I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 225 "Baoyu"

Chapter 225 "Baoyu"

Even in the future, his Lin family would not spend so many years looking for foundation-building grass in order to refine the foundation-building pill.

It can be said that the Lin family did not borrow Zhao Guo's light back then, but was deeply affected, but fortunately, everything is over.

However, it is easier to obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill than before, but the price of 1 spirit stones is still an astronomical figure for a casual cultivator. It is not an easy task to collect these spirit stones.

The competition among the scattered cultivators in the Chiyang Immortal City became more intense.

"The excellent talismans refined by Master Huangshan are coming soon!"

"The qi-nourishing pill carefully refined by Master Kuti, one bottle can help you break through the bottleneck, and the price is moderate"

"The teeth of the first-grade top-grade monster Qinggang Leopard only cost fifteen spirit stones. It can be used to refine magic tools. It has powerful effects and is still available in the store."

"Fellow Daoist, are you interested in entering the store to have a look inside?"

All the shops on both sides of the street are trying their best to sell business, and from time to time, interested monks are invited to enter the shop for a detailed discussion.

However, the masters they talk about are probably not that strong, otherwise they wouldn't be so soliciting business.

Lin Qing came to Chiyang Immortal City ahead of schedule after negotiating to meet in Chiyang Immortal City.

He was not in a hurry to find Cultivator Hua, but hid his cultivation and wandered around the Chiyang Immortal City like a stroll in the garden, looking at the current Chiyang Immortal City.

After seeing this, Lin Qing was also a little envious.

Speaking of which, their Lin Family Collection is developing extremely rapidly now, but compared with Chiyang Immortal City, it is still a little worse. After the Zong Yi incident, the recovery was extremely fast, and now there is no trace of being influenced by the Wuji Sect, and there is even a bit of prosperity.

Now it is not only the monks from the Zhao Kingdom, but because of the animal hordes of the Yan Kingdom and the Wei Kingdom over the years, a large number of monks from these two countries have gathered in the Chiyang Immortal City. Compared with this, there are not so many monks from the two countries in the Lin Family Collection.

Looking at the shops welcoming customers on the street and the many monks coming and going, Lin Qing felt a little bit moved while envious.

He looked at this Chiyang Immortal City, as if he had returned to the beginning in an instant, back to the past when he first came to Chiyang Immortal City when he was still in the Qi training period, and he missed it endlessly.

"Friend Daoist, I see you have been standing there for a while, why don't you go into the shop and have a look." Suddenly, a voice came from the side, interrupting Lin Qing's thoughts.

Lin Qing smiled, but he himself was a little intoxicated looking at everything around him, and unconsciously stood at the door of other people's shops for a long time, which made people tired of him.

Turning her head and glanced at the shop beside her, it was called Ziyulou, Lin Qing's heart moved, the name was somewhat similar to Ziyu Peach Tree.But looking again, there are all kinds of jade and stone items sold inside, but the names are all there.

Thinking of something, Lin Qing didn't refuse to walk into this shop named Ziyulou.

"Fellow Daoist, our Ziyu Building sells all kinds of jade wares. Although the area is small, we have a complete range of items. If you have needs, we will try our best to meet them."

The person who spoke to Lin Qing just now was Pu Xiaoer. He was at the early stage of Qi training, and Lin Qing had concealed his cultivation at the later stage of Qi training. At this time, he was extremely enthusiastic when facing Lin Qing.

Lin Qing, who entered the store, picked up a jade article and looked at it, which was a little surprised.

Lin Qing was a little surprised because this jade was not a magic weapon, nor was it a spiritual jade, but it contained a trace of aura, which was clearly an ordinary mortal jade with aura.

"What is this thing for? I haven't seen it before." Lin Qing said.

The Pu Xiaoer, who was in the early stage of Qi training, smiled and began to explain.

"Fellow Daoist, our shop was originally located in the Kingdom of Wei, but we moved here because of the beast tide. It's normal that you haven't seen it before. This thing can be called a precious jade. It's not for cultivators, but It is used for mortals. Take the piece of precious jade in the hands of fellow Taoists as an example. Jade is a mortal jade, but through our special means, a warming sun technique is added inside. After wearing it, mortals will not be afraid of the cold. In other words, it is not an exaggeration to call it Baoyu, if you want it, you can take the two spirit stones."

"Oh I got it."

After listening to the introduction, Lin Qing looked at Baoyu with a thoughtful expression.

Compared with Zhao State, Yan State and Wei State are stronger in cultivating immortals, especially Wei State is far above Zhao State. Nowadays, many monks who come to Chiyang Immortal City because of the beast tide bring many things that they have never seen before. .

Looking at this precious jade, Lin Qing shook his head. If there had been such a store before, he would have bought it for Chaoyun and Lin Xuen Lin Xuwen, but now that the person has passed away, it is useless for him to buy these things. It is useful for mortals, but not for cultivators.

Although there are still a large number of mortals in the Lin family, when Lin Qing thought about it, none of them could let him personally buy a precious jade and give it away.

"Fellow Daoist? Don't you feel satisfied? There's also gems that are blessed with ice spells, which can keep you cool in the scorching heat. There are also gems that are blessed with light-weight spells. They are most suitable for obese mortals, but the price is a little higher. The best ones are A precious jade for wound healing is the treasure of our Ziyu Tower, not to mention ordinary people, even qi practitioners can use it occasionally, and fellow Taoists can learn more about it, and each of them can maintain its effect for at least several decades."

Listening to this monk's continuous introduction, Lin Qing nodded. With this enthusiasm alone, he could not return empty-handed.

Taking out two spirit stones, Lin Qing bought the item in his hand, and left the shop in a warm farewell.

Walking on the streets of Chiyang Fairy City again, holding this precious jade that has been blessed with the warming technique to make it warm, Lin Qing looked at it in front of her eyes. , Lin Qing suddenly laughed.

After laughing, he shook his head and walked casually.

As for this jade, he gave it to a mortal he met afterwards, but he didn't take it with him.

It was Lin Qing's whim to come to Chiyang Immortal City and walk around the streets. Apart from looking at the development of Chiyang Immortal City, it was also a way to recall the past.

Now after reading it, Lin Qing came directly to Brother Hua's mansion.

He didn't forget, the business this time.

"Friend Daoist Lin." Cultivator Hua said enthusiastically to Lin Qing's arrival.

"Cultivator Hua, you are safe and sound." Lin Qing was also extremely happy.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Cultivator Hua said with lingering fear: "Friend Daoist Lin, you told me two days ago that the Zhao Kingdom is about to face a beast horde, but it's just about to happen, it's a bit too sudden."

Hearing Cultivator Hua's words, Lin Qing thought that Cultivator Hua didn't know about this before he notified him. It seems that Baibaolou, which had a good relationship with Chiyang Immortal City, didn't tell Cultivator Hua these things.

At this moment, Lin Qing opened his mouth and told Cultivator Hua all the information he had obtained from Yipin Pavilion, which made Cultivator Hua startled and then angry.

"How could this state of Yan and State of Wei be like this, and the disaster has shifted to the east? I don't even think about how they can't deal with it. How can our State of Zhao deal with it?"

Lin Qing also nodded: "Fellow Daoist Hua, Yan Guo and Wei Guo really shouldn't do it, but our Zhao Guo has no chance of winning."

(End of this chapter)

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