Chapter 246

Qin Rou frowned, and repeated Lin Xuze's words, then looked at Lin Xuze, smiled and said: "I don't know about others, but I only know one thing, you are the most correct person to meet Ze Lang in this life You are the only one who understands me so well."

Lin Xuze also smiled, and hugged Qin Rou.

Afterwards, Lin Xuze returned to Linjiashan and told Lin Qing what Qin Rou said. After Lin Qing heard it, he also felt that there was a lot of meaning in it, but he didn't know what Qin Sect Master was thinking.

I'm afraid, as Qin Rou said, it often takes a long time to make a real judgment on a matter.

Twenty years after the outbreak of the beast horde, Lin Qing's strength has reached the sixth floor of the Purple Mansion, and the situation in Zhao State has continued to improve. At this time, the monster beasts are no longer silent and start to fight back vigorously.Under the desperate counterattack of the monsters, the monks from all over the country suffered a lot for a while, and they had to withdraw to the various strongholds in the market for a while.

After withdrawing to the Fangshi stronghold, what is unexpected is that the monsters did not stop attacking, but continued to attack Fangshi.Suddenly, by surprise, nearly seven strongholds in Jiafang City were breached by monsters. Most of the cultivators suffered catastrophe. Because they were monsters, they couldn't even find their bodies afterwards, and they were all stuffed into the stomachs of monsters.

For a moment, people in Zhao State panicked, and all kinds of rumors spread in the casual practice again, and it seemed that they lacked confidence.

Some timid monks have already started to leave Zhao country and go to Yan country to take refuge.

However, some smart monks did not take any action. Although the Qijiafang City was breached, the three major forces in the Zhao Kingdom are as stable as a mountain. As long as they do not have any accidents, these small square cities will be shaken even if they are breached a few more times. No foundation.

And because the strongholds of Xiaofang City were breached one after another, all the monks in other Xiaofang City went to Dafang City of the three forces for a while, Chiyang Xiancheng, Ziqingfang of Xianxiazong, Linjiaji of Linjiashan, etc. More monks poured in, most of them came to take refuge. After all, no one wanted to get their flesh and blood into the mouth of monsters.

In just a few days, the number of monks in Linjiaji increased by [-] to [-]%. Lin Qing asked the younger generation of the family to be careful and beware of monks with evil intentions.

At this moment, Lin Xutai found Lin Qing, but he was not talking about Lin Jiaji, but about Xuanyufang, and he said anxiously: "Father, that Xuanyufang was attacked by monsters, and there are many monsters. They Now I am isolated and helpless, there is only a second-tier high-rank formation, I am afraid it will not last long, Fellow Daoist Xia asked me for help, I know this is a serious matter, and I hope Dad will make a decision."

"Attacked by monsters."

Lin Qing thought about it, in the current situation where monsters are trying their best to counterattack, it is not surprising that Xuanyufang was attacked.Xuanyufang is about a thousand miles away from his Lin family, if he rushes to rescue him, it will be too late.However, Xuanyu Fang is not under the management of his Lin family, but after another thought, no matter who is in charge, when Zhao Guo is facing monsters, he should also help out, not to mention that they take the initiative to ask for help from the Lin family, and they should help out. .

Thinking of this, Lin Qing nodded and said: "You go with dad, and we should work together to face monsters."

"Dad said so."

Lin Xutai's face was overjoyed, and then Lin Qing took Lin Xutai to Xuanyufang.

On the way, Lin Qing couldn't help but think of the scene of the family traveling in a carriage in order to go from Qingmuji to Xuanyufang. Although it is not the same as flying in the sky now, the scene at the beginning is still different when I think about it now.

In this state of mind, Lin Qing took Lin Xutai to the sky over Xuanyu Fang after two quarters of an hour, Lin Qing was shocked when he saw it.

There were hundreds of monsters around Xuanyufang, and the number of monsters was not many, but what surprised Lin Qing was that the Sky Devourer, which he had always been obsessed with and could attack with sound waves, was here.

And looking into the big formation of Xuanyufang, at this moment, the Sky Devouring Tiger seemed to be playing with the people in the big formation, instead of breaking the second-tier top-rank big formation, it kept roaring outside the big formation.Back then in Linjiashan, this sonic attack caused many casualties to low-level cultivators. That was when there was the Sword and Water Divine Formation. This kind of attack was even more powerful when this large formation was far inferior to Linjiashan's Xuanyufang.

In Fangshi, at this moment, apart from five foundation-building monks, there was no trace of other monks.

A bad feeling flashed in Lin Qing's heart.

Immediately falling from the sky, the five foundation cultivators in Fangshi who were struggling to support the formation were overjoyed to see Lin Qing coming, especially one of the cultivators was even more happy to see Lin Xutai. Lin Xutai befriended a monk named Xia.

At this moment, Lin Qing didn't have time to ask these Foundation Establishment cultivators anything, so he immediately started fighting with the Sky Devouring Tiger, and the most important thing was to relieve the urgent need.

Speaking of which, this Sky Devouring Tiger is also smart, and he also remembers Lin Qing, knows how powerful Lin Qing is, and wants to flee when he sees Lin Qing falling, but how can Lin Qing let him escape? This monster caused too many casualties to low-level disciples, so he had to get rid of it.This opportunity is rare, if he is allowed to escape, I don’t know where to find him in the future.

But as soon as the fight started, Lin Qing felt a little tricky. Although this monster was in the early stage of the Purple Mansion, its cultivation was not as good as his, but the sonic attack was really hard to defend against. He didn't have a good defense method for a while, which affected him a lot .And Zijin Chan, who was also in the middle stage of the Zifu, was also affected a lot, even more than Lin Qing, as if this beast restrained Zijin Chan somewhat.


Deafening sounds continued to come out from the mouth of the Sky Devourer, and the sound waves were even visible to the naked eye.

When Lin Qing heard it face to face, he felt a little shaken, and Zijin Chan's eyes widened, trying his best to resist this attack.

Lin Qing didn't expect that he cooperated with Zijin Chan to easily kill all the monsters in the middle period of the Zifu, but this Sky Devourer in the early stage of the Zifu couldn't help it for a while. It seems that the strength of this monster cannot be simply divided by realm.Like human monks, there are strong and weak monsters in the same realm, and this Sky Devourer belongs to the kind that possesses rare abilities and is extremely powerful.

He wanted to use the supernatural power of condensing water, but thinking that there were still five foundations in Xuanyufang, Lin Qing didn't use it for a while.

Although this sound wave is tricky, it is not a last resort.

After thinking about it, Lin Qing released the two-headed bear again. This animal has bad skin and thick flesh, so it should be able to withstand one or two.As for Lin Xutai, he is hiding far away at the moment, he cannot participate in such fights.

Looking at the two-headed bear that was released, Lin Qing thought, after feeding you for so many years, it's time for you to show off your power, and it's enough to hold this Sky Devourer for a while.

Then, what Lin Qing never expected was that the first thing he did after the two-headed bear was released was not to deal with the Sky Devourer, and then he looked at Lin Qing and begged for honey.


Lin Qing almost yelled, but he held back. At this time, he once again doubted his decision to subdue this two-headed bear.

(End of this chapter)

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