Chapter 263 Lin Xuze Leaves

After Lin Qing learned about it, he also smiled, and when he thought about it, Lin Yuanwu had to make the decision.

Lin Yuanwu didn't resist at all. He met many people in a row, but he didn't agree with one of them. According to him, he didn't like it.

It's not that Lin Yuanwu is arrogant, but that he is indeed excellent. None of the female cultivators in Zhao Guo can match Lin Yuanwu. Of course, it is really difficult to compare, but there is no one who can keep up with Lin Yuanwu's footsteps. One is either practicing Qi in his 20s, or he is in his 60s, [-]s, or even [-]s' Foundation Establishment. Compared with Lin Yuanwu, the difference is a bit too big.

After being lively for a while, Lin Qing declined all further introductions. He knew that according to Zhao Guo's situation, no matter how many introductions were made, it would still be unattractive.

In the future, the matter of Lin Yuanwu may still be a difficult point.

But Lin Qing is not in a hurry, their Lin family is developing very fast now, and there are also many younger generations.It seems that the descendants of mortals can no longer be counted, and they are not only distributed in the Lin family city, but the area they occupy now has the figures of the mortals of the Lin family.And like monks, there are more than 500 now, and Lin Yuanwu alone has little influence.

Several months later, under Lin Qing's unanimous refusal, no one introduced him gradually.

Time passed quickly, two years passed in a blink of an eye, but on this day, something happened that made Lin Qing's heart ache.

Lin Xuze was about to die.

For this child, Lin Qing has always been a little complicated in her heart, and now she is going to die before she reaches the age, which makes Lin Qing, who knows the inside story, heartbroken.

"Xuze, if you have anything you want to say, tell daddy, and daddy will listen." Sitting in front of Lin Xuze's bed, Lin Qing said.

Lin Xuze struggled to open his eyes, looked at the dazed Lin Qing in front of him, curled his mouth, and then whispered intermittently: "Father, I have nothing to say, and I have nothing to worry about."

Lin Qing nodded. This is the best. It is also a rare thing for monks to come without any possessions and leave without worries.

Seeing Lin Xuze's weak appearance, Lin Qing didn't ask any more questions. After Lin Xuze finished speaking, his eyes stared straight at a certain place, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lin Qing didn't stay any longer and left the house.

An hour later, Lin Xuze died, Lin Qing sighed, and ordered Lin Xuqian to start the burial.

Speaking of the children Qin Rou and Lin Xuze gave birth to, except for the first three who were sent to the Qingfeng Sect, the Lin family has no news about them.The later ones were all in the Lin family, and some of them now have children of their own.

Seeing Lin Xuze's death at this moment, these juniors cried a lot.

At this time, Qin Rou came here alone after receiving the news, but it was already a bit late.

But to Lin Qing's surprise, Qin Rou didn't cry bitterly, but just looked at Lin Xuze's face calmly, as if she was giving her last condolences.

Three days later, Lin Xuze was buried in the Lin family cemetery, and the tablet was also placed in the ancestral hall.

After the mourners left, Qin Rou, who had been staying at Lin's house for the past few days, did not leave. She stood silently in front of the grave, and she would not leave even if her children came to persuade her.

At night, she even persuaded the remaining children to leave, and she was the only one left in front of the grave.

Not long after, Qin Rou suddenly fell down and lay down in front of Lin Xuze's grave, choking with sobs.

Although he didn't say anything, anyone who heard this choking sound would feel pain in his heart. This is a rare voice in the world, and it is a choking sound that can only be uttered with enough affection.

The choking lasted for half an hour. Qin Rou suddenly raised her head and looked at Lin Xuze's grave. She actually made an unexpected move.

She is digging graves.

In the distance, Lin Qing, who had been watching this scene, sighed lightly, and he knew that Qin Rou might not give up like this.

The digging was very fast, and after a while, I saw Lin Xuze's body. Looking at Lin Xuze, who had no blood on his face, Qin Rou couldn't control the tears streaming down his eyes, and then hugged him like a madman. Lin Xuze.

After a while, she actually wanted to use the flying boat to take Lin Xuze away from here.

Seeing this, Lin Qing walked forward.

"Niece Rou," Lin Qing called affectionately, "Xu Ze has passed away, I know you can't bear to let him go, but you have to let go of him."

Looking at Lin Qing who appeared suddenly, hearing these words, Qin Rou's eyes were colorless, as if standing in front of her was not Lin Qing, but a cloud of air.

"I also know a thing or two about the situation of the two of you over the years. Now that Xu Ze has left, I understand your reluctance to let go, but it is meaningless to do so. It is better to let Xu Ze rest in peace." Lin Qing said again.

After speaking, Qin Rou was finally a little moved.

Lin Qing then looked around and said: "Look around, there are all the graves of my Lin family. Over the years, many Lin family members have passed away and are buried here, not just Xu Ze. I think this is the best for Xu Ze If Xu Ze is alive, he must think the same way, what do you think?"

Qin Rou didn't speak, but at this moment she was still hugging the icy Lin Xuze tightly, and on the same icy face, two lines of tears flowed down this time.

Lin Qing sighed: "I am also extremely sad, but you are different from me. I have experienced too many things about the passing of younger generations in these years. I think this matter should be taken care of, just like the flowers blooming and fading. Everything has its own meaning. In the end, I think it is enough to cherish each other while you are alive, holding on to a dead body is tantamount to asking for a sword, and besides, you cherished each other so much before, so what regrets do you have?"

After Lin Qing finished speaking, after a long time, Qin Rou finally let go of Lin Xuze slowly.

Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. He was really afraid that Qin Rou would take Lin Xuze away by force. Although Qin Rou had no chance of winning against him, facing such an infatuated Qin Rou, how could Lin Qing stop him? A dilemma.

Now willing to let go, this is the best.

But what Lin Qing didn't expect was that as soon as Qin Rou put Lin Xuze down, she took out the magic sword, cut off Lin Xuze's only arm, and then boarded the flying boat and flew away in a hurry.

Looking at Qin Rou who had already flown into the sky, Lin Qing hesitated for a moment, but did not catch up after all.

Looking back at Lin Xuze who had lost both arms, Lin Qing re-buried the grave for Lin Xuze at this time, and then quietly left here.

But Qin Rou, who cut off Lin Xuze's arm, thought that Lin Qing would stop her at first, but she didn't see Lin Qing's figure until she flew out of Linjiashan. She was also relieved and grateful in her heart.

Then, driving the flying boat, she went directly to the residence with Lin Xuze.

As soon as she arrived at the residence, she seemed to have exhausted all her strength. She dragged her body to the bed, and Qin Rou lay on the bed. After a long time, she saw that her arm was cut off by her.

Looking at Lin Xuze's arm, Qin Rou couldn't help touching it with his hands, and when he touched it, tears burst out.

This night, Qin Rou spent even more holding Lin Xuze's arm, without relaxing for a moment.

Not only this night, but also for countless nights after that, the situation was like this.

Of Lin Xuze's two arms, one lost to experience when he was young and was left to the enemy.The other, but now, is left to the person I love the most, to accompany him for life.

(End of this chapter)

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