Chapter 229 Two-Headed Bear

This time, Lin Qing was shocked.

He was not mistaken, the queen bee was indeed in danger, and this danger was caused by a bear-shaped monster that could be two feet tall and had two heads covered in black hair.

At this moment, facing the rock wall, the bear-shaped monster seemed to be in heat, with an excited expression. The whole bear body was lying on the rock wall, sticking out its tongue and licking inward through the gap, drooling. It is not difficult to see that it I want to eat the honey inside.

And this bear-shaped monster, which can be called a double-headed bear, was in the late stage of foundation establishment, which surprised Lin Qing.

Sniffing, Lin Qing seemed to understand why the two-headed bear came. It may be that in the past few years, the strength of the queen bee has broken through the foundation building, and the spirit bees in the hive are all good at it. The honey produced here is also different from before. of fragrance.Although it was inside the rock wall, the aroma of the honey was very tempting. After smelling it, Lin Qing wanted to eat some, let alone this bear-shaped monster that loves honey.

Faced with this tempting honey, the two-headed bear resorted to all kinds of tricks, stretched out his palm to dig with his tongue, the strength was astonishing, the hard rock wall was like thin paper under his palm , constantly breaking, falling down with gravel.

The queen bee also sent out a group of peaks to stop them, including spirit bees in the late stage of Qi training.But this two-headed bear is not afraid at all. The bristly fur on his body keeps all the peaks out of his body. I was even more excited, it seemed that today I was bound to eat honey from the hive.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qing knew why the queen bee asked him for help. This was a natural nemesis.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing didn't move, but let Zijin Chan out.

As soon as Zijin Toad was released, the aura of Zifu suddenly became obvious, which surprised the two-headed bear who was concentrating on dealing with the hive. At this time, both heads turned to look at Zijin Toad.

After one glance, the two-headed bear wanted to run away. The honey is good, but life is more important.

However, it was quite scheming, with one head still looking at Zijin Chan, maintaining a deterrent attitude, while the other head turned to the distance, looking at the escape route. Seeing this, Lin Qing couldn't help laughing.


Before the two-headed bear could make any further moves, Zijin Chan pounced on it. The already huge figure was getting bigger and bigger in mid-air. Huge two-headed bear the size of two or three.

And the two-headed bear who had been working so hard against the hive just now, faced the Zijin Toad, and didn't make any movement of resistance, and begged for mercy directly.

Seeing this, Lin Qing quickly told Zijin Chan not to kill him.

If the two-headed bear dared to resist, needless to say, it would naturally be the object of Zijin Chan's mouth, but the first begging for mercy made Lin Qing think otherwise.

After subduing the Zijin Chan and the Queen Bee, Lin Qing felt more and more the benefits of this spirit beast.

This spirit beast is a great help after it is subdued. Whether it is fighting with people or as a family background, it is excellent. Looking at this two-headed bear that has no resistance, Lin Qing naturally has the idea of ​​subduing it.

Although the strength of this bear in the later stage of foundation establishment is not comparable to Zijin Chan, it is extremely difficult to cultivate to this stage. I am afraid that he will be a great helper in the future, especially when the beast tide is currently.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing asked Zi Jinchan to press the two-headed bear under him and walked forward.

Seeing Lin Qing coming, the two heads and four eyes of the two-headed bear kept rolling. It seemed that it was much smarter than Zijin Chan, and it even had the intention of begging for mercy.

Lin Qing smiled, trying to form a contract with it directly.

However, facing Lin Qing's begging for mercy was true, but the two-headed bear suddenly refused to form a contract, and was extremely resistant. Even though Zijin Chan kept suppressing it, he was still extremely reluctant.

Lin Qing also knew that what he was thinking was a bit too simple. Although the bear begged for mercy now and was powerless to resist, it did not mean that it would agree to become his spirit beast. It was already in the late stage of foundation establishment, and it was extremely unwilling to do so. of.

But in the face of the coming beast tide, Lin Qing's determination to subdue this bear is also extremely firm. At this time, there is no harm in having more strength.

So for the next half a day, under Zijinchan's suppression, Lin Qing kept trying to tame the bear, but no matter how Zijinchan put pressure on the two-headed bear, he was unwilling, and Lin Qing couldn't do anything about it.

It was easy to kill it. Lin Qing estimated that Zijinchan could eat a head in one bite, but now he wanted to subdue it, but it was extremely difficult.

Especially for a monster in the late stage of foundation establishment, it is almost impossible to subdue it.

Lin Qing also shook his head helplessly, thinking that he should just kill him.

Suddenly, he thought of something again, and looked at the beehive in the rock wall.

Coercion is not enough, maybe you can try temptation.

So next, Lin Qing asked the queen bee to send Qunfeng to move out some of the honey inside, not much, just the size of a palm.

But when he saw these crystal clear and fragrant honey, the two-headed bear was so excited that he almost broke away from Zijin Chan's suppression.But even though Zijin Chan was firmly suppressing him again, he still had four eyes, looking at the honey in Lin Qing's hand with red light.

"So eager? Or is there another reason?"

Lin Qing couldn't help thinking when she smelled the fragrant honey.

He also wanted to eat this honey, but he just thought it was very fragrant, but the expression of the two-headed bear no longer wanted to eat it, it was like a hungry man encountered a big white steamed bun, and couldn't stop eating it.

Maybe this has something to do with its cultivation, which might help it break through, Lin Qing thought of this.

Then, in order to prove his guess, Lin Qing came to the two-headed bear who was crushed and couldn't move, and wiped the honey in his hand on the noses of its two heads respectively. This is the honey that can only be smelled but not tasted in front of the eyes, and the tempter wants to escape from Zijin Chan's suppression.

But Zijin Toad would not let it have another chance. After the Two-Headed Bear worked hard for a while, there was no sign of breaking free.

The two-headed bear also gave up and broke free, but facing the honey that Lin Qing rubbed on its nose, it came up with an idea that others could not do.

The two heads faced each other, and then one head ate the honey from the other, so they ate up all the honey that Lin Qingmo had put on.

After eating, it looked at another piece of honey in Lin Qing's hand, with longing in its eyes.

But Lin Qing didn't give it any honey any more. Holding the honey in his hand, Lin Qing said to the two-headed bear: "Either you become my spirit beast today. In the future, you will not only benefit a lot, but also eat honey. Or, today you will Be eaten by my Zijin toad."

After finishing speaking, Zijin Chan opened his mouth wide in cooperation.

The two-headed bear obviously understood Lin Qing's meaning, and he could see the hesitation in his eyes at this moment. Lin Qing's heart moved, and he immediately threw a piece into its mouth.

Eating it with great satisfaction, the two-headed bear ate the honey as if it were a fairy fruit.

(End of this chapter)

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