I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 264 Purple Jade Peach and Spiritual Liquid

Chapter 264 Purple Jade Peach and Spiritual Liquid
Lin Xuze died three years ago, and it has been 50 years since the purple jade peach tree last produced fruit.

In the past 50 years, other ordinary peach trees have grown around the main purple jade peach tree. If these peach trees can survive the 3000-year mortal tree period, they will become such a purple jade peach-like spiritual tree in the future.

In recent years, although the purple jade peach has bloomed every year, it has not produced fruit.

Now, after the purple jade peach bloomed again, these peach trees bloomed even more grandly. At a glance, among the mountains, there were bright crimson peach blossoms.

This year, only Xiao Wei remained by Lin Qing's side, and Che Yun also died a year ago. She lived to be 220 years old, which was the peak of her life expectancy during the Foundation Establishment period, and she had no regrets.

And although Xiao Wei's strength is still foundation building, although there is no major growth, but because she married late, she still has at least a few decades.

After the purple jade peach bloomed, Lin Qing and Xiao Wei went to enjoy the flowers again.

Under the peach tree, the face reflected by the crimson peach blossoms became even more rosy, besides the peach blossoms, there were also many bees collecting nectar, but they didn't bother Lin Qing, because these were the bees that Lin Qing subdued.

For a long time, everything stopped.

Then Lin Qing lay down under the peach tree, seeing the scene of flowers in front of him, a sigh flashed in his heart.

It's a pity for Xu Ze, if he lasts for a few more years, he will be able to eat the 500-year-old purple jade peach fruit, which is even stronger than before.

Looking at these flowers, apart from regret, Lin Qing also had some expectations in his heart. He wanted to know how much this purple jade peach tree would change after it reached 500 years.I was able to increase my lifespan by ten years before, but now it will reach 15 years, or even double it?

Lin Qing was looking forward to it.

Of course, he still doesn't know how to eat the fruit it bears, and he still has a long lifespan, so he doesn't need it, but it is conceivable that this is attractive to other members of the family.

Thinking of Ziyutao, Lin Qing thought of the spiritual liquid again. It was a coincidence that not only did Ziyutao bear fruit, but the spiritual liquid in Chiyang Immortal City was enough for one person this year. As for Lin Jiashan, it would take a few years.Although there is only one copy, it also represents the hope of breaking through the Zifu. Maybe the Lin family can have another Zifu. Thinking of this, Lin Qing showed a joyful expression again.

After lying down for a while, Lin Qingruo began to meditate and practice.

Less than an hour later, Lin Qing's face was slightly happy, and his cultivation base had reached the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion.

"Husband, what's the happy event?" Seeing the expression on Lin Qing's face, Xiao Wei asked with a smile.

Lin Qing smiled: "I have reached the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion, and then I will have more spiritual power, and the Purple Mansion will be perfect, and I will be one step away from the Golden Elixir."

"Ah?" Xiao Wei first covered her mouth in surprise, and then asked Lin Qing curiously, "Golden elixir is also one step away? Husband, what is the state of the golden elixir?"

Hearing Xiao Wei's question, Lin Qing looked towards the sky and shook his head: "I don't know either, but I'll tell you when I reach it later."

Xiao Wei smiled, Lin Qing pulled Xiao Wei back, but the two of them blossomed twice.

Afterwards, the purple jade peach ripened first, and after it matured, Lin Qing was overjoyed. This peach unexpectedly exceeded his expectations, and it actually increased his lifespan by 20 years, which was doubled.

To increase one's lifespan by 20 years, this temptation is too great for monks.

What made Lin Qing even more happy was that the purple jade peach tree had produced eight fruits at once this time, which was amazing.

Afterwards, Lin Qing took seven of them and put them in the family treasure house. As for the remaining one, Lin Qing didn't use it himself, but thought that Yipin Pavilion was so eager for it last time, so he put it in the storage bag, maybe There are unexpected occasions that can be used in the future.

As Lin Qing expected, after putting it into the family treasure house, everyone in the Lin family was envious of it.

However, the points that need to be exchanged are not those who have worked hard for the Lin family for more than 50 years. They cannot be achieved anyway, and only a few people can be exchanged in the end.

And in order to prevent private sales, after changing it, it must be taken on the spot. Of course, it can also be taken by other people, but it must be the Lin family.

Like the Xuzi generation, because they are generally older and have enough contribution points, they all changed this time.

Lin Xusi, Lin Xuqian, Lin Xuming, and Lin Xutai are all three spiritual roots, and now they are all in the late stage of foundation establishment, and each of them ate one, adding another 220 years to their life span of 20 years.

And Lin Xuyuan's son, Lin Zhiyuan, who has been stationed in Linjiacheng, is about to die now. After getting a purple jade peach, he immediately changed it for another one, and immediately regained his energy.

As for those who don't have enough contribution points, after seeing other people change, they all made up their minds to work hard to do family tasks and accumulate enough contribution points.

It can be said that this peach made everyone in the Lin family turn to the Lin family.

After the four children of the Xu generation were replaced with purple jade peaches, Lin Qing also knew about it, but this was not a big deal, Lin Qing was thinking about another big thing.

Now that the purple jade peach has matured, the spiritual liquid in Chiyang Immortal City has also been collected.

Of the four children, Lin Xusi, Lin Xuqian, the oldest, is 140 years old, Lin Xuming, Lin Xutai is also over 120 years old, and their cultivation has reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and they are all ready to try to break through the Purple Mansion.Apart from these four people, Lin Zhifeng, who was adopted before, is also a three spirit root, and now he can also take it.And Lin Xuqing and Li Dan'er later gave birth to several children with winged bloodlines. Although their spiritual roots were not that high, the bloodlines also helped them to speed up their cultivation, and they were all eager for the spiritual liquid that could help Zifu.

If Lin Yuanwu didn't have the Purple Mansion, this liquid must be for Lin Yuanwu.

Now that Lin Yuanwu has succeeded in the Zifu by himself, the distribution of this spiritual liquid is a problem.

In terms of aptitude, the aptitudes of these few people are similar, and the success rate of breaking through the Purple Mansion is between 30% and [-]% without the psychic liquid. The difference is not big.And according to the contribution, there is only one copy of this spiritual liquid in [-] years, even with Chiyang Immortal City, there are only two copies, I am afraid that some people will not have it until they die.

Lin Qing thought about this question, but finally decided to score according to contribution.

His Lin family will become stronger in the future. After the initial development period, there must be corresponding rules for others. If they are divided according to other methods, it will definitely be unfair. Now, according to contributions, it is already the most fair within the scope.

In the end, according to contribution, even after exchanging a purple jade peach, it was still Lin Xuqian who contributed the most.

These years, Lin Xuqian has been in charge of the affairs of the Lin Family Collection. It can be said that he has worked hard. His contribution cannot be compared to others. If the ectoplasmic liquid is given to him, others will have no doubts.

After that, Lin Zhidan in Chiyang Fairy City personally sent the spiritual liquid back to Lin Family Mountain, and then Lin Qing gave it to Lin Xuqian.

Moreover, Lin Qing also told Lin Xuqian a lot of experience in breaking through the Purple Mansion. Lin Xuqian listened very seriously, and then he was going to break through in the main line of the Lin family.

(End of this chapter)

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