Chapter 278 Ten Taels of Gold

Then, under his persistent questioning, he found out that this kid was lucky enough to catch a spirit fish, and he jumped into the boat by himself.

Thinking of himself who had achieved nothing, he couldn't help feeling envious. Afterwards, under his stalking, the boy from the Wang family showed him the spirit fish placed in the cabin. Surprised, the Wang family boy didn't understand the short fishing time, but he knew that this was a swordfish, which was already precious, and it would be even more remarkable if it could grow to a foot long.

For a moment, evil thoughts rose in his mind.

After that, it was easy, taking advantage of the boy from the Wang family not paying attention, he was stunned with a paddle at once, and then even the people and the boat sank into the water.

As for the spirit fish, he put it on his own boat long before the boat was scuttled.

Thinking of the mighty Balian Lake, he didn't feel afraid at that time. Balian Lake looked calm, but sometimes it was rough. It was no big deal for a few people to die. Who would find him? Unusual.

Then, as expected, when he took the swordfish to find a place to buy spirit fish in the lake, no one asked carefully, they just kept praising him for his good luck and gave him ten taels of gold.

Now that he has these twelve taels of gold, it has made him cool for a while.

"Soon, soon"

He gasped and said at this moment, and couldn't help but provoke sister Yao to curse inwardly, how long it's only been, don't clamor to refund the money then.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, which made him shiver in fright. He was about to yell when he was startled for a moment, but there were two people glaring at him standing outside the wide open door. He didn't know why. A cold sweat broke out.

"It's here, it's here."

Mazi Li pointed to a calm water surface and said, with Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu behind him.

After hearing that the monk who established the foundation said that it was a spirit fish caught by a mortal with a pockmarked face, Lin Qing was extremely surprised. Although the man he gave the spirit fish was dark, he had no pockmarks. Could it be that there was another mortal by chance? This saury was caught, but this kind of saury is not common, so Lin Qing asked one more question, knowing that it was indeed a pockmark.

Then he found this pockmarked Li, who was also a softie. After knowing that Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu were both immortal cultivators, he told them everything.

Looking at the place where Mazi Li's ship sank at this moment, Lin Qing flashed a chill.

"Old Ancestor, I'll go down and have a look." Lin Yuanwu said.

Lin Qing nodded.

Lin Yuanwu opened a water-proof cover on his body, and then went straight into the water, and after a while, he floated up with the boy from the Wang family who was at the bottom of the water.

Seeing that it was the swarthy man who was completely out of breath now, thinking of that loud and distant chant, Lin Qing felt heavy in his heart. He never thought that just his own casual action would bring him such a great disaster.

If it wasn't for him, maybe this dark man would still be chanting, walking happily in Balian Lake to fish.

If he hadn't happened to know that this pockmarked man who killed people and fished him would still be living happily.

Just as Lin Qing was about to get rid of the pockmarked Li and avenge the unknown man, Lin Yuanwu said with some surprise, "Old Ancestor, this man doesn't seem to be dead."


Lin Qing was shocked, how could it be so long.

But after a closer look, as expected, his body was still a little bit warm. Lin Qing quickly took out the elixir, which was considered precious to a cultivator, and fed it to him. After a while, he slowly regained his breath.

It is also a good fate for this boy from the Wang family. He was knocked unconscious by Mazi Li on the boat. Lin Yuanwu came to his rescue.

Not long after, the Wang family boy woke up.

Seeing him recovering his spirit slowly, Lin Qing heaved a sigh of relief when he thought that he would be the man shouting slogans again in the future. To be honest, if he let this man die because of his careless actions, he would be extremely embarrassed in his heart.

The pockmarked Li on the side didn't know this. He saw a dead person come back to life. He was frightened for a moment and fainted.

"Who are you?" The boy from the Wang family asked strangely when he saw Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu, and then saw Mazi Li, with an angry look on his face, obviously he didn't know nothing.

Afterwards, Lin Qing told the story to the boy of the Wang family. He was grateful to Lin Qing, and wished he could eat the pockmarked Li alive on the spot.

Seeing this, Lin Qing gave the boy of the Wang family some gold, and even handed over Pocky Li to him for disposal.

Then Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu left here.

"Old Ancestor, what do you think that person will do with that pockmark?" Lin Yuanwu was a little curious.

Lin Qing drove the flying boat forward, he didn't care how to deal with it, he was only thinking about his previous actions.Lin Qing couldn't help but think a lot about how he ended up like this despite giving others a chance.

The flying boat passed the Balian Lake again, and the lake water was rippling, and Lin Qing flew extremely fast.

On the distant lake behind, there was a sudden sound of falling water, and there was a splash, and then there was no movement.

Balian Lake is still the same color of sky and water, so beautiful scenery.

Next, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu took a tour of several Dafang cities in Wei State, but there were no chances, but they saw many things they had never seen before, and gained some knowledge.

A week later, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu left Wei State and came to the territory of Chu State.

Because it is closer to Zhongyun Prefecture, that is, the center of Yunzhou, Chu State is three points more prosperous than Wei State, and its spiritual energy is also more abundant. There are many second-order spiritual veins, and there are many third-level spiritual veins. There is also a fourth-order spiritual vein. , but much worse than Dali.

But even so, the strength of the world of cultivating immortals in Chu State is also terrifyingly powerful. Not only do they have fake alchemy cultivators, but there are more than [-] cultivators in Zifu alone, according to statistics, and more than a thousand cultivators in the foundation building. There are only five sects, and there are countless Xiuxian families, which are distributed in the vast area of ​​Chu State.

There are a huge number of Xiuxianfang cities of all kinds, whether they are opened by sects or casual cultivators, the scale is not small.

In some cities, it is not uncommon to see cultivators from the Zifu, and the cultivators who established the foundation here can only be regarded as ordinary.

Therefore, Lin Qing and Lin Yuanwu concealed their own cultivation bases as Complete Foundation Establishment and Early Foundation Establishment respectively. Apart from being respected, they didn't attract much attention, and they could avoid many unnecessary troubles.

As soon as he entered the state of Chu, Lin Qing felt the prosperity of the world of cultivating immortals here, and he could see monks flying with imperial weapons from time to time.What surprised Lin Qing even more was that here, flying is not only above the foundation building stage, but also in the late stage of Qi training.

"Old Ancestor, I really don't know if I don't see it, this Chu country can fly with a magic weapon during the Qi training period." Lin Yuanwu was also very surprised.

Lin Qing nodded. After being surprised at the beginning, Lin Qing also wanted to understand the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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