he had to send someone to send a congratulatory gift.

And Qingfengzong and Xianxiazong even had Zifu come.

They are all acquaintances of Lin Qing, Patriarch Qin of the Qingfeng Sect, and Elder Hu of the Xianxia Sect. The two are here to help out together.

In addition to Lin Qing, there are three purple mansions. From this point alone, it can be seen that this auction is unusual.

The Lin family has also made a lot of preparations and brought out many precious materials. They even want to release ten Foundation Establishment Pills at this auction. Speaking of which, because of the Foundation Establishment Grass leaked from the Wuji Sect, the Foundation Establishment Pills are not Not as precious as before, but ten in a row is still a number that is enough to shock people's eyes.

If ten pieces are released, at least three or four casual cultivators can successfully build a foundation.

This is also something that the Lin family and several other parties have tacitly agreed to. Now that Zhao Guo is recovering rapidly, they, as forces, naturally want to work harder behind the scenes.

Loose cultivators may only see what is happening in front of them, but they see farther into the future.

And these ten Foundation Establishment Pills are nothing to the Lin family today. They have just bought dozens of Foundation Establishment Grass. It is easy to release ten Foundation Establishment Pills thing.

As for the descendants of the Lin family, they are taking all they can take now. In the past ten years alone, there have been three new foundation-builder monks, which can be said to be completely different from before.

(End of this chapter)

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