I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 226 Discussing the Beast Tide

Chapter 226 Discussing the Beast Tide
"Oh?" Cultivator Hua looked at Lin Qing.

Lin Qing thought of the grand occasion he saw in Chiyang Immortal City just now, and said, "Now our country of Zhao is recovering very quickly. I think as long as our country of Zhao is united as one, we will not be able to survive this calamity."

"That's true too." Cultivator Hua nodded, but he seemed a little unconfident.

"By the way, this time we are discussing whether Baibaolou will come or not? This Baibaolou is really abominable. It even kept this matter from me. It was too much to sell Xuanyufang to me a few days ago. A little more." At this time, Brother Hua talked about Baibaolou again, and after receiving Lin Qing's information, he figured out the recent actions of Baibaolou.

Just like going to the Lin family, Elder Meng also wanted to "cheaply" deal with Xuanyufang and several mine veins to Chiyang Immortal City.

Lin Qing smiled, and said indifferently: "Baibaolou's behavior is indeed hateful, but they are also strong, and they have worked together to deal with Wujizong before. I am afraid it is not good if they are not called this time. But for this specific matter, Let's wait for the Qingfengzong Xianxiazong to come, and then discuss it."


Cultivator Hua nodded, then remembered something, and said with a smile: "I heard that Fellow Daoist Lin is going to gather in several purple mansions of our Zhao Kingdom to meet again in our Chiyang Immortal City. "


Lin Qing was a little surprised, but Brother Hua didn't explain.

The next day, Sect Master Qin of Qingfeng Sect and Elder Hu of Xianxia Sect came together.As for Elder Meng, who is now in Chiyang Immortal City, he didn't deal with the Xuanyufang and several mine veins, but he still had a headache.

After receiving the contact from Lin Qing, saying that they would jointly deal with the beast horde, he felt even more troubled. He knew that it would be impossible to deal with these things in the future.

But thinking of the instructions given to him by the main building of Baibaolou just now, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that Yan State and Wei State are subsided, their Baibaolou will vigorously develop and restore the previously affected industries. This is their foundation. As for Zhao State, it can already be abandoned.If monsters occupy Zhao country in the future, they will not be affected. If Zhao country wins with difficulty, it will not be too late for them to come again.

In fact, when he just received the evacuation order, he should have started to evacuate quietly with the people in Baibaolou, but he didn't know what to think, so he stayed.

Also participate in this discussion.

Not long after, he, Elder Hu, Lin Qingqin's patriarch, and under the leadership of Brother Hua, came to the place of the discussion.

Everyone was shocked when they entered the door.

I saw that in the spacious room in front of me, there were many silk scarves hanging from the floor, and all kinds of luminous gemstones were inlaid everywhere. It was daytime outside, but the ingenious combination of the light in the room and the silk scarves made the atmosphere a bit euphoric. The opened window The wind that blows in from time to time makes this place have an inexplicable fairy air.

Looking at it again, the ground and the surrounding walls have been carefully designed, and patterns and patterns abound, which can't be done without skilled craftsmen.

There are five small tables in the middle, all of which are made of wood from spiritual plants, exuding fragrance, and the spiritual fruits on them are even more colorful and moving.

"Fellow daoists, please!"

Cultivator Hua was a little satisfied when he saw the amazed eyes of Lin Qing and the others, and said.

Lin Qing and the others nodded, and Sect Master Qin said at this moment: "Fellow Daoist Hua, today's arrangement is really intentional. If we sit here, we will not look like a few purple mansions, but like real immortals." .”

"Hahaha." Cultivator Hua chuckled. Apart from his own preferences, this arrangement was also to show the strength of his Chiyang Immortal City.

Cultivator Hua said at this time: "Sect Master Qin, I also have nothing to do and let the people below arrange it. Thank you for the compliment, everyone, please sit down."

After Cultivator Hua finished speaking, Lin Qing and the others sat down. As the only middle-stage Zifu, Lin Qing took the upper seat.

As soon as several Zifu sat down, the silk scarves fluttered around, and the sense of ecstasy became even stronger. Sect Master Qin even thought silently in his heart that he would also arrange such a pattern in his Qingfengzong after returning. house.

It's not very useful, but it's wonderful for entertaining people.

But Lin Qing thought more in his mind, he himself was a formation master, and when he saw the layout of the room, although it was not a formation, it was quite organized, and seemed to be a bit of mortal feng shui arrangement.In other words, unless it is 100% copied, it is impossible to achieve this effect if a house is rebuilt according to this arrangement.Even he can't arrange it for a while.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing felt that Brother Hua was extraordinary.

Then, he thought of the large number of monks from other countries who had poured into Chiyang Immortal City in recent years. Lin Qing felt that he might have underestimated the real strength of Chiyang Immortal City. .

Glancing at Cultivator Hua, Cultivator Hua's expression was indifferent, which made Lin Qing even more unpredictable.

But thinking about the next thing to discuss, Lin Qing didn't think about it, but said: "Several fellow Taoists, I think everyone knows that this beast tide is about to come to our Zhao country. The monster beasts are powerful, which concerns our entire life. The survival of Zhao Guoxiu's immortal world. If one is not serious, Zhao Guo will cease to exist. I don't know what the fellow Taoists think."

After Lin Qing finished speaking, Elder Meng, Elder Qin, Elder Hu, and Brother Hua remained silent and became silent.

Lin Qing got the information from the Yipin Pavilion, and the Qingfeng Sect and the Xianxia Sect have their own information channels after taking root in Zhao State for so many years. They know this point better than anyone else, and they are more aware of the seriousness of it.

After the meeting, Sect Master Qin first said: "Our country of Zhao really has no peaceful days. How long will it be stable before we have to face the tide of beasts. If this continues, the cultivation world of Zhao country will rise, I don't know how long it will take."

"That's right, this beast horde will deal a big blow to our country Zhao regardless of whether we can survive it or not," Elder Hu also said.

Cultivator Hua also sighed: "This matter is too important."

For a while, the scene was even more silent.

"Click, click~"

Suddenly, there were a few sounds of biting the spiritual fruit, which broke the silence. Lin Qing saw that it was Elder Meng who picked up a spiritual fruit and ate it on his own.

Not only Lin Qing, but the others all looked at him with unkind eyes. Faced with these gazes, Elder Meng said to Brother Hua, "Fellow Daoist Hua, are these spiritual fruits on display just for decoration?"

Cultivator Hua said: "Of course not, Elder Meng can eat whatever he wants."

Elder Meng nodded, and Sect Master Qin said unceremoniously at this time: "Elder Meng, if you like to eat, we have a lot of spiritual fruits in Qingfengzong. I will bring you some someday, and you can eat slowly. Today we should have discussed the beast Chao is the most important thing, and there is no rush to eat these fruits in the future."

"Oh? The beast tide, against the beast tide!"

At this time, Elder Meng pretended to be enlightened, then put down the spiritual fruit, wiped his mouth and looked at everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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