Chapter 276

Even though Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu were a hundred feet away, they were overwhelmed by this power and retreated a few feet.

"Congratulations to the ancestor for getting the treasure." Lin Yuanwu congratulated Lin Qing.

Lin Qing nodded, and put the talisman away. After some experiments, the talisman returned to its dull appearance.But in Lin Qing's estimation, this talisman can be used at least ten times.

For him, this is of course a powerful method, even if he advances to the Golden Core in the future, it can also be left to the younger generation.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing's heart skipped a beat, and thinking of the Five Nations Conference he was going to attend next, he looked at Lin Yuanwu.

Lin Qing took out the talisman that had just been put away, and said to Lin Yuanwu:

"Yuanwu, try using it too."

"Old Ancestor, I"

Lin Yuanwu didn't react for a while, and didn't understand what Lin Qing meant.

Lin Qing said with a smile: "I'm afraid there are a lot of dangers in this five-nation conference, so you should try to use it. If there is an accident, I can't use it for the ancestor, so you can use it. Let's practice it now." .”

"Yuanwu knows, thank you, ancestor." Lin Yuanwu was so happy that he took the talisman and began to use it.

Like Lin Qing, he put the talisman in front of him and began to pour spiritual power into it. Lin Qing paid close attention to it, but to the surprise of both Lin Yuanwu and Lin Qing, the talisman remained silent, no matter how Lin Yuanwu poured it, There was no response at all, just like a piece of torn paper.

Lin Yuanwu's forehead was already sweating faintly, and he really didn't know why it happened.


Lin Qing suddenly thought of something, took a breath, and interrupted Lin Yuanwu.

"Old Ancestor, what's going on?" Lin Yuanwu who stopped couldn't wait to ask Lin Qing.

Lin Qing stared at Fu Bao at the moment, with a thoughtful expression in his eyes, he thought of something at once, and then smiled and said: "I understand, Yuanwu, it's not your reason."

Lin Qing took the talisman and said: "Not only is this talisman powerful, but it also has certain restrictions on its use. I think it was made by the real Shanshui back then. It cannot be used without practicing the Shanshui magical skill. Old Ancestor, I happen to be practicing this technique, so I can use it."

"I see. It seems that this thing can only be used by the ancestor alone." Lin Yuanwu nodded.

Putting the talisman away, Lin Qing took Lin Yuanwu away. On the way, he also wanted to understand the reason why the talisman had been well preserved for so many years.Some people in the Wu family may have been curious about it, but such restrictions made it even more impossible for them to use it.

Thinking of the Yan family chasing and killing the Wu family so hard to get this thing, Lin Qing couldn't help laughing, even if the Yan family got it in the end and found that it was useless, wouldn't it be a sadder thing.Fortunately, with him here, the Yan family wouldn't have to go through this great joy and sorrow.

As for why the Wu family has such treasures, Lin Qing also has a rough guess.

Back then, the Zhao Zong of Master Shanshui had a vast area, and today's Yan State covers a lot. It is not difficult to imagine that this talisman has been handed down and it will fall into the hands of the Wu family of Yan State.

Although it took a lot of time to fly over the Balian Lake, Lin Qing was very happy.

After getting this talisman, it is also a great opportunity for him.Thinking that this is the talisman left by the real Shanshui who had perfect golden elixir back then, Lin Qing is more confident about the Five Kingdoms Conference. After all, the golden elixir of Chu and Dali is only in the early stage. With this thing, let alone victory , Self-preservation should be safe.

With high interest, Lin Qing flew extremely fast, and soon came to Xiuxianfang City outside Balian Lake, and landed.

The same hidden cultivation base, the same Lin Qing established the foundation, and Lin Yuanwu practiced Qi. The two walked into this Xiuxianfang City named Balianfang. Needless to say, the name came from Balian Lake.

Entering the square city, the first thing that bears the brunt is the shops selling spiritual corals.

Thinking of the spiritual coral that he got just now, Lin Yuanwu walked to a larger shop after getting Lin Qing's consent, and took out the spiritual coral for him to appraise.Unexpectedly, although this spiritual coral could not reach the level of the coral king, it was still very good, worth about a hundred spirit stones.

Appraisal of this item was done on a whim, and Lin Yuanwu had no intention of selling it. Although the people in that shop really wanted to buy it, seeing Lin Qing by his side, he dared not say anything more.

In addition to the spiritual coral shop, there are the most spiritual fish shops. As for the talisman and magic tools, there are some shops that are common in the world of cultivating immortals, but there are not many.

The square market is not big, Lin Qing finished shopping quickly, let alone chance, even if he could catch his eye, there was no one, but Lin Qing was not disappointed, Balianfang was just a small square city, and it was estimated that it was one of the eight towns. The Xiuxian family in Lianhu jointly opened it, which is not a big workshop.

But Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu did not leave in a hurry after shopping. It was late at this time, and there are several special spirit fish restaurants in this square city. Naturally, they came here to do as the Romans do, and taste the unique spirit fish in Balian Lake. The taste of the fish.

Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu entered one of the largest restaurants. Lin Qing's cultivation during the foundation period was considered top in this small workshop, and the hospitality was extremely warm upon entering.

"Senior, all the spirit fish in our family are killed and sold on the spot, freshness is guaranteed, and through our secret formula, not only will the eloquence be delicious after eating, but it will also be beneficial to cultivation. Of course, it is nothing to seniors, but It’s a great thing for juniors.” The host was a monk in the late stage of Qi training, and it was the same as the few places Lin Qing had been to before. Regarding the food for the cultivators, the introduction will always have the words of increasing the cultivation base, which is also true. It is universal.

Of course, this is not wrong. Eating too many of these spirit fish can increase your cultivation, but the key point is that the price is expensive, and it is far less cost-effective than taking pills. There are not many monks who rely on this to increase their cultivation. See.

Lin Qing smiled after hearing this, and didn't say much except that it was a little strange to be an entertainer for this late-stage Qi training monk.He casually ordered a few spirit fishes, among which the swordfish unique to Balian Lake was the most expensive, worth twelve spirit stones.

Then when the spirit fish came up, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu looked at each other, and then both smiled.

What they didn't expect was that they had seen this swordfish before. It was the spirit fish that Lin Qing grabbed and threw to the fisherman. Now he knew the name, but this swordfish was far inferior to Lin Qing. The one I grabbed casually was big, only half a foot long.

Seeing Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu laughing, the entertainer thought that Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu were too expensive, so he said immediately: "Senior, this fish is extremely precious even in our Balian Lake, and it is not often encountered, and every three It takes a year to grow an inch, like this half-foot-long fish, which has been grown for at least 15 years, and the rich spiritual energy in it is definitely worth the price."

(End of this chapter)

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