Chapter 245

"Then you were injured?" Lin Qing asked again.

Sect Master Qin showed hatred on his face, and said to Lin Qing: "I have already found out that it was done by Baibaolou. They thought that I kept spreading the words that Elder Meng of Baibaolou said that day, and they were deliberately targeting me. The hand of the monster beast killed me, and I will always remember this matter."

Looking at Sect Master Qin's expression, Lin Qing was not picky at all, and couldn't help but think in his heart: "Could it be that Sect Master Qin really thinks so?"

However, Lin Qing has never fully believed it, mainly because according to his understanding of Sect Master Qin, he should not be this kind of person.

It is said that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change. For a person like Qin Zongzhu who has lived for more than 260 years, changing his nature may be even more difficult than moving mountains and seas.

What happened five years ago hurt Sect Master Qin, but it didn't reach the point where it could change a person's nature.

According to Sect Master Qin's personality, when encountering such a thing, he would only be angry, and would only strengthen his determination to restore the Qingfeng Sect. How could this be the case.

However, if we continued talking with Sect Master Qin, there was nothing to say. Lin Qing then discussed with Cultivator Hua, but the two of them didn't discuss anything, and they couldn't understand the reason for Sect Master Qin to do so.

It's just that there is a little advantage after the merger. In the future, the two sects will become one, and Zhao Guo will be more united in dealing with the beast tide.

Back at Linjiashan, Lin Qing called Lin Xuze again, and asked him if he had any opinion on this matter. It seemed that he was asking Lin Xuze, but it was actually Qin Rou behind him.

But Lin Xuze shook his head and said: "Father, I don't know either. This matter is too sudden. I didn't know about the last time I met Qin Rou. She has been busy since we met, and I don't know now."

Lin Qing nodded, but said: "If there is a chance, I will pay more attention to this matter."

"Father, I understand." Lin Xuze nodded.

It's no wonder Lin Qing said that, it's really too weird, in a blink of an eye, a big power in Zhao country merged and disappeared, anyone should think about it.

But Lin Xuze, after talking with Lin Qing, it took a full month before meeting Qin Rou.

Lin Xuze and Qin Rou are about the same age, both over 160 years old, but since Lin Xuze broke through the middle stage of foundation establishment in the secret realm of the ruins, he has been standing still all these years.But Qin Rou is different, now she has reached the completion of foundation establishment, and she is only one step away from Zifu.

Compared with Qin Rou's still radiant expression, Lin Xuze looked a little old.

This is not a change of face, but a natural expression of expression. There are all kinds of elixirs in the world of immortality, but this kind of elixir can only make the appearance unchanged, but after getting older, the temperament is something more important.

Even if two twins are about the same age and both take Zhuyan Pill, the difference in temperament will make them look very different.

Maybe one looks young, but the other can obviously feel the vicissitudes of time.

This is the case with Lin Xuze and Qin Rou. Lin Xuze's appearance has not changed much, but his heart is already old.So the whole person looks, compared with Qin Rou, it is not like a couple, but more like a father and daughter.Coupled with Lin Xuze's gray hairs from practicing a certain technique a few years ago, the difference is even more similar.

Even Lin Qing didn't have this white hair. In fact, it wasn't a problem at all for cultivators.

There are too many elixirs that can turn white hair black, or make black hair white.

The former is to make oneself younger, and everyone has the heart of beauty.The latter is to make oneself appear different, and for the elders, it can make the younger generations more respectful, so they will be taken on purpose.Or some people deliberately disguised themselves, etc., and so on.

And Lin Xuze also took the elixir after his gray hair came out, but it didn't work at all, so he didn't take it again.

Qin Rou had discovered it a long time ago, but after pulling out a few times, not only did she not see signs of less, but more, so she didn't dare to pull out again.

At this moment, when the two met, they didn't say much, and the fire started to burn.

Not long after, looking at Qin Rou who was begging for mercy under him, Lin Xuze suddenly had a thought, so what if the Foundation Establishment is completed, even if what will happen to the Purple Mansion in the future, isn't it because I am under pressure
But he didn't think about it any more.

What's the use of this kind of thinking, it's just self-deception.

After it was over, Lin Xuze thought about what Lin Qing asked him to ask, so he started to speak: "Rou'er, you have been very busy these days."

Qin Rou smiled softly: "Yes, the merger of the two sects requires a lot of work. Now that I am an elder, I have many responsibilities, including the naturalization of disciples and the merger of exercises."

Lin Xuze nodded. As for the elder Qin Rou said, she was not the elder she originally served in the Qingfeng Sect, but after the merger, she is also an elder in the Xianxia Sect, and her real power is not low. It has nothing to do with her own strength and Qin The suzerain has a great relationship.

Lin Xuze continued: "Rou'er, to be honest, I still feel suddenly, why are your two sects about to merge, and after the merger, the name of Qingfengzong disappeared, so there will be no Qingfeng sect in the future?" Can Zong succeed?"

At Lin Xuze's words, a trace of sadness flashed across Qin Rou's eyes, but she quickly smiled and said, "Now that we are facing the tide of beasts, and my grandfather is injured again, this is something I should not do. If I don't do this, the Qingfengzong will be destroyed in the future." The meeting was extremely difficult, but now, taking advantage of the fact that our strength is still there, we can take the initiative to merge and get many benefits, which is also a good thing for the disciples of the Qingfeng Sect, and as for the name, it is not a big deal."

"So that's the case, I know." Lin Xuze said, but the suspicion in his heart was even worse.

After thinking for a while, Lin Xuze said again: "However, in my opinion, after the merger, the Qingfeng Sect will probably be completely assimilated by the Xianxia Sect in a short time. What difference does it make if the Wuji Sect was destroyed at the beginning. I originally thought that the Qingfeng Sect was the strongest sect, but I didn’t expect it to be annexed by the Xianxia Sect, which was the weakest of the three original sects. I really didn’t expect this to happen.”

After Lin Xuze finished speaking, Qin Rou was a little moved, but she regained her composure after a while, and said to Lin Xuze very seriously: "Xuze, my grandpa told me to be calm when things happen, and don't be irritable .Times in the world are changeable, good things are not necessarily good things, bad things are not necessarily bad things, and it often takes a long time to know whether it is really good or bad, and only then can a real judgment be made.”

Lin Xuze's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, but he didn't show it, he just nodded with a smile: "That's right, those who care about future affairs in life, right and wrong will be left to posterity."

"Leave right and wrong to posterity?"

(End of this chapter)

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