I have made the Cultivation Clan by myself

Chapter 275 Treasure Talisman!

Chapter 275 Treasure Talisman!


As soon as Lin Qing finished speaking, the five people stared wide-eyed. They didn't expect Lin Qing to say such a thing.

And Lin Qing glanced at Lin Yuanwu, and the two of them were about to leave, but before leaving, Lin Qing kindly said: "I've heard it before, it seems that you have some treasure that the Yan family knows, that's why If you want to kill them all, let me tell you, this matter needs to be carefully weighed, treasures and people are more important, you have to know for yourself."

Speaking of which, Lin Qing got the Wu family's books at the beginning, but they were also unowned things. The affection in my heart helped me so much.Of course, there is also Zijinchan's reason, and his doing so can be regarded as a repayment to the Wu family.

After Lin Qing kindly finished speaking, the faces of the five people showed indescribable expressions, and one of them even said in a mournful tone: "Senior, how can we not know what you said, if there is a treasure, we will soon I just took it out, even if I don’t give it to the Yan family, I can seek protection from other forces, and I don’t have to worry about it for so many years. But we really don’t know what treasures our Wu family can have, and we are also very depressed, so what does the Yan family want? Treasure, if we catch our Wu family, we will be killed if we can’t ask, so what can we do.”

"That's strange."

Lin Qing was also a little strange, if there were to be treasures coveted by the Yan family, this would certainly not be the case for the Wu family.

The person said again: "Don't talk about treasures. Our Wu family's collection of various exercises in the past has been lost. Now we can't even compare with a small family. What treasures can we have?"

Hearing this, Lin Yuanwu glanced at Lin Qing, and Lin Qing understood what he meant.

However, Lin Qing didn't want to reveal his identity, and he didn't intend to return the collection of books he got at the beginning to these Wu family juniors. After thinking about it, Lin Qing finally softened his heart.

Throwing out a small storage, Lin Qing said: "I have a relationship with the Wu family, so I will give this to you. I hope you can take care of yourself in the future. If you want me to say, since it is not safe to hide in Wei, you should just hide away." As for the treasures, I think it’s been so long, no one is sure, maybe your Wu family had treasures at the beginning, but maybe they’ve been lost after so many years, so don’t worry about it anymore.”

Seeing that the powerful Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu did not intend to avenge them, the five of them were a little disappointed, but one of them opened the storage bag Lin Qing gave, and his eyes lit up.

"Thank you senior, thank you senior."

This person quickly felt grateful, and the others felt strange, so they all took a look and were immediately grateful.

Lin Qing smiled and didn't care. As for the storage bag containing a thousand spirit stones and a foundation building pill, this is already an extremely rich reward to the Wu family.

"Thank you senior, wait a moment, senior, the few of us picked a lot of spiritual coral today, one of which is of very good quality, we know that senior doesn't like it, so we should treat it as a tribute to senior, and hope senior will accept it." One person said.

Hearing this, Lin Qing nodded.

Seeing that Lin Qing agreed, this person immediately took out things from the storage bag in a hurry. In order to avoid Lin Qingduo, he even poured out all the contents of the storage bag, and immediately took out a spiritual coral from it and handed it respectfully. Give it to Lin Qing.

Lin Qing took it and saw that it was really good, so he took it and handed it to Lin Yuanwu, who took a closer look and accepted it.

Looking casually at it again, Lin Qing sighed inwardly that the things poured out of this person's storage bag were all worthless miscellaneous things. It seems that the Wu family is really not doing well.

But Lin Qing's eyes suddenly moved, and he took a talisman-shaped thing in his hand out of thin air.

The man said strangely: "Senior, that is just an ordinary talisman. It was left to me by my elders. It is no longer usable today. It is just a souvenir. I don't know what the senior wants for it."

Lin Qing held it in his hand without any expression, but said: "It looks a little strange, I am also very interested in the talisman, and I want to study it."

"So that's how it is. Senior, I still have quite a few here. Senior wants to go ahead and get it." This person is extremely righteous.

But Lin Qing didn't take it again, and flew away with Lin Yuanwu with only this talisman.


On the surface of a remote lake in Balian Lake, an astonishing shock burst out from the breakthrough, and then the lake water gushed out, reaching a height of tens of feet.

This is why Lin Qing used it at the bottom of the lake, otherwise the movement would be even greater.

As for the reason for the movement, it was the unknown talisman that Lin Qing had just obtained from the storage bag of the monk of the Wu family. Of course, to be precise, it should be a treasure talisman.

At that time, what moved Lin Qing's eyes was that in the monk's storage bag, there was an item very similar to the legendary talisman.The Wu family may not be able to see it, but Lin Qing felt a little strange, so he got it first and planned to try it out.

At this time, the experiment proved his idea. This is the true talisman, and it is extremely powerful. It is even more extraordinary that he can use this talisman with his perfect cultivation of Zifu. power.This thing, in Lin Qing's mind, might be the treasure that the Yan family was looking for so hard.

Speaking of talisman treasures, Jindan monks divided part of their magic power into talismans and refined them to form something extremely powerful.Each talisman can carry at least one-tenth of the power of the original Jindan cultivator's magic weapon, and can carry up to [-]% of it.

Don't think that this is too little, every magic weapon in the Golden Core stage has overwhelming power, even if it is one-tenth, that is amazing.With this one-tenth of the power, it is already worthy of the third-order top-level magic weapon, and if the high-level talisman carries [-]% of the power, it goes without saying that it is invincible in the Zifu period. Even powerful talismans are capable of rivaling golden pills.Of course, the use of talisman requires a lot of spiritual force to activate. Generally speaking, only the Zifu stage can be activated, and the foundation stage is powerless.

However, it usually takes several years to make talisman treasures. The more powerful it is, the longer it will take, and it will also damage the magic weapon to a certain extent. Therefore, there are not many talisman treasures in the world of cultivating immortals. One of them is the background of some cultivating sects.

The talisman obtained by Lin Qing, after his experiment, was really powerful. He guessed in his heart that this talisman was probably the most advanced one, carrying three tenths of the power of the original magic weapon.

Looking at this talisman that was similar to a talisman but completely different, Lin Qing tried it again.

The one-foot-long talisman was infused with Lin Qing's spiritual power again, emitting a blue gleam, and after a while, it formed a crystal-clear gourd in the air, and then Lin Qing stretched out his finger, and the gourd emitted a blue-white light , Then the gloomy light went deep into the lake, and then the lake couldn't bear it, and burst again.

(End of this chapter)

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