I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 271 Red Leaf Workshop

Chapter 271 Red Leaf Workshop

Lin Yuanwu's attention was also attracted by this market.

Speaking of which, although Lin Yuanwu is powerful, but after all, he is young and doesn't know much. When he goes out this time, he is dizzy.

"Okay Yuanwu, let's cover up our cultivation first."

Lin Qing said to Lin Yuanwu when he was about to arrive in Fangshi. After Lin Yuanwu heard about it, he immediately used his exercises to cover up his cultivation to the Qi training stage, while Lin Qing covered up to the foundation building stage.

As for why the two of them had to cover up, it was because the cultivation base of the Zifu period was too scary. Lin Qing didn't want to cause unnecessary troubles when entering other people's markets, so that's why.

The flying boat landed outside the gate of Fangshi. Lin Qing first looked up, and saw that Hongyefang was very different from Fangshi in Zhao State.

It seems to be influenced by the stone forest, the buildings in this square city stand tall one by one, without bordering each other, the lowest is five feet high, and the tallest is more than ten feet high.

"What a tall building." Lin Yuanwu couldn't help exclaiming.

The Hongyefang cultivator stationed at the door smiled lightly, saying that the architecture of their Hongyefang amazes every casual cultivator who comes here for the first time. It is really ingenious and bright.

This is still an unintentional move at the beginning. When Hongyefang was built at the beginning of the year, the two big shops belonging to the Yan family and the Yang family were jealous, so they compared their buildings. In the end, they were all built ten feet high, but they were enough. eyeball.

After these two shops had ten-foot-high buildings, some monks might think that tall buildings represent strength. For a while, the business of these two shops was very good, and other shops saw it and wanted to imitate it.Later, the Yan family and the Yang family thought it was good, so they strongly encouraged it, and it became the scene of Hongyefang today.Some later monks thought that this might have something to do with the nearby Stone Forest, but in fact the two had nothing to do with each other.

The Hongyefang monk at the door smiled and then looked at Lin Yuanwu again. Seeing that he was just a Qi training monk, he didn't care, thinking he was a country bumpkin from somewhere.

But Lin Qing next to him swept his eyes away at this moment, and the monk of Hongyefang suddenly became serious.

Foundation Establishment cultivator is not something he can offend.

"Senior, but do you want to enter the workshop? Senior just enter, you don't need to pay spirit stones, and you can bring one person with you." The monk introduced Lin Qing enthusiastically. They all need spirit stones to enter Hongyefang, but the foundation period There are no small privileges.

Lin Qing nodded irrefutably, and led Lin Yuanwu into Fangshi.

As soon as he entered, Lin Yuanwu took another breath. This Red Leaf Square is not the largest in Yan State, and it is not as good as the market opened by Yan State Haoyuezong and Tianxuanzong. More than anything.

Thinking of Wei, Chu, and Dali, which he hasn't visited yet, Lin Yuanwu suddenly felt like a frog in a well.

Lin Qing didn't know what Lin Yuanwu was thinking, so after entering the workshop, he looked around.

Lin Qing would never enter a store like the talisman shop, the elixir shop, and the magic weapon shop. He is now in the Zifu Consummation, and there is nothing he wants here. He will only go around some shops that sell sundries. See if there are any good things that can be missed or something, with his eyesight, there is a possibility.

Turning to the center of Hongyefang, there is a large open space, where many casual practitioners set up stalls.

This is also the difference in Hongyefang. For casual cultivators, as long as they pay spirit stones, they can set up a stall in this specific place. Of course, these casual cultivators can't produce any good things, and they will not pose a threat to the shops in the square city. , no one else would buy from Sanxiu, after all, they are afraid of being cheated.

Back then, a monk from Hongyefang bought a counterfeit artifact at a casual repair booth at a high price of hundreds of spirit stones. After that, it caused a lot of trouble, and the city of Hongyefang almost canceled the casual repair booth. .

Although it has not been canceled now, the monks in Yan Kingdom are very cautious, and they don't easily buy things that are slightly more expensive at these casual repair stalls.

After Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu came here, they looked at the casual cultivators who set up a stall. Lin Qing took Lin Yuanwu and walked casually. As long as he glanced at them, Lin Qing could probably tell the value of things.

Suddenly, Lin Qing fixed her eyes and stopped in front of a booth.

"Senior, what are you looking for?" The booth here is a mid-stage qi training, so when seeing Lin Qing, he naturally called him senior.

Lin Qing nodded, flipped through his booth, asked the price, then picked up a stone and said, "This seems to be a piece of green copper mine?"

"Senior has good eyesight. This thing is indeed green copper ore. Although green copper ore is relatively common and is a first-order material, it is not uncommon to find such a large piece. If you want it, senior, you need two spirit stones." The stall owner immediately introduced it enthusiastically. stand up.

Lin Qing nodded, took out two spirit stones, and bought the green copper mine.

After leaving a certain distance, Lin Yuanwu asked curiously: "Ancestor, this green copper mine seems to be the same. Why did the ancestor buy this thing?"

Lin Qing smiled, and threw the piece of green copper mine to Lin Yuanwu.

"This object is indeed a green copper mine, but it contains a piece of green copper essence, which is a second-level high-grade material. Of course, it is not a big treasure, but compared to the real value of the two spirit stones, which is more than a hundred times, it can be regarded as a miss."

Hearing this, Lin Yuanwu inspected the green copper mine carefully, and then said: "There are some differences, the ancestor is really discerning."

Lin Qing shook his head, this thing was considered a leak, but it was useless to him, and after looking at the monks who set up stalls in Hongyefang, Lin Qing felt that it might be impossible to find something useful to him here.

However, Lin Qing put his mentality very well. He went out this time to participate in the Five Nations Conference and also to travel. Whether he gains something or not, his mentality will not be affected by it.

"Okay, let's go around again. There are quite a few squares in Yanguo, so let's take a look at other squares as well."

"Good old man."

Lin Yuanwu nodded, and then wanted to return the green copper mine to Lin Qing, but Lin Qing didn't want it, and let Lin Yuanwu pretend it himself.

Afterwards, there was nothing to gain. Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu went to a restaurant opened by monks in Hongyefang, which served spiritual wine, meat, and rice. Generally, few monks dare to come here for luxury if they are too shy. After entering the door, there were only two tables of guests sitting sparsely, and they were all separated by screens.

I took a slight look with my spiritual sense, and there were foundation-builder monks at both tables, and Lin Qing didn't care when she withdrew her spiritual sense.

"Senior, come here for the first time." As soon as he sat down, a monk who was in the late stage of Qi training came to entertain him.

Lin Qing nodded, the cultivator glanced at Lin Qing, then at Lin Yuanwu, who was in the Qi training period, and then introduced politely: "Senior, our restaurant provides all kinds of spiritual food. After careful cooking, not only delicious , and it is also good for cultivation. Like this junior of Daoist friend, if he ordered a set of three spirits and one soup set meal, he might be able to improve his realm after eating too much."

(End of this chapter)

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