Chapter 258
Lin Qing nodded: "Sovereign Gao has anything to say, I welcome it very much."

Elder Hu nodded and left. Sect Master Qin was by his side. Looking at the backs of the two, Lin Qing really didn't know what to say.

But thinking of the upcoming Sovereign Gao, Lin Qing thought about how to deal with it.

Now that the Chiyang Immortal City belongs to his Lin family, the Xianxia Sect is definitely not happy, and he doesn't want to make the relationship between the two of them so bad, so he should think of a good excuse.

But in the next few days when Lin Qing was thinking about his speech and waiting for the arrival of Sovereign Gao, something unexpected happened.

Sovereign Gao,

It is said that he went mad and died while practicing. He was only 270 years old, which is 350 years away from the average life expectancy of 70 years in Zifu.

To be honest, Lin Qing couldn't believe it when he heard the news.

Elder Hu also said that he should let Sect Master Gao come to talk about it, but the news of his death came first before the person came, and if he was really going to die, shouldn't it be Elder Hu who died first in Lin Qing's mind.

This is so unexpected.

After hearing the news, Lin Qing immediately thought of Sect Master Qin, but shook his head again, even more in disbelief.

Speaking of Sect Master Qin, ever since Qingfeng Sect was merged into Xianxia Sect on his own initiative, and after Lin Qing discovered the poison on Elder Hu's body last time, Lin Qing guessed in his heart that this Sect Master Qin might want to have a big one, and first take Qingfeng Zong joined the Xianxia Sect, and then took the Xianxia Sect as his own and restored his Qingfeng Sect.

After all, the Qingfengzong had lost too much before, even if they regained the territory, it would take some time to recover. If it can be successful, this is the most cost-effective and the most beneficial.As for Sect Master Qin's actions, Lin Qing was only guessing, not sure, and he didn't want to participate in it.

Now that Sect Master Gao is dead, Lin Qing wonders if Sect Master Qin did it, but no matter how he thinks it is unlikely, Sect Master Gao and Sect Master Qin are equal in strength, and they are in Xianxia Sect, what means can Sect Master Qin do? It's not that Lin Qing underestimated Suzerain Qin to let a Zifu die, but it's not so easy to die easily after becoming a Zifu.

But if he thought about other reasons, Lin Qing couldn't think of any more for a while.

After a few days, what Lin Qing didn't expect was that the Xianxia Sect buried Sect Master Gao. According to Lin Xuqian who went to the Xianxia Sect, he came back and told Lin Qing that apart from grief, there was no other abnormality. Also attended the funeral.

After hearing this, Lin Qing was really surprised.

With the death of Sect Master Gao, it is impossible for Xianxia Sect to have no one doubting Sect Master Qin, but Sect Master Qin is safe and sound. Doesn't it mean that this really has nothing to do with him?

Lin Qing was still a little unsure.

However, after burying Sect Master Gao, Elder Hu jumped from the position of elder to become the Sect Master of Xianxia Sect, while Sect Master Qin was still the Deputy Sect Master.But thinking of the appearance of Elder Hu who came to the Lin family that day, Lin Qing felt that the real power is probably the Qin Sect Master.

Thinking of the smiling Sect Master Qin and the Elder Hu who is now coughing after a few words, Lin Qing thought, the Xianxia Sect has merged with the Qingfeng Sect, which really lures the wolf into the house.

As for the matter of Chiyang Immortal City that was agreed before, after the death of Sovereign Gao, this matter will be over.

No one ever mentioned it again.

Another year passed, and Lin Qinghuan thought about the matter of Sovereign Gao from time to time, and another event that shocked his jaw happened again.

The granddaughter of Qin Sect Master, Qin Rou, has broken through the Purple Mansion.

It was the Qin Rou who was related to Lin Xuze, after taking a portion of spiritual liquid, she succeeded in the Purple Mansion.

Hearing the news, Lin Qing couldn't believe it, but thinking about it again, it wasn't too surprising.

For Qin Rou, because of Lin Xuze, Lin Qing also has some understanding.

Although the qualifications of the three spiritual roots are better than Lin Xuze's, they are not much better. Putting it on ordinary monks, reaching the middle stage of foundation establishment in this life is already successful in cultivation. If it is in the late stage of foundation establishment, it will be great .

But this woman, because of her good background, is quite different from other ordinary monks.Just after giving birth, her grandfather Qin Sect Master was the elder of the Qingfeng Sect back then, and she wanted all kinds of resources.

When he grew up, his grandfather Qin Sect Master became the Deputy Sect Master of the Qingfeng Sect, and there was no shortage of resources. When she had a headache, she was already in the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

Now that the Qingfeng Sect has been merged into the Xianxia Sect, his grandfather is still the deputy suzerain, and has more power than before. She herself is also an elder with real power, so there is no shortage of resources.

With a lot of resources, the cultivation went smoothly, and now it is logical to break through the Purple Mansion.

Speaking of it, ordinary monks can't reach her level, and it's not bad to be able to build a foundation, but since this girl was born, she really feels like a flower all the way.She doesn't have to run around for resources like ordinary monks, and she doesn't have to worry about Zongmen missions. She took over Zongmen missions in Qingfengzong before, but with her grandfather around, the missions are all random, and she wants to choose which one is that.

Along the way of cultivation, some monks summed it up in a few words: wealth and wealth.

There is no distinction between these five characters. Wealth is resources, and everything that can help cultivation can be called wealth, and Lingshi is the most vivid representative of it.A couple is a Taoist couple who can help in cultivation, not necessarily a couple, elders and brothers can become a couple.The law is the method of cultivation, and there is a huge gap between a good method and a bad method.The land is a treasure land for cultivation. There is a huge gap between cultivating on the spiritual veins and not cultivating on the spiritual veins, and there is also a huge gap between good spiritual veins and inferior spiritual veins.Qualifications can be called aptitudes, and everyone's aptitudes are different, which has a great impact on cultivation.

In Lin Qing's mind, Qin Rou's qualifications of Sanlingen are quite satisfactory, but in other aspects, it can be said that she has few rivals in Zhao Guo.

She definitely has no shortage of wealth, and even more elders. It can be said that the Qingfeng Sect can be her choice, and the land is not a problem.

Only in this way can this woman break through the Zifu.

Not only her, Lin Xuqing and Lin Zhidan of the Lin family are able to break through the Purple Mansion because of all these conveniences, otherwise relying on themselves, it may be difficult in this life.

After Qin Rou broke through the Purple Mansion, Lin Qing sent someone to send a congratulatory gift.

Originally wanted to send Lin Xuze to go, but Lin Xuze was unwilling to go, Lin Qing thought about it, fearing that it was to avoid suspicion, so he didn't let him go, and someone else went instead.

Speaking of which, Lin Xuze didn't want to go because he avoided suspicion. The most important thing was that he didn't know how to face it.

Before Qin Rou broke through to the Purple Mansion, she told him that she was going to retreat for a period of time, but Lin Xuze didn't take it seriously, thinking it was to consolidate her cultivation, but she didn't expect the news of her success in the Purple Mansion, which made everyone Lin Xuze was terrified.

In Lin Xuze's mind, it would be a great thing for Qin Rou to reach the Consummation of Foundation Establishment in the future, but he did not expect to be able to reach the Purple Mansion, which was far beyond his expectations.

At this moment in his own room, although the two of them have not met behind the Purple Mansion, when Lin Xuze thought about the scene, he really didn't know what to do. Facing Qin Rou who was in the Purple Mansion, he felt a twinge in his heart There are many emotions that I can't understand, some are awe, after all, it is Zifu, which is different from before, some are kind, after all, the two of them have so many children, but there is also an inexplicable alienation, It made him a little uneasy these days.

(End of this chapter)

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