I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 259 Restoration of Qingfeng Sect

Chapter 259 Restoration of Qingfeng Sect

Then it took a full month before Qin Rou, the Empress of the Purple Mansion, met Lin Xuze. She was really too busy.

When the two met, they were still in the room where they often met, but for some reason, when the two saw each other, they were stunned for a long time without speaking.

Lin Xuze was in a daze because of Qin Rou herself. After breaking through the Purple Mansion, she became more beautiful and charming. Her demeanor made him dare not look directly at her. It was as if she had been completely reborn, and she was even more beautiful than before.In addition to this point, it is the cultivation base, the cultivation base of the purple mansion period, and comparing himself to the middle phase of the foundation establishment, or the cultivation base of the fourth floor of the foundation establishment, as if there is a big mountain in the middle, Lin Xuze can't tell for a while talk.

Qin Rou was in a daze because of Lin Xuze. After breaking through the Purple Mansion, her strength had skyrocketed. When she saw Lin Xuze at this moment, she was surprised to find that Lin Xuze was like that rotten tree, as if It could break any moment.

This made Qin Rou never think that he is about the same age as Lin Xuze. She breaks through the Purple Mansion at the age of 180. In her heart, even if Lin Xuze can't break through the Purple Mansion, she still has 34 years to live. I heard that the Lin family has treasures to increase lifespan, and adding more lifespan is not a problem. Thinking that there will be decades in the future, she can accept this in her heart.

But looking at it now, how does Qin Rou feel, this Lin Xuze can't live for ten years at most, how can this not surprise her.

Qin Rou looked at Lin Xuze puzzled. She saw the white hair on Lin Xuze's head when she was building the foundation, and thought it was because she was older, but now it seems that more gray hair is not natural. If there is such a simple explanation, it should be that Lin Xuze has something wrong with his body.

"Zaro, you."

After a long time, Qin Rou stepped forward and held Lin Xuze, speechless in disbelief.

Hearing this familiar address again, Lin Xuze smiled bitterly when he looked at the charming woman in front of him. He knew that his situation might have been discovered, but Lin Xuze didn't want to say more.

"It's nothing. Over the years, I have taken a lot of wrong paths in order to break through."


Hearing Lin Xuze's words, Qin Rou was even more speechless. Seeing Lin Xuze, she suddenly burst into tears: "If I hadn't broken through the Purple Mansion, how long would you have kept it from me?"

Lin Xuze heard that Qin Rou, who was crying bitterly, did not answer, but his heart was in great pain.

Speaking of which, because of the original secret realm, Lin Xuze broke through the middle stage of foundation establishment. Originally, after breaking through the middle stage of foundation establishment, he had already fulfilled Lin Xuze's wish. A little ready to move, he was not satisfied with his own situation, and wanted to go further.As a result, something went wrong. After practicing a certain method that was said to be able to change his aptitude, not only did he not improve his aptitude, but he lost decades of life, which is not worth the candle.

Now it's irreparable, and Qin Rou has been hiding it before, but this time it is obviously impossible to hide it.

"Hey, now that you have broken through the Purple Mansion, it's time to be happy. What are you talking about? I've been able to live many years longer for ordinary people in our practice. I'm satisfied." Lin Xuze said with a sigh.

Qin Rou still couldn't stop crying.

Looking at Qin Rou who had become the purple mansion but was crying like a little girl, Lin Xuze squeezed out a few smiles: "Okay, haven't I seen many of my comrades die over the years? How come you and I I just can't accept it, so I should face it calmly. I heard that you will become the deputy suzerain of Xianxia Sect in the future, so how can you do it, you should look at it."

But no matter what Lin Xuze said, Qin Rou was indifferent. He didn't know how desperate Qin Rou was.

A person who has been with her for hundreds of years is about to leave, how can she accept this, not to mention the deep relationship between the two.

Seeing Qin Rou like this, Lin Xuze didn't say anything else, the two of them snuggled up in the room, which was different from the usual room that would be buzzing when they met, except for a few choking sounds from time to time, it was eerily quiet.

As the night passed, no one knew what Lin Xuze and Qin Rou were thinking.

And in the second year after Qin Rou broke through the Purple Mansion, Elder Hu was seriously ill and left like the high suzerain.

Lin Qing sent another person to attend the funeral.

After the burial, Sect Master Qin became the Sect Master of Xianxia Sect as it should be, while Qin Rou became the Deputy Sect Master. Everything was so fast that it was unacceptable, but it seemed to be the case.

Lin Qing watched this as if watching a good show, silently paying attention to it. Regarding what happened inside the Xianxia Sect, apart from confirming his original conjectures, he was just an audience.

However, what Lin Qing did not expect was that Sect Master Qin was a little impatient. In the second month after he became the Sect Master and took power, he would change the name of Xianxia Sect and change it to Qingfeng Sect. Originally, the opposition of the elders of the Xianxia Sect caused quite a disturbance.

However, in the face of the strength of Qin Sect Master and Qin Rou's Zifu, as well as Qin Sect Master's iron and blood methods, the turmoil was still suppressed, and Xianxia Sect was also called Qingfeng Sect.

In this way, the Qingfengzong recovered again, not only has more disciples than before, but also has a much larger area, and now the Lin family has divided the Zhao country, forming a two-legged situation, with the previous Chiyang Immortal City belonging to the Lin family. , it can be said that major events in Zhao State are happening frequently now.

Although it is a two-legged confrontation, there is no conflict between the Qingfengzong and the Lin family. Now there are only two of them in the Zhao country, and the resources are completely sufficient. You must know that before the rise of the Lin family, the Zhao country had three major sects and Chiyang Immortal City. , At that time, everyone lived on Zhao Guo, and they all lived well.

Now there are only two parties, and there is no possibility of conflict in a short period of time.

What's more, everyone has a lot of connections before. Needless to say, Qin Rou and Lin Xuze, Qin Sect Master and Lin Qing also helped each other a lot. Qin Sect Master kept showing affection to Lin Qing before, just to get Lin Qing's support. Qing also reciprocated, and did not interfere with their sect's affairs.So at present, the situation in Zhao State is unprecedentedly stable.

On this day, Sect Master Qin also came to the Lin family to reminisce with Lin Qing, and the two chatted happily over wine.

As he said that, Lin Qing inadvertently mentioned the damaged foundation of Qin Sect Master:

"Sect Master Qin, after so many years, the foundation that was damaged by the snake venom should have almost recovered. Now that we have so many resources, I think the damage to the foundation is not irreparable."

Sect Master Qin smiled. He didn't want to say more about this point, but replied: "It's still recovering, and Patriarch Luo Lin is more concerned."

Lin Qing nodded. At this moment, the younger generation of the Lin family soaked the tea respectively. This tea is a new spiritual tea planted by the Lin family recently. Not to mention the refreshing aroma, it also formed a white mist in the air. Ornamental.

Sect Master Qin looked at the faint white mist formed by the spirit tea, and his thoughts returned to the beginning for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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