Chapter 277 Ten Taels of Gold

Lin Qing knew that the entertainer had misunderstood what he meant, but he didn't explain it. After he finished speaking, he nodded and let him go.

Afterwards, when Lin Yuanwu and Lin Yuanwu ate this saury, Lin Qing's eyes lit up, the aura in it was really good, and it was indeed worth the extra money.

When Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu both nodded and smiled slightly after eating, the monk who was secretly watching the scene was relieved. He was really afraid that Lin Qing, the "Senior Foundation Establishment", would be dissatisfied with this. After all, what he didn't tell Lin Qing was that the best fish is only when it grows to the length of a foot, which is also the origin of the name of the fish, but the length of the foot is rare, and the value is several times higher.

After eating, he took out the Lingshi to settle the bill. After the monk sent Lin Qing and the two out of the door, he immediately returned to Lin Qing's table.

Then he actually took the remaining chi knife fish soup to a hidden place, and drank it all without hesitation.After drinking, the monk who served showed a satisfied expression, and even thought in his heart that this fish soup for free is very fragrant, and there is a lot of spiritual energy in it, and he will be able to go further in a short time.And this is why he is willing to be here, as for the saliva left behind, he doesn't care about it.

Lin Qing didn't know this, after leaving the restaurant with Lin Yuanwu, they were going to other places in Wei State.

But before leaving Bayanfang City, he saw a flying boat flying from the sky, in which was a foundation cultivator.The flying boat soon came to the city of Bayanfang. The foundation-building monk on the flying boat took a look at Lin Qing. He was a little curious about Lin Qing, a strange foundation-building monk, but he didn't care too much. Go to a building in Fang City.

Lin Qing knew about this building, but it was built by several cultivating families in Balian Lake in Balianfang, and was used to sell some precious spirit fish by means of auction.

Before this building existed, the spirit fish caught by the Immortal Cultivation family in the lake would be sold directly in Bayanfang. Although the income was high, they became dissatisfied after a long time, and then a few older Cultivation Clans joined forces. , formulated an auction rule, but for all the precious spirit fish in the lake, they will hold a small auction, and the one with the highest price will win.Not only does it make the spirit fish of Balian Lake more precious, but it also increases income.

After formulating this rule, not only the restaurants in Baylianfang will participate, but also other fangshi will come, and they will bid high prices from time to time.

It can be said that relying on water to draw water has been brought to the extreme.

Seeing this Foundation Establishment cultivator walking away with joy on his face at this moment, Lin Qing's heart moved. Could it be that there is some precious spirit fish.

Not in a hurry to leave, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu walked together, wanting to see him.

The building itself is not big, and there are several super-large water tanks inside, but it seems that it has been notified a long time ago that more than ten monks have already been seated inside.And the foundation-building cultivator was constantly taking out spirit fish and putting them into the water tank, and someone around him kept introducing them.

"Fellow daoists, many precious spirit fish were caught in the lake today, that's why we called everyone to come here. Among them is a swordfish caught by ordinary people. It is one foot and a half inches long and is a fine fish. Don't miss it, everyone."

Hearing such an introduction, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu laughed again. Don't think about it, this one-foot-long swordfish is the one they caught and gave to that mortal.

"First of all, the first one, a red scale fish that has been relatively rare in recent years, the starting price is eight spirit stones"

While talking, the auction started. For this novel auction, Lin Qing didn't leave, and sat down with Lin Yuanwu at random, and watched it.

The auction was not long, and all the monks who sat down participated in it more than once, so the auction was completed very quickly.

Among them, the one caught by Lin Qing was auctioned for a high price of 32 spirit stones, which is quite remarkable among all the spirit fish.

However, when the person in charge of the auction saw that Lin Qing hadn't made a move, he felt a little disappointed. He thought that Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu, the two new faces who came today, would surprise her, but he didn't expect that his voice was broken, and he didn't See shot once.

After the auction was over, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu were about to leave. They spent a quarter of an hour watching this small auction, but they were quite interested.

Before leaving, Lin Qing thought of the high price of 32 spirit stones at auction, and asked the foundation builder monk who was about to leave with a feeling: "This fellow Taoist, I don't know if the spirit fish that was bought from a mortal is worth buying?" What's the price?"

Hearing the sudden question from Lin Qing, who was also in the Foundation Establishment stage, the Foundation Establishment cultivator said indifferently: "Daoist friend, you are talking about that chimaera fish. Because of its high quality, it cost ten taels of gold."

Lin Qing nodded, while Lin Yuanwu on the other side couldn't help being a little surprised when he thought of the huge price difference.

Seeing Lin Yuanwu's appearance, the foundation-building cultivator thought of something and added: "Don't think it's too little, ten taels of gold is already a huge number for these mortals, after all, we are kind enough to let them fish in the lake , Buy spirit fish after catching them, but there is no such thing in other places. You don’t know how happy that pockmarked man is when he gets ten taels of gold.”

Lin Yuanwu also nodded at this time and was no longer surprised. For ordinary people, ten taels of gold is already a lot. The important thing is that monks are willing to give it, which is already remarkable.

The foundation-building cultivator was about to leave after finishing speaking, but Lin Qing held him back unexpectedly, and asked with a serious face:
"Fellow Daoist, you mean the pockmarked man?"

Pockmarked Li is a little happy now. In the past 30 years, he has been disliked because of his pockmarked face. Children avoid him when they see him, let alone marry a wife and have children.

Even luck is not very good, relying on the fishing boat left by my parents to fish, it is often empty nine times out of ten, and life is extremely difficult.

but now it's different
In a mortal city next to Balian Lake, he only spent half a tael of gold to hire three kiln sisters.

At this time, a kiln sister couldn't stop praising: "Your guest is really extraordinary. Not only is he generous, but his appearance is also different from ordinary people. Let's not hide it from the guests. I like real men like guests."

Although the kiln sister felt a little disgusted when she saw the pockmarked face, she didn't care about it when she thought of gold, and she praised it even more.

And Mazi Li is at the pinnacle of his life at this moment, not only the words of praise are unprecedented, but it makes him feel like he has eaten honey, and it is the movements of his body at this time that make him breathe in and tremble from time to time, his whole body is numb, and he can hardly control himself.

Flying in the air, he even thought of getting this easy-to-get gold.

It was also all together, he was worried because there was no fish in the lake, and he happened to meet the boy from the Wang family who was his neighbor.After chatting casually, he found that the boy from the Wang family, who was originally extremely simple, avoided seeing him and couldn't speak well, which made him a little suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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