I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 270 Yan Country Stone Forest

Chapter 270 Yan Country Stone Forest
It is said that Lin Qing is the consummation of the Zifu, but this flying boat is only a third-rank inferior.Speaking of which, there are no middle-grade and high-grade flying boats of the third rank in Zhao State, so I have to buy them elsewhere, but Lin Qing doesn't want to waste the effort. After all, after becoming a golden elixir, he can fly out of thin air, and after refining his own magic weapon Finally, this magic weapon can also be used for flying, and the journey is even faster.

So for Lin Qing, who is one step away from Jindan, he naturally doesn't want to waste effort on this aspect. Fortunately, this flying boat, driven by Lin Qing's powerful spiritual power, is not slow, and it can be completed within ten days at most. Arrive in Dali.

At this time, Fei was in the territory of Zhao State, and Lin Yuanwu was not very interested. He had seen this Zhao State countless times, and there was nothing new.

Riding in the same flying boat with the ancestor, Lin Yuanwu was a little happy at first, but he didn't know what to say. He didn't have any doubts about cultivation now. If he broke through to the completion of the Zifu before, if he asked about Jindan, the ancestor is now the Zifu consummation, so how can he ask.

If he wanted to talk about something interesting, he probably didn't like the old ancestor very much, so he didn't know what to say.

But the flying boat was too quiet. After thinking about it, Lin Yuanwu asked about Lin Qing's visit to the Five Kingdoms of Yunzhou. Although he knew a lot about this aspect before, he certainly didn't know as much as the ancestor.

Facing Lin Yuanwu's question, Lin Qing talked about it with great interest. He really needs to know a lot about this aspect now.

Needless to say, Zhao Guo, the other four countries, the distribution of power in each country, and the customs and customs of each country, Lin Qing told them one by one, which made Lin Yuanwu very interested.

Still confused after listening, Lin Yuanwu said to Lin Qing: "Old Ancestor, the five-nation conference is still three months away. I just heard about it from my Ancestor, but I haven't actually seen these countries. Ancestor, why don't we Take advantage of this time to visit these countries, and it won’t be too late to go to the Five Nations Conference at the end.”

Lin Qing smiled, in fact, Lin Yuanwu didn't need to say, he would do the same.

He participated in the five-nation conference, and he had little to do with Baibaolou and the like. He was mainly looking for opportunities. He passed through several countries on the way, and he would definitely not fly by. Every time he encountered Xiuxianfang City, he had to enter, which was why he set off so early.

Looking at Lin Yuanwu's expectant eyes, Lin Qing nodded, and then said to the front: "We will go to Yan State first after leaving Zhao State. The ancestor of Yan State has been there many times when he was in Chiyang Xiancheng. After passing by, I have to take a closer look, and I can go around in the next few countries."

Hearing what Lin Qing said, Lin Yuanwu was naturally very happy.

But at this moment, Lin Yuanwu suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Old Ancestor, I heard from my grandfather that many of the books in our Lin Family's Buddhist Scripture Pavilion were obtained from a family of cultivators surnamed Wu. It seems to be in the country of Yan."

Lin Qing nodded with a smile: "Yes, it is the Wu family of Yan State, but they have long been extinct."

While talking, he thought of Yan's Yan family again. It was the Yan family and another family of Yan's Yang family who attacked the Wu family that led to the extinction of the Wu family, and the Yan family was the mastermind.And the Chiyang Taoist priest of Chiyang Immortal City, according to Cultivator Hua, was born in the Yan family.

To be honest, for so many years, Lin Qing has always been curious about why the Yan family insisted on attacking the Wu family. After all, according to the information he obtained, it seems that the relationship between the two families was still very good before, far surpassing the Yang family.

After thinking about it, but couldn't think of anything, Lin Qing looked forward and urged the flying boat to fly away at a high speed.

On the second day, Lin Qing came to the sky above the Yan State. Although the Yan State was larger than the Zhao State and had more resources, Lin Qing Zifu's perfect cultivation was also top-notch in the Yan State, so there was nothing to worry about.

Driving the flying boat, Lin Qing slowed down and looked at the mountains and rivers of Yan Kingdom.

"Old Ancestor, it doesn't seem to be any different from our country of Zhao." After watching for a while, Lin Yuanwu finished speaking with some disappointment. After entering the country of Yan, he seemed to be no different from the country of Zhao.

Lin Qing smiled and said, "Don't worry, you just entered the country of Yan, and it must be no different from our country of Zhao. You will know when you get close to the country of Wei. The ancestor was surprised at the time."

"Oh?" Lin Yuanwu looked at Lin Qing curiously, but Lin Qing didn't say any more, leaving the question behind.

After another half a day, Lin Yuanwu opened his eyes wide, staring in surprise.

Under the flying boat, there is an endless stone forest standing on the ground. These stone forests seem to be man-made, but also seem to be naturally formed. They are densely packed in different heights, like monsters, birds, and strange flowers. Even lower, less than ten feet from the ground, these stone forests look even more shocking.

"Old Ancestor, this area probably covers hundreds of miles." Lin Yuanwu couldn't help exclaiming as he looked at these densely packed stone forests.

Lin Qing shook his head and said with a smile: "Not only that, these stone forests are spread across thousands of miles, and they can be called one of the wonders of the Yan Kingdom."

"Thousands of miles in radius?"

Lin Yuanwu took a deep breath, it was hard to imagine how vast the stone forest was.

But with a thought in his heart, Lin Yuanwu thought that such a large area might not be formed naturally.

Lin Yuanwu asked again with a surprised tone: "Old Ancestor, are these stone forests man-made? What are these stone forests for?"

At this moment, Lin Qing looked at the stone forest standing on the ground, raised the flying boat, and said: "It is indeed man-made, and it has a history of nearly ten thousand years. It took a hundred years to build, and as for the reason, this stone forest seems to be some kind of extremely powerful formation, so it took such hard work."

"So that's the case." Lin Yuanwu nodded, but he was still puzzled, "Then Patriarch, what is the name of that sect of cultivating immortals?"

Lin Qing shook his head and smiled: "It would have died a long time ago, otherwise you thought we could still fly over this stone forest? These stone forests are only known as a major sight of the Yan Kingdom today, and no one knows about that sect."

Lin Yuanwu nodded, looking at the scattered stone forest, he couldn't help thinking about how powerful the original formation was.

Speaking of which, Lin Qing was naturally shocked when he knew the origin of this stone forest, and because he was a formation mage, he estimated that in such a vast stone forest, there are probably more than four-level formations in it, and it may be a fifth-level formation. The step formation method, the ability to resist the existence of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Of course, this is just Lin Qing's guess.

At this moment, the flying boat passed the stone forest quickly, and in front of it was a large practice workshop city in Yan Kingdom, named Hongyefang, which was built by the Yan family and the Yang family, the two largest immortal cultivating families in Yan country. Naturally, Lin Qing wanted to go in and take a look around.

(End of this chapter)

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