Chapter 272 Rumors
Just after finishing speaking, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.Lin Yuanwu's real realm is the early stage of Zifu, if he can improve his realm after a meal, then it's okay.

The monk thought that Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu didn't believe what he said, so he wanted to say it again, but Lin Qing interrupted him. After all, this monk didn't know Lin Yuanwu's real cultivation level so he said so, Lin Qing didn't care.

"What is the most expensive thing you have?" Lin Qing asked in an unabashed tone.


The monk took a breath, was startled at first, and then said with a smile on his face: "Senior, the most expensive thing we have is a meatball soup made from the meat of the foundation-building monsters. There are three different kinds of monster meat that complement each other. It is extremely beneficial, but I have to explain the price to seniors, I get eighteen spirit stones."

It seems that there was a conflict because of the price before, and the monk focused on the price at the end of the sentence.

It's a bit expensive, but it's nothing to Lin Qing, after all, he just picked up a lot of leaks.

Afterwards, Lin Qing ordered this meatball soup and two other dishes as a meal with Lin Yuanwu.

While waiting for the food to be served, Lin Qing drank Kou Ling tea to moisten his throat, turned his head, and found that of the two tables that were sitting when he entered the door, one of the tables had already left, and the other had a soundproof array installed, as if What are you talking about.

Lin Qing is not a very curious person, but at this moment she was a little curious, so she secretly listened to it.

As for the sound insulation array, it is of course useless to him.

Listening to it casually, it was somewhat beyond Lin Qing's expectations.

".I didn't expect that the Yan family is still chasing and killing them now. How many years have passed, maybe 300 years, so I won't let it go."

"Yeah, I've also heard that after the Yan family wiped out the Wu family, they all killed them all. After so many years, they are still chasing and killing the Wu family. A few years ago, the beast horde was very aggressive. I don't know that the Wu family Why did you offend the Yan family, you can do this."

"That's not the case with the Yang family."

"Yes, let me tell you."

Lin Qing didn't expect, just casually heard that the two foundation cultivators at the next table were talking about the Yan family and the Wu family. It seemed that the Yan family was still chasing the Wu family.

This made Lin Qing feel a little strange.

Indeed, as the monk who built the foundation said in the conversation, it has been almost 300 years, so what worries and grievances can't be let go? It's time to let go, how can you still hunt and kill now.Besides, how many Wu family members can let the Yan family hunt down and kill them now.

After thinking about it, Lin Qing couldn't figure it out.

That's right, none of the local Foundation Establishment monks in Yan Kingdom knew about it. Although he was powerful, he didn't know much about this kind of thing.

"Senior, please use it slowly."

The food ordered has already been served, Lin Qing turned his attention to the food and didn't think about it any more.

Among them, the meatball soup worth eighteen spirit stones made Lin Qing feel cheated when he saw it. He said it was made of three different kinds of monster meat, but it turned out that there were only three meatballs. If you want this A ball the size of a soup spoon is worth six spirit stones, even Lin Qing couldn't help but glared at the monk who brought it in person.

"Senior, you should try it first." Seeing Lin Qing's gaze, the monk said hastily.

Lin Qing looked at the meatball soup at this time, took out a spoon, took one, and put it in his mouth to taste. This tasting made Lin Qing nod in his heart.

These meatballs are not all made of monster meat, there is definitely a lot of elixir added in it, not only the taste is articulate, but also has an extremely abundant aura when eaten.In Lin Qing's mind, this aura is even beneficial to the foundation-building cultivators, and it seems that there is some way to do it.

Lin Yuanwu looked at Lin Qing at this time, and Lin Qing asked Lin Yuanwu to try one too.

After Lin Qing promised, Lin Yuanwu couldn't wait to eat one, and then showed a surprised expression.

"Senior, our meatball not only has the spirit flesh of a second-level monster, but is also made of nineteen kinds of elixir. It is definitely not expensive to sell eighteen spirit stones."

Seeing Lin Qing's brows stretched out at this time, the monk quickly added.

Lin Qing nodded, "Okay, you go first."

"Senior, use it slowly."

After the monk left, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu had a discussion about this meatball soup. It was useless to them, but if they were allowed to eat it during the Qi training period, it would be no less than taking precious pills. Maybe they could eat it on the spot. Steps are a good thing.But after thinking about it, I know that the formula of this kind of thing is definitely not for sale. Lin Qing just discussed it and didn't go any further.

After dinner, the table next to him had already left, and there were only two guests in the restaurant, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu.

At this time, Lin Qing thought about what he had just overheard, and asked the monk in the restaurant, he should know a lot.

"Do you know why the Yan family is still hunting down the Wu family?" Lin Qing asked directly.

"This" is a bit hard for this monk to hide, after all, this is Hongyefang, but this kind of performance also proves that he really knows.

Lin Qing took out 24 spirit stones and put them on the table. The meal just now only needed [-] spirit stones, so the extra six are self-evident.

The monk's eyes lit up when he saw the Lingshi, and under Lin Qing's encouraging eyes, he stretched out his hand to put it away, then looked around, and said in a low voice: "Friend Daoist, I heard it too, don't tell others it is I said."

"How could this happen? Just speak boldly." Lin Qing smiled, and Lin Yuanwu was also very interested.

"Fellow Daoist, the fact that the Yan family and the Yang family teamed up to destroy the Wu family is indeed a big news in our country of Yan, but that was back then, and not many people know about it now, but I do know some. I gave the spirit stone, so I will speak boldly. I heard that the Yan family and the Yang family joined forces because the Wu family had a treasure, but no one knew what the treasure was, but since the two great The family alliance must be extremely precious. But I heard that after the Wu family was destroyed, this treasure was not found, so the Yan family has been investigating for many years, even the Yang family was also investigating at the beginning, but then gave up. Now There is only the Yan family left. I also heard that the Yan family has killed three members of the Wu family in the past ten years, which can be described as ruthless." As expected of working in a restaurant, this monk really knows a lot.

Lin Qing was shocked when he heard his words.

"Oh, so the Wu family really has younger generations?" Lin Qing asked.

"Of course, although it has been nearly 300 years, the Wu family was one of the best immortal cultivating families in our Yan country back then. There were so many branches, how could it be so easy to become extinct? I heard that after the Yan family and the Yang family joined forces, several Ten years ago, there were descendants of the Wu family who killed the monks of the Yan family and the Yang family for revenge, and it was better later on, but there is no need to think about the descendants of the Wu family now."

"So that's the case. This is a grudge that has lasted for so long." Lin Qing said again.

(End of this chapter)

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