Chapter 273 Eight Ripples Lake

The monk wanted to say something more, but at this moment a few people walked into the restaurant and sat down. The monk's eyes softened and he didn't dare to say more, so he went to entertain him immediately, and gave Lin Qing the look to leave quickly.

Lin Qing saw that the clothes of the few people who came had a simple and simple shape similar to the word Yan. Lin Qing knew that they should be from the Yan family of Yan State.

The Yan family also has the Zi Mansion, although it is definitely not as good as Lin Qing's cultivation, but Lin Qing's trip this time after participating in the Five Nations Conference, unless it is related to his golden core, other things don't want to make trouble, so he stood up at this time, and Lin Yuanwu left together.

The members of the Yan family looked at Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu well, but Lin Qing's cultivation in the foundation period made them just watch, after all, they were all practicing Qi.

After leaving Hongyefang, Lin Yuanwu couldn't help but said to Lin Qing: "Ancestor, the Wu family is the one from which we got the books. I didn't expect that they are still hunted down by the Yan family."

"Yeah, I can't think of it either."

Lin Qing nodded.

But that's all, he has no other ideas and doesn't want to participate in it.

In the next two days, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu went around the larger cities and towns in the country of Yan. This time, they didn't buy anything, and they didn't even miss anything.The rest of the squares and cities are similar to Zhao Guo's, and there is nothing unusual about it.

Then Lin Qing took Lin Yuanwu and flew directly towards Wei State. Compared with Yan State, Wei State was more prosperous.

Flying only five hundred miles to the territory of Wei State, a scene of sky and water connecting together appeared in front of my eyes, and the reflection of the clouds in the sky was reflected in the lake water, as if the sky and the earth were turned upside down.

"What a big lake!"

Lin Yuanwu couldn't help admiring, the lake in front of him is really too big, and the mighty sky and earth are full of lake water at a glance, the scene is extremely beautiful.

Lin Qing also flashed a look of surprise. He had only heard of it before, but had never seen it before. This was the first time he saw the scene of Wei State's Eight Ripples Lake. It was more than seven hundred in length and width as recorded in the book. It's even bigger.

As for why this lake is called Balian Lake, there is still a legend.

It is said that there is a big monster at the bottom of the lake. When he turns over, the whole lake will vibrate and ripples will appear eight times in a row, so it is called Eight Ripples Lake.

Of course, this is just a legend. According to the information that Lin Qing has obtained from Yipin Pavilion, there are many small islands in the lake, many of which have spiritual veins, and they are all occupied by big and small cultivating families. Their strength should not be underestimated.

These Xiuxian families can live a lot without engaging in other industries by relying on this Balian Lake. In fact, this lake is very rich in resources, and all kinds of spiritual fish are extremely common, not to mention the spiritual coral that can often be found at the bottom of the lake. It is well-known in Yunzhou. Whether it is used as a medicine or taken directly, it has a slight beauty effect. It is extremely popular and the supply is in short supply.

There is also a well-known story about this spiritual coral. There was a monk with a pockmarked face. Once he accidentally got a spiritual coral. I met a well-known handsome monk in the local practice circle. Every monk I saw couldn't believe it, and the news spread over time.

Of course, some monks who knew the inside story said that the pockmarked monk was taking the extremely rare coral king, not ordinary spiritual coral, but this still couldn't stop the enthusiasm of other unsightly monks.

At this time, Lin Qing told Lin Yuanwu the legend of the Balian Lake and the story of Linghuan. Lin Yuanwu was very interested in the legend of the big monster in the lake, but he didn't care about Linghuan.

It's no wonder that Lin Qing was originally good-looking, and all the descendants he gave birth to were not bad, and Lin Yuanwu was even Lin Xuqing's descendant.

Among Lin Qing's sons, Lin Xuqing's appearance is considered top-notch, and Lin Yuanwu is naturally not far behind, so the beauty effect of this Linghuo is really not attractive to him.

Flying on the lake, Lin Qing intentionally avoided the small islands of some cultivating families.

Flying a little lower, you can often see ordinary fishermen fishing, which makes Lin Yuanwu a little curious.

"Old Ancestor, why are there still ordinary fishermen here?"

Lin Qing smiled: "Balian Lake is so vast, and there are countless immortal cultivators supported by the spiritual coral alone. Will these immortal cultivators even cut off the livelihood of ordinary fishermen after they get great benefits? There is really no need, the immortal cultivators in the lake There will be fights from time to time, but there is no benefit to these ordinary mortals, if any mortal catches the spirit fish by chance, it will still be a windfall."

"I understand." Lin Yuanwu nodded.

The flying boat lowered its altitude again. In order to prevent disturbing mortals, Lin Qing activated the flying boat's concealment technique a long time ago.

Flying close to the surface of the lake at this time, Lin Qing sighed in his heart. Before, he thought that the Linghu Lake built by his Lin family was not small, but now it seems that it is really a drop in the ocean.

Only heaven and earth can create such a vast lake and accommodate it.

"Old Ancestor, see if there is a spirit fish!"

Lin Yuanwu's eyes suddenly moved, and he pointed his finger in one direction. Lin Qing saw that there was a spirit fish walking quickly across the lake as expected.

Lin Qing smiled, stretched out his hand to grab out of thin air, and Lin Qing caught the spirit fish in his hand.

It's not just the spirit fish, Lin Qing also has a water polo with a radius of two feet in Lin Qing's hands at this time. The spirit fish that is less than one foot are constantly swimming in the condensed water polo, but they can't swim out of the range of the water polo no matter what, and they seem a little anxious .

"Old Ancestor, you are really good at taking water out of thin air." Lin Yuanwu praised at this time.

It's not that Lin Yuanwu said that on purpose, but that Lin Qing's method is really good. It is not difficult for a powerful immortal cultivator to get water out of thin air, but it is not so simple to get the water wrapped in the spirit fish so accurately , This is also related to Lin Qing's current kung fu, good water magical kung fu has certain advantages in water.

Even fighting on this water, Lin Qing's strength will increase by [-] to [-] percent out of thin air.


In order to catch the spirit fish, the flying boat stopped temporarily. Unexpectedly, there was a fishing boat passing under the flying boat at this time. A young fisherman stood on it, probably alone. He felt lonely in this vast Balian Lake, so he shouted The chant caught the attention of Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu for a while.

Looking at this young fisherman, with his dark arms and strong muscles, and his appearance as a fisherman, Lin Qing felt that he matched the Balian Lake quite well.

Thinking of something, Lin Qing threw the spirit fish in his hand into his cabin before restarting the flying boat.

The young fisherman was overjoyed when he saw a fish suddenly appeared on the boat, and thought it was the unwilling fish that jumped out of the water by itself and accidentally landed on his boat.Then he caught it quickly, but he was a little curious. This fish was not the species he had caught before, and it was too lively. When his eyes moved, he seemed to think of something, and his face showed a look of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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