I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 230 The Beast Tide Arrives

Chapter 230 The Beast Tide Arrives
Lin Qing was affected by its attitude of enjoyment, and couldn't help but eat a piece of honey, which was full of aura and very sweet, but there was no other feeling.

After eating this piece of honey, the two-headed bear looked at Lin Qing with a submissive expression. Lin Qing was overjoyed and began to try the contract.

The two-headed bear suddenly resisted midway and failed again.

But Lin Qing was not discouraged at this time, he asked the queen bee to ship out more honey, not believing that the two-headed bear would not give in.

Then, under the lure of honey, the two-headed bear finally became Lin Qing's spirit beast, and it was also Lin Qing's third spirit beast. It would be a big help for the upcoming beast tide.

After becoming a spirit beast, Lin Qing stuffed it with the remaining palm-sized honey.

The two-headed bear couldn't wait to eat it, but after eating it, he was not satisfied and wanted to eat. Seeing that Lin Qing didn't have it in his hand, he looked at the rock wall again.

Lin Qing hit it and said, "From now on, I can only eat two yuan a month."

The reason why Lin Qing said this was because the honey was extremely important to the hive, and he hoped that the hive would continue to expand.

If it weren't for the hope that the two-headed bear would have the opportunity to make further progress in the future, Lin Qing would have thought of only giving it one piece every year.

Hearing this, the two-headed bear's face suddenly collapsed, but at this moment it was helpless, but after recollecting the taste just now, the two-headed bear couldn't help but smile again.

Lin Qing looked at its naive look, and couldn't help but patted its head.

However, unlike touching the soft Zijin Toad, touching this two-headed bear is simply torture. The bristles on the head are like needles, not silky at all.

Lin Qing didn't touch it any more, put the two-headed bear into the spirit animal bag and returned to Linjiashan.

After more than a year, nothing happened. Except for feeding the two-headed bear with honey once a month to see the beehive, Lin Qing seldom went out and practiced hard every day.

This Shanshui Divine Art fits perfectly with his aptitude. There is no bottleneck below Yuanying, but the daily practice time is slightly longer than other exercises.

This year, Lin Qing was 210 years old, and it had been nearly 200 years since he embarked on the road of cultivating immortals, and it had been almost 100 years since the Lin family came here.

Looking back on the past, Lin Qing can't help but lament that time flies like an arrow.

But when he thinks about breaking through to have more lifespan in the future, Lin Qing is full of fighting spirit again. It is often said in the world that the king of a thousand years is a tortoise with 8 years. The bastard's name of a tortoise, people in the world are rushing to wear it.

He is also included.

Before Lin Qing could get through this year smoothly, the beast tide that had been accumulated for five years finally came.

At first, it was menacing and unstoppable.

After Lin Qing received the warning from the queen bee, he immediately activated their Lin Family Mountain's sword and water formation. Once the formation opened, the entire Lin Family Mountain was enveloped in it. Excited and apprehensive to welcome this beast tide.

As for the queen bee, she was still reluctant to leave the rock wall, but under Lin Qing's arrangement, she took out a large part of the honey, so that she would not easily provoke honey-loving monsters like the two-headed bear.

As the person in charge of the formation, Lin Qing was sitting on the top of Lin Family Mountain, watching the mighty beast horde in the distance.

Speaking of this time, there are three beast hordes transferred from the Yan Kingdom and the Wei Kingdom. The first ones are all monsters from the later period of the Zifu, and each team has no less than three monsters from the Zifu. There are six monsters in the Zifu.The number of foundation-building monsters ranges from more than a hundred to hundreds, and there are countless Qi-training monsters.And after coming to Zhao country, he even absorbed the two Zifu monsters and many other monsters in Zhao country, which almost showed a crushing state for Zhao country's immortal world.

But Zhao Guo had already made preparations, and he was determined to stick to it, and he would not fight easily.

What Lin Qing didn't expect at this time was that the monsters were also quite clever, and they didn't attack separately, but came towards Lin Family Mountain together.

It seems that the idea of ​​fighting is to destroy his Lin Family Mountain first, and then defeat the other forces in Zhao State one by one.

At this time, there are so many monsters that you can't see their heads at a glance. There are so many monsters that it is not enough to send out his monk Lin Jiashan to fight a hundred.

And as the many monsters approached, both the casual cultivators and the younger generations of the Lin family in the formation were a little terrified, there were too many, unimaginable.

Seeing the foundation-building monsters, which are rarely seen on weekdays, rushing in densely like straw, many people turned pale.

If the Lin Family Mountain were to be destroyed, all these monks might not be able to escape bad luck.

Many casual cultivators who originally wanted to gain opportunities in the beast horde regretted it for a while.

They really underestimated the beast tide. Yan and Wei were able to survive for so many years and kill many monsters. That was because Yan and Wei were strong, not because the monsters were weak.They, Zhao Guo, are not that strong. Faced with these monsters, Zhao Guo can't resist them at all.

Many casual cultivators looked at Lin Qing who was sitting on the highest mountain of the Lin family, and they were praying in their hearts, hoping that the Lin family would give some strength, so that it would not be broken in a flash, at least until rescue came.

At this time, Lin Qing had no other distractions. The first battle of this beast tide was chosen at their Lin Family Mountain. He would let these monsters know what regret is.

As for the matter that one party was killed and the other parties had to support it, Lin Qing thought it would be good if there was one, and it would be all right if nothing happened, so she didn't put all her hopes on it.

The monsters are getting closer, but the first ones are all Qi-training and foundation-building monsters, like the monsters of the Purple Mansion hiding behind one by one, they don't want to charge forward, but to see what Lin Jiashan can do first.And these monsters that practice Qi and build a foundation, whether they are the types that Lin Qing has seen before, or those that have never seen before, are rushing towards Lin Family Mountain at this moment, surrounding Lin Family Mountain from all directions.

Seeing that the nearest monster is less than a thousand feet away.

Lin Qing, who was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, moved his hand and formed a formation mark, and he commanded the sword-water formation.

"Reiki lead!"

Following Lin Qing's changing gestures and the sound in his mouth, the Jianshui Divine Formation absorbed a large amount of spiritual power from Lin Family Mountain's spiritual veins in its defense state.This Sword and Water Divine Formation can not only defend but also fight against the enemy, but the spiritual power consumed in it is not an order of magnitude.Under Lin Qing's command at this time, the Sword and Water Divine Formation absorbed so much spiritual energy that the Lin Family Mountain became a spiritual pillar indistinctly in midair, which was quite spectacular from a distance, but it gave many monks a lot of confidence at once.

After more than ten breaths, the sword water divine array absorbed enough aura on the third-order high-grade spirit veins, and the entire semi-circular transparent array covering Linjiashan now glowed with a slight blue light.

(End of this chapter)

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